GO 21.1 - 22.6 Flashcards
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is a Department within the California State _________ Agency (GO 21.1, 1, 1a)
The Department is under the control of a civil executive officer known as the _________ of the CHP. The Commissioner is appointed by the Governor, with advice and consent of the Senate, to serve under the direction of the Governor (Section 2107 CVC). The powers and duties of the Commissioner are detailed within Section 2108 CVC. (GO 21.1, 1, 1b)
The Commissioner is assisted by a Deputy Commissioner, who provides oversight of the daily ________of the Department. (GO 21.1, 1, 1c)
Reporting to the Deputy Commissioner are _____ Assistant Commissioners who are appointed by the Commissioner with the approval of the Governor (Section 2110 CVC). (GO 21.1, 1, 1d)
Executive offices support the Office of the Commissioner and report to a member of Executive Management. Executive offices are considered _______. (GO 21.1, 2b1)
Headquarters and field Divisions are commands, led by a _____, which have subordinate commands and functions, and report to the Deputy Commissioner or an Assistant Commissioner (GO 21.1, 2, 2)
Sections exist as a subordinate function within a _______ and have a defined area of responsibility. Sections are led by a uniformed or nonuniformed manager and may or may not be classified as a command. (GO 21.1, 2, 3)
______ normally exist as a subordinate function within a section; however, they may exist within a Division. Units may be led by a manager or supervisor, but are not considered a command within the CHP organizational structure (GO 21.1, 2, 4)
Areas exist as a subordinate command to a field Division and are led by a captain or a ________. (GO 21.1, 2, 5)
An Area command with 50 or more officers should be commanded by a ______. (GO 21.1, 3, 1)
An Area command with 30 or fewer officers should be commanded by a __________. (GO 21.1, 3, 2)
An Area command with a communications center should be commanded by a _____. (GO 21.1, 3, 3)
Departmental personnel charged with making death or injury notifications shall take care to exercise good judgment. Whenever possible, death notifications shall be made in ________. (GO 21.4, 1, 1a)
Injury notifications may be made in person or by________, commensurate with the nature and sensitivity of the injury and incident. (GO 21.4, 1, 1a)
When CHP personnel make a notification, the appropriate coroner’s office shall be ________ as soon as practicable of the time, date, and name of the person notified. (GO 21.4, 2, b)
The ___________ _______ is a listing of all departmental commands (refer to GO 11.3, Location Codes) and contains location names and addresses (mailing and, if appropriate, business), commander’s name, and, in a few specialized cases, key contacts, and respective telephone and fax numbers. (GO 21.7, 1, 2a)
The Organizational Roster shall be made available to all departmental employees in _________ format only. The electronic version of the Organizational Roster is available as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file through the CHP Intranet website. This electronic version is a “read” only file. (GO 21.7, 3, 5a)
Each Resident Post is a location within the jurisdiction of its “parent” Area
command. Each Resident Post is remote from its Area command office, and it
services nearby area and line beats for which the Area command is responsible.
Sergeants and officers are assigned to Resident Posts according to ___________
needs and responsibilities. (GO 22.3, 1, 2a)
The California Highway Patrol maintains 33 Resident Posts throughout the state. The Death Valley and Mountain Pass Resident Posts provide state-owned housing as a condition of employment. State-owned housing is provided at these Resident Posts due to their remote location and the need for emergency response ___ hours a day. Only a limited number of state-owned housing is available at these Resident Posts, and assignment to available state-owned housing will be determined by the Area commander. Employees who reside at the Resident Posts are subject to on call status.(GO 22.4, 1, 2)
The Mission of the CHP is to provide the highest level of Safety, Service, and
Security. This is accomplished through four departmental goals. (1) Protect life and property. (2) Enhance public trust through superior service. (3) _____ ____ ______ ______. (4) Anticipate public safety and law enforcement trends and provide assistance to allied agencies. (GO 22.6, 1, 2b1-4)
Assignment to a Resident Post will normally be made from _________ within the
Area command having jurisdiction over the location. (GO 22.3, 1, 4a)
Strategic planning is a process integrating leadership of the Department with a hierarchical process for meeting the needs of the public and managing departmental resources. This process is directed toward making management of the Department proactive instead of reactive. Strategic planning should consider long-range operational goals and objectives. However, the primary focus is for _____ years into the future with annual updates, if necessary. (GO 22.6, 2, 3a)
A ______ ____ consists of the following elements: (1) Departmental office/Division/Area/section goals. (2) Objectives to achieve those goals.
(3) Performance metrics to measure the progress of each goal. (GO 22.6, 3, 4a1-3)
Area and section goals are those developed by Area and section commands to address specific issues not addressed by the _________ or _______ goals. Areas and sections are not required to include individual command goals in their plan if the statewide goals and Division goals adequately address Area and section issues and concerns. (GO 22.6, 3, 4d)
Every _____ years a reevaluation of the Strategic Plan will be conducted to determine its relevancy in the current law enforcement climate. (GO 22.6, 5, 7a)
The Department’s Strategic Plan is considered a _______ document. This means the goals and associated performance measures are constantly changing. (GO 22.6, 6, 8)
The _________ environment includes those physical, economic, demographic, political, and social factors outside the Department’s direct sphere of influence that still may affect its future and influence its direction. Identification of the issues and opportunities these factors present will assist the command, and ultimately the Department, to focus its operations on realistic solutions. (GO 22.6, 7, b)