GO100.61-100.69 Flashcards
Sworn employees who operate MVARS equipment, and those who immediately supervise or manage such employees, shall review this policy on __________ basis. The review of this policy shall be documented on each employee’s training record. (3)
an annual
The MVARS ___________ powered on and ready to record at all times when the vehicle’s engine is running. This includes such times when the vehicle is not being driven in an enforcement capacity. (4) GO100.61
shall be
Mandatory Activation. The MVARS RECORD function shall be activated during the following enforcement actions and activities:
(1) Enforcement contacts (including pedestrians).
(2) Pursuits.
(3) Emergency responses “Code 3.”
GO 100.61 2
(4) Vehicle searches and inventories.
(5) Assisting disabled motorists.
(6) Confrontational interactions with members of the public (whether primary
or assisting officer), to include civil disturbances, crimes in progress, or other
situations in which the employee anticipates encountering a disturbance or
uncooperative person(s).
(7) ____________________
(4)(a) GO100.61
Pat down frisks or searches
Optional Activation. Sworn employees may manually activate a recording
under the following conditions:
(1) ___________________________________________________________
(2) Contacts or other events for which the recording could be used as evidence to limit liability or resolve potential civilians’ complaints.
(3) Other incidents which have the potential to be used as evidence in any civil or criminal proceedings.
(4) To capture disaster and emergency occurrences (e.g., flood, earthquake, explosion).
(5) When conducting traffic crash investigations.
4(b) GO100.61
Pre-enforcement stop observations (e.g., pacing speed violators, observation, and/or commentary of suspected driving under the influence violators).
Restricted Activation - Employees _________ record conversations or interactions with other
employees while not in an enforcement capacity (e.g., during breaks, while
discussing administrative matters, tactical information, or when not otherwise
engaged with members of the public) 4(c )(1) GO100.61
shall not
Allied Agency Incidents - When not directly involved, sworn employees shall not use MVARS equipment to record other law enforcement agency actions without the expressed permission of the ______________________________________________. (4)(c )(2) GO100.61
California Highway Patrol (CHP) shift supervisor
When recording an enforcement contact that leads to a physical arrest, employees may __________ the recording while transporting the subject to a booking or detention facility. If an arrestee becomes combative or uncooperative during transport, recording ________ be resumed if it can be done so safely. 4(f) GO100.61
discontinue, should
The MVARS shall remain powered on at all times an equipped vehicle’s engine is on. This applies whether or not the vehicle is being driven in an enforcement capacity and whether or not the vehicle’s operator is a sworn or nonsworn employee. When a vehicle is not operated for enforcement purposes, the pre-shift check is not required, and a disk will not be created and booked into evidence unless an event is generated. 7(d) GO100.61
In circumstances where there is a need to view buffer time between recorded events in the video review or to burn the loop contents, ___________________ approval must be acquired. 7(e ) GO100.61
the Office of the Commissioner
A supervisor/OIC notification through ____________ is required when a previously functional MVARS unit becomes inoperative anytime during an officer’s shift. This would include only those malfunctions that cannot be easily resolved by the officer in the field. Sworn employees shall attempt to resolve minor operational malfunctions in the field prior to making notification. 7(h)(2) GO100.61
A malfunctioning MVARS unit does not cause a patrol vehicle to be placed out of service. (7)(h)(5) TRUE / FALSE GO100.61
When any sworn employee uses a patrol vehicle not equipped with MVARS, or in the event a sworn employee does not turn in a DVD due to an MVARS malfunction, the officer _______ complete and sign the CHP 36D, Mobile In-Car Camera DVD Evidence Log, and a notation shall be made under the “Significant Event” column indicating the reason (e.g., MOTOR, MRE) a disk was not submitted for the assigned shift. This requirement applies to all scheduled officers, including motor officers and officers working enforcement overtime details. (7)(h)(6) GO100.61
. The wireless microphone transmitter does have a functional MUTE button. The MUTE button _______ only be used if confidential information is being discussed (e.g., tactical communications, field training officer/trainee training communications). Upon conclusion of the dissemination of confidential information, the audio recording ______ be resumed without delay. 7(I)(1) GO100.61
shall, shall
Employees shall use discretion when deciding whether or not to advise a person they are being recorded. Employees are encouraged to advise persons they are being recorded if the advisement may gain compliance, deescalate a situation, or assist in the investigation, and does not interfere with the investigation or officer safety. Employees ________ required to cease or initiate recording an event, situation, or circumstance solely at the demand of a civilian, involved party, or suspect. 7(p) GO100.61
are not
All employees requesting copies of MVARS DVD media for review/release purposes, authorized by this GO, shall complete a _______, MVARS DVD Request Form, and submit the form to a supervisor for approval. Personal computer equipment and software programs shall not be utilized when making copies of MVARS DVD media. 9(a) GO100.61
To provide transparency and allow for effective supervision, managers and supervisors are permitted to view MVARS recordings. However, the review process ________ focus on an individual employee absent justification. When reviewing a video, supervisors and managers are reminded to remain focused on the incident in question. Reviews are not intended for the purpose of identifying policy violations when no allegation of misconduct exists. 9(c ) GO100.61
shall not
The following events ________ be reviewed by supervisors, managers, or
other authorized personnel:
(a) Any event requiring the completion of a CHP 268, Risk Management Potential Civil Litigation Report.
(b) Any event requiring an approved release of a recording outside the Department (to include legal requests and formal or informal discovery requests).
(c) For the purpose of proving or disproving specific allegations of misconduct.
(d) For the purpose of identifying and diagnosing MVARS malfunctions by a trained coordinator.
9(c )(2) GO100.61
Supervisors ______ review a minimum of ______ MVARS event recordings in conjunction with an officer’s annual evaluation. A notation shall be made in the comments section of the annual appraisal documenting the review. When documenting video review, supervisors are encouraged to provide positive feedback on evaluation documents for observed professional behavior. 9(c )(4) GO100.61
shall, two
When digital video/audio recorded evidence is used by the Department for the purpose of proving or disproving allegations of misconduct, only recordings relevant to the investigative scope ______ be viewed and retained by investigators. Information relevant to the recordings viewed and seized as evidence by investigators shall be documented as part of the chronological summary of a criminal or administrative investigation. Upon request, employees subject to discipline, as defined by Section 19572 GC, shall be provided a copy of video/audio recordings utilized to support administrative sanctions when being served with a Notice of Adverse Action 9(g) GO100.61
It is the responsibility of supervisors and managers to ensure the following:
a. Sworn personnel follow established policy/procedures for the use and maintenance of MVARS equipment, handling and use of DVDs, copying of MVARS video, and the completion and retention of all required MVARS documentation.
b. Lost, stolen, or damaged MVARS equipment, including components, is reported through channels per HPM 11.2, Materials Management Manual.
c. Repair and replacement of damaged or nonfunctional MVARS equipment is coordinated through RPS.
d. _____________________________________________________
e. Area MVARS coordinators are adequately trained in the operation, maintenance, and proper documentation of MVARS equipment and malfunctions. Additionally, supervisors shall ensure the Area MVARS coordinator is afforded adequate time to perform their duties. 11 GO100.61
All sworn personnel are adequately trained on the proper use of MVARS units.
If the driver’s CLETS or NLETS record indicates their driving privilege is suspended or revoked, and the record indicates that the driver has been notified (refer to DMV Service Orders contained in the CHP 291, Redi-Ref), the appropriate enforcement action shall be taken in accordance with departmental policy contained in Highway Patrol Manual (HPM) 100.68, Traffic Enforcement Policy Manual, Chapter 2, Arrest Policies. Vehicles _____ be impounded in accordance with departmental policy contained in HPM 81.2, Vehicle Procedures Manual, Chapter 2, Storage/Impound and Release Procedures. 2(b) GO 100.62
Suspended / Revoked License: If the driver’s history record indicates that the driver has not been notified, the officer should use sound professional judgement and:
(1) Complete the ______ following the instructions provided on the reverse of the form (see Annex A). The officer should attempt to obtain the signature of the driver on the DL 310; however, refusal to sign this form will not invalidate the notification process. GO 100.62 2
(2) Verbally notify the driver of the suspension order and advise the driver continued operation of a vehicle is unlawful.
(3) Issue the driver a CHP 215, Notice to Appear, for violation of Section 12951(a) CVC and the pink copy of the DL 310 and release the driver, if appropriate; or
(4) Issue the driver a CHP 215 for violation of Section 12500(a) CVC and the pink copy of the DL 310 and release the driver, if appropriate.
2( c) GO 100.62
DL 310
Officers _______ issue a CHP 281, Notice to Correct Violation, or a CHP 214, Written Warning, to a driver with a CLETS record which shows a current suspension or revocation status, regardless of notification or service order. 2(d) GO 100.62
shall not
Officers _______ seize a California driver license, per Section 4460(a) CVC, when a revocation or suspension order has been confirmed through CLETS. Officers ________ seize a driver license issued by any other state or foreign country based on an out-of-state revocation or suspension order confirmed through NLETS. Officers shall not seize identification cards. 2( e) GO 100.62
shall, shall not
The completed white copy of the DL 310 ________ attached to the CHP 215 and turned in at the end of the shift. The canary copy ________ retained with the officer’s green copy of the CHP 215 in accordance with departmental policy contained in HPM 100.9, Enforcement Documents Manual, Chapter 1, CHP 215, Notice to Appear. 2(f) GO 100.62
should be, should be
12951 CVC Procedures: In the event identifying information is insufficient to positively identify the person, the computer may provide a list of up to 15 possible matches. Each DL
number ______ be run through CLETS until the person is identified. 4(b) GO 100.63
12951 CVC Procedures: Upon determining that a driver is in violation of Section 12500 or any Section(s) contained within 14601 through 14601.5 CVC, via a CLETS query or receipt of a
driver history record from DMV, a citation issued for violation of Section 12951(a)
CVC _______ upgraded to the appropriate CVC section utilizing established
complaint procedures. 4(d) GO 100.63
should be
TRUE / FALSE: An interstate, U.S., or state route is not to be combined with another interstate, U.S., or state route to form one highway beat. 3(a)(2) GO 100.64
TRUE / FALSE: A state highway connecting an incorporated city and unincorporated area does not require separate beat numbers. This situation can be identified by using separate subdivisions of the beat description. 3(a)(3) GO 100.64
The DMV DS 427, Notice of Priority Re-examination of Driver/Request for Regular Re-examination of Driver, _______ used to initiate both regular and priority reexaminations of drivers. (2) GO 100.66
shall be
A DMV DS 427 _______ be submitted for a driver whose privilege to operate an MV is suspended, revoked, or canceled; an unlicensed driver; a driver operating a vehicle(s) out-of-class; or a driver operating in violation of the provisions of a restricted DL; etc., and a reason to believe the driver is physically or mentally incapable of safely operating an MV does not exist. 2(b) GO 100.66
shall not
A DMV DS 427 request for a priority reexamination of driver ________ completed for the following reasons:
(1) The driver is cited or arrested for a violation of Sections 21000 through 23336 of the California Vehicle Code (CVC), when operating an MV; and,
(2) The driver, at the time of the violation, exhibits evidence of incapacity, or diminished driving knowledge or skill which the officer reasonably believes makes the driver incapable of safely operating an MV, and the driver presents a clear or potential risk of danger or injury to themself or others, if that person is permitted to resume operation of an MV. (2)(c ) GO 100.66
shall be
As a result of the merger of the California State Police (CSP) and the CHP, the CHP absorbed the former CSP programs and jurisdiction. In response, the CHP created the _______________. 4(c ) GO 100.69
Safety Services Program
TRUE / FALSE: Local law enforcement agencies are expected to continue to provide general law enforcement services on all freeways and on facilities within the freeway rightof-way. 5(a) GO 100.69
Should a local law enforcement agency decline or otherwise be unable to provide general law enforcement coverage on freeways and related facilities, Divisions shall advise ________. 5(c ) GO 100.69
Assistant Commissioner Field