HPM 73.5 UNIFORM Flashcards
There are ______ types of uniforms authorized for wear by uniformed
employees of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). (HPM 73.5, 1-3)
The intent of the formal uniform is to ensure all personnel present
as _______ an appearance as possible at specific types of events, or when there is a need for uniformity in the dress of CHP personnel. (HPM 73.5, 1-4)
When the green jacket is worn as part of the work uniform, it may only
be worn in conjunction with the long-sleeved shirt and tie. The green jacket ________ be worn with the washable work uniform. (HPM 73.5, 1-5)
shall not
The mock turtleneck or dickey ____ be worn under the long-sleeved
shirt without a jacket. (HPM 73.5, 1-5)
The intent of the utility uniform is to provide uniformed employees an alternative uniform to be worn at the direction of the employee’s ______________________ for civil disturbances, natural or man-made disasters, or any circumstance in which duties would expose an employee’s regular work uniform to excessive soiling and damage. The utility uniform is also intended to provide specified personnel, whose regular duties would expose their work uniform to excessive soiling and damage, an alternative uniform while they are engaged in the performance of those duties. (HPM 73.5, 1-5)
Division commander
Employees assigned to designated cold weather Areas may wear the cold weather uniform while performing their regular duties during periods of cold weather, unless directed otherwise by their _________________. (HPM 73.5, 1-9)
All uniformed employees, regardless of rank,_______ possess the felt
campaign hat for their particular rank, complete with a hat/cap piece and appropriate accouterments. (HPM 73.5, 1-9)
The campaign hat shall be worn by uniformed employees under the following conditions: (3) When on the grounds or within the confines of the _____________, all uniformed employees shall wear the approved hat. (HPM 73.5, 1-10)
State Capitol
The _____ pocket flap is reserved solely for the Medal of Valor, Officer of the Year, U.S. flag, U.S. military flag, or other special pin (e.g., Peace Officers’ Memorial), as determined by the Commissioner. (HPM 73.5, 1-10)
No more than _____departmentally authorized pins are allowed to be worn on the right uniform pocket, or green dress jacket, at any time. (HPM 73.5, 1-11)
Accouterments and badges shall be clean, but ____ polished. (HPM 73.5, 2-4)
Uniform/Equipment Maintenance. (3) Metal snaps _____ be polished. (HPM 73.5, 2-4)
While on duty, all uniformed employees, regardless of rank, shall
wear the appropriate uniform and equipment designated for their assignment, except: (1) When attending ___________ where wearing the uniform is impractical or
unauthorized. (HPM 73.5, 2-3)
Personal Grooming. Hair ____________ extend below the top of the uniform shirt collar while sitting or standing in an erect position. (HPM 73.5, 3-3)
shall not
Mustaches shall not extend more than ___ inch beyond the corners of the mouth nor below the vermillion border of the upper lip, or more than 1/4 inch below the corner of the mouth. Waxed ends or points are prohibited. (HPM 73.5,3-4)
All uniformed employees and cadets are prohibited from displaying
any body art, tattoo(s), brand(s),______________, mutilation, or dental ornamentation while on duty or representing the Department in any official capacity. (HPM 73.5, 3-5)
intentional scarring
Employees may wear personally owned soft body armor if such body armor provides the same ballistic protection and torso coverage as the body armor issued to the employee by the Department. Regardless of the type of uniform worn, any part of the body armor carrier which is visible shall be _____________ in color. (HPM 73.5, 4-5)
navy blue
Soft body armor shall be replaced within ___ years from the date of manufacture. The serial numbers, level of vest, lot numbers, and sizes of each panel shall be recorded in the Employee Training Records System. (HPM 73.5, 4-5)
Should a uniformed employee be shot while wearing soft body armor, whether state-issued or privately owned, and the armor receives impact of the shot, the employee _________receive a thorough physical examination by a physician as soon as practical in order to identify any injuries, external or internal. When soft body armor absorbs the impact of a shot, there is a significant shock to the body. (HPM, 4-6)
The wearing of any part of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) uniform while engaged in secondary employment is ___________. (HPM 73.5, 5-3)
When performing patrol duties, employees shall keep the campaign hat readily available within their _____________. (HPM 73.5, 5-4)
patrol vehicle
The felt/straw campaign hat shall be worn with the front of the brim tilted slightly ____________. (HPM 73.5, 5-4)
Uniformed employees shall maintain the felt/straw campaign hat with the appropriate brim cord for their particular rank. (b) Sergeant, lieutenant, and captain: cord to be striped with royal blue and ____________________. Acorns to be royal blue. (HPM 73.5, 5-4)
“Gold CD” metallic mylar
Uniformed employees assigned to flight duty shall wear either the Department-issued aviation helmet or a headset during all _________________. (HPM 73.5, 5-5)
flight operations
The green dress jacket ______ be completely zippered during official functions and should be completely zippered when in public view, except while operating a vehicle. (HPM 73.5, 5-6)
When worn as an outer garment, the blue patrol jacket inner shell shall be complete with shoulder patches, ___________________, and cloth badge, as well as chevron patches for sergeants. (HPM 73.5, 5-7)
embroidered name
One timekeeping device, defined as a pocket watch, wristwatch, or cellular telephone, capable of maintaining accurate time _________ be carried specifically for timekeeping purposes. (HPM 73.5, 5-9)
A pen or pencil shall be carried __________ within the uniform. (HPM 73.5, 5-10)
A three-bar, mid-size chevron shall be worn on each sleeve of the short-sleeve uniform shirt and short-sleeve utility uniform shirt with the uppermost portion of the chevron touching the ___________________ of the shoulder patch. (HPM 73.5, 5-17)
lowermost point
Field Division commanders may authorize the wearing of approved cold weather uniform items by personnel in commands designated as _______________. (HPM 73.5 , 6-3)
Cold Weather Areas
Instructions for wearing the short-sleeve shirt shall be the same as the long-sleeve shirt. When the tie is worn with the short-sleeve shirt, ________________ shall be worn. (HPM 73.5 , 6-3)
an approved uniform jacket
Undergarments shall not extend beyond the ______________. (HPM 73.5 , 6-3)
Shirtsleeve cuffs
The leather motorcycle jacket is to be used only by uniformed employees ________ motorcycle duty. (HPM 73.5 , 6-3)
normally assigned to
The cold weather jumpsuit may be worn by uniformed employees ________________ as designated by the Division commander. When the jumpsuit is worn, the blue patrol jacket or cold weather parka may be worn as an outer garment. (HPM 73.5 , 6-4)
assigned to cold weather Areas
When extraordinary storm or flood conditions exist, Area commanders may authorize the wearing of other garments, as necessary, to protect uniformed employees under the following conditions: (1) Existing uniform requirements shall be adhered to as reasonably as possible during extraordinary conditions (2) Area commanders shall require uniformed employees to return to the approved uniform as soon as reasonably possible following abatement of the extraordinary conditions. (3) ____________________________________________. (HPM 73.5 , 6-4)
Area commanders may authorize tan, brown, or green insulated boots only when black insulated boots are not readily available
The knit cap (beanie) may be worn only in designated cold weather Areas and only with _______________ (HPM 73.5 , 6-4)
the cold weather uniform.
Cold weather caps may be requisitioned and worn in designated cold weather Areas under the following conditions: (1) The cold weather cap shall be worn only during periods of cold weather when authorized by the Area commander. (2) ____________________________________________. (3) Cold weather caps shall be worn in a manner consistent with the campaign hat policy. (HPM 73.5 , 6-4, 6-5)
A hat/cap piece shall be affixed to the cold weather cap visor
Cold weather caps may be worn in Areas not designated as cold weather Areas under the same conditions listed in paragraphs 2.i.(1) through 2.i.(3) of this chapter. However, the cap shall ___________________________(HPM 73.5 , 6-5)
be purchased at the employee’s expense
A scarf may be worn with the blue patrol jacket, leather motorcycle jacket, cold weather parka, or cold weather jumpsuit.
(1) ________________________________________.
(2) The scarf shall not be worn with the green dress jacket.
(3) Scarves shall be navy blue in color and without design. (HPM 73.5 , 6-5)
The ends of the scarf shall be concealed under the outermost garment.
Uniformed employees shall ensure that gloves allow for __________________, emergency vehicle equipment controls, weapons, and officer safety equipment. (HPM 73.5 , 6-5)
the safe operation of a vehicle
The mock dickey may be worn by uniformed personnel in accordance with this manual. The 93 percent cotton and 7 percent Lycra navy blue mock dickey _________________available from the Academy PX, is the only mock dickey authorized for wear while in uniform. (HPM 73.5 , 6-5)
without design or logo
Sand goggles may be requisitioned and worn in Areas _________________exist. (HPM 73.5 , 6-6)
where extreme weather conditions
The call-out jacket is available to members of the Department who have a need to immediately respond to incidents and be recognized as peace officers while _______________. (HPM 73.5 , 6-6)
while in civilian attire
The call-out jacket is approved to be worn by the following personnel:
(a) Uniformed personnel subject to call-out after their normal shift.
(b) Shooting team members or other investigators.
(c) Uniformed personnel who wear plain clothes while on duty.
(d) ______________________________________.
(e) Personnel currently approved to wear the investigator jacket (raid vest), with Division commander approval. (HPM 73.5 , 6-6)
Off-duty uniformed personnel who become involved in emergency incidents
A knife/knife holder may be carried on the duty belt. The holder shall be worn on the belt in the ______ position with the flap opening at the ____. (HPM 73.5 , 6-6)
Vertical // Top
When a secondary weapon is worn on the duty belt while in uniform, the following restrictions shall apply:
(1) Refer to HPM 70.8, Firearms Manual, Chapter 1, Firearms Classification and Registration, for departmental secondary firearm policy.
(2) _______________________________________.
(3) A secondary firearm shall be worn in a location on the duty belt that will not interfere with the retrieval of the primary weapon or other required safety equipment. (HPM 73.5 , 6-11)
All secondary firearm holsters shall be designed for that type of firearm; be a type which conceals the firearm at all times; preclude accidental cocking, discharge, or loss of physical control; and be approved by the Area weapons inspection officer prior to use
The cotton CHP-copyrighted utility baseball cap may be worn only by the following:
(1) Uniformed employees wearing the utility uniform, except while indoors.
(2) Flight crews performing ground duties while outside the aircraft.
(3) Uniformed employees wearing the cold weather jumpsuit.
(4) Uniformed employees wearing rainwear.
(5) _______________________________________). (HPM 73.5 , 6-11)
Motorcycle officers, in conjunction with the work uniform (i.e., tan shirt and breeches), may wear the cotton blue utility (baseball) cap only while engaged in traffic-related duties at a stable scene (e.g., crash, traffic control, etc.).
The cotton blue utility (baseball) cap is not to be worn while _____________; during scheduled breaks; while indoors; or while engaged in enforcement duties, etc. (HPM 73.5 , 6-11)
while eating meals
The following restrictions shall apply while wearing sunglasses or eyeglasses while on duty:
(1) Mirrored-type or multicolored lenses are prohibited.
(2) ________________________________________.
(3) Wearing sunglasses or eyeglasses on top of the head is prohibited.
(4) Eyewear retainers/lanyards are authorized. However, the color of the retaining strings must be brown or black. (HPM 73.5 , 6-12)
The color of frames is restricted to the following nonfluorescent colors: silver, gold, black, brown, gray, or other conservative colors which do not detract from the professional appearance of the uniform.
Brass Buckle Trouser Belt. The wearing of this optional trouser belt is intended for use by uniformed employees in headquarters and field Division assignments where the work uniform is worn without the duty belt. Additionally, Area commanders, at their discretion, may approve the wearing of the optional belt for uniformed employees __________________________________. The primary weapon shall be worn at all times while in uniform and may be worn with an approved holster on the brass buckle trouser belt. The brass buckle trouser belt shall not be worn in conjunction with the duty belt. (HPM 73.5 , 6-12)
performing special duty assignments
External rifle rated body armor (ERRBA) and carriers may be purchased using personal funds and utilized on duty. Uniformed personnel may only wear the ERRBA and carrier when_______________________________ (HPM 73.5 , 6-12)
responding to, or actively involved in, an incident with elevated risk where a greater chance of being engaged by a suspect with a firearm exists (i.e., high risk/felony stops, warrant services, response to active shooters, scene containments for suspects of felonious crimes).
_____________ may grant approval to reputable firms, corporations, groups, or individuals presenting written requests for the wearing of a uniform substantially similar to the official California Highway Patrol (CHP) uniform provided. (HPM 73.5 , 8-3)
The Commissioner
A Uniform and Equipment Inspection shall be conducted annually at every Area command to include commercial vehicle enforcement facilities and headquarters commands. _________ shall specify which type of uniform is to be inspected (formal, work, or utility uniform). (HPM 73.5 , 10-3)
The Division Chief
Uniform Allowance. As determined by the Department, all uniformed employees, regardless of rank, will receive an allowance in accordance with rates described in the current Unit 5 Bargaining Agreement, ______________ or as determined by the Office of the Commissioner. (HPM 73.5 , 12-5)
Memorandum of Understanding
Reimbursement for uniform accessories shall be made to the appropriate uniformed employees during any one fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) as follows:
(1) Officers.
(a) ____ sets of shoulder patches.
(b) ____ sets of service stripes.
(2) Sergeants.
(a) ____ sets of shoulder patches.
(b) ____ sets of service stripes.
(c) ____ sets of cloth chevrons (upon promotion) and four sets of cloth chevrons each fiscal year thereafter.
(3) Lieutenants, Captains, Assistant Chiefs, Chiefs.
(a) Two sets of metal insignia of rank (upon promotion).
(b) ____ sets of shoulder patches.
(c) ____ sets of service stripes.
(4) Cadets. ____ sets of shoulder patches (upon graduation). (HPM 73.5 , 12-5)
Any damaged uniform or equipment item for which a reimbursement claim will be submitted shall be examined by the claimant’s supervisor prior to _______________(HPM 73.5 , 12-7)
being cleaned, repaired, or replaced
In the event a uniformed employee is ordered to military duty exceeding __ days, the commander shall ensure all of the employee’s Department-issued equipment is accounted for and stored securely at their command. (HPM 73.5 , 13-3)