HIV Flashcards
HIV turns into what disease
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Structure of HIV
Contains important enzyme in the centre called reverse transcriptase.
Surrounded by lipid envelope like all viruses.
Contains RNA in centre
HIV Replication
1) Attachment protein binds to helper T-cell
2) HIV protein capsid fuses with the helper T-cell and sends RNA and reverese transcriptase inside the helper t-cell
3)Reverse transcriptase converts viral RNA into DNA
4) Viral DNA enters host cells nucleus
5)Viral DNA is transcribed in viral mRNA
6)Viral mRNA is translated into viral proteins
7) Viral proteins are used to make a new HIV and HIV breaks away from helper T-cell destroying it
Consequences of helper T-cell death
Immune system is unable to activate B-cells, to produce plasma cells to produce antibodies
Decrease in immune system leads to what disease
Dormant T-cells
Sometimes T-cells are dormant for years meaning HIV is not being replicated
This means an infected individual will not develop the symptoms of AIDS straight away
Transmission of HIV
Having unprotected sex with an infected person
Close contact with infected persons blood
Use of infected blood in transfusion
Mother to child (Breast milk)
Treatment of HIV
Antiretroviral drugs which reduce viral load in patient to an undetectable level - cannot pass HIV on
Slow replication of virus by blocking enzyme reverse transcriptase