EXTRA PEDS Flashcards
Lahansngers cell histiocytosis presentation
lytic bone lesions and eczematous rash. maybe central DI, lymphadenopathy and heapatosplenomegaly, and cough
Kids with NF! have increased risk for
seizure, learning disabilities
optic pathway glioma
MOA for bleeding in baby with no vit k at birth
reduced coagulation factor carboxylation
Cardiac abnormalities Abnormal face Thymic aplasia Craniofacial abnormalites(cleft palate) Hypocalcemia, hypoparathyroid chromosome 22
does vaccine strain measles need airborne precautions
no way
potters sequence
pulmonary hypoplasia, flat facies, limb deformities- posterior urethras values
most common ♥️ defect in downs
complete asd
HUS moa
intravascular shearing of RBC,s but platelets will also be low
1 big spot with hair on a baby
congenital melanocytic nexus
multiple blue grey patches
congenital dermal melanocytes
McCune Albright Syndrome
Irregular Café au lait macules
percocious puberty
fibrous dysplasia of bones
what is MOA for hyper bile in biliary atresia
decreased excretion
what fails in chronic granulomatous disease
⬇️ superoxide production
PaO2 methhemoglobenemia
normal pulse ox is low though
anemia of prematurity retic count
what type of hemolysis is drug induced hemolytic anemia
hapten, IgG, abc cause a lot
eye chlamydia tx
ORAL azithromycin
gram stain and culture from lyme joint
synovial fluid lyme arthritic
elevated WBC but like 20,000 doesn’t look septic
most likely complication HSP