Exam 3: Anaerobes Flashcards
What are the 2 anaerobes in the group Neurotoxic Clostridia
- C. tetani
2. C. botulinim
What are the 5 Clostridum spp. of Vet importance?
- C. perfringens (type A-E)
- C. difficile
- C. spiroforme
- C. piliforme
Pathology of the intestine
Absorption of lg. #s of toxins
What are the 4 major toxins produced by Clostridium perfringens
Alpha, Beta, Iota, Epsilon
Which toxin is produced by all strains of Clostridium perfringens?
Where is clostridium perfringens commonly found?
soil, poo, GIT,
Clostridium perfringens __, __, and __, May survive in soil as spores
B, C, D
What are the 3 predisposing factors for Clostridial proliferation in the SI?
- Poor husbandry
- Diet change
- Stress
Dz. caused by Clostridium perfringens that can affect many spp.of animals and results in sudden death, w/o C/S
Necrotizing haemorrhagic enteritis
What are the 6 Enterotoxeaemia Dzs caused by Clostridium perfringens Type B and C?
- Lamb dysentery
- Calf enterotoxaemia
- Pig enterotoxaemia
- Foal enterotoxaemia
- Struck
- Goat enterotoxaemia
What aged lambs are affected with lamb dysentery?
less than 3wks
What aged calves are effected with calf enterotoxaemia?
Well-fed calves less than 1 mo
What aged bigs are affected with pig enterotoxaemia?
What aged foals are affected by foal enterotoxaemia?
Less than 12wks
What aged sheep are affected with struck?
What aged goats are affected with Goat enterotoxaemia
C. perfringens infection in lambs
Lamb dysentery
What C. perfringens strain causes lamb dysentery
Type B
C/S of lamb dysentery
- Abdominal distension and pain
- Bloody poo
- sudden death
What are the 3 factors predisposing sheep to lamb dysentery
- Low proteolytic activity in neonatal intestine
- Immature intestinal microbiota
- Dietary inflluences in older sheep
What are 2 reasons a lamb may have low proteolytic activity in their intestine causing lamb dysentery
- trypsin inhibitors from milk
2. low pancreatic secretion
What is another name for pulpy kidney dz in sheep
overeating dz
What type of C. perfringens causes overeating dz?
C. perfringens type D
What causes pulpy kidney dz in sheep?
gorging on a high grain diet or succulent pasture
What toxin is overproduced in pulpy kidney dz. leading to toxemia
Epsilon toxin
What are the C/S of overeating dz?
- encephalomalacia/ dullness
- Hyperglycemia and glycosuria
- fluid-distended intestine
- pulpy kidney
What are the 4 ways you can dx Pulpy kidney
- C/S
- Staining and micro. exam
- Anaerobic culture
- Toxin detection in GIT
Tx of Pulpy kidney
Hyperimmune serum given early
T/F C. difficile enterocolitis can affect humans
What organs become infected with C. difficile enterocolitis
Caecum and colon
What are the 3 risk factors of C. difficile enterocoitis
- Antibiotic use
2 old age - Hospitalization
T/F. Neonates are resistant and cannot spread C. difficile
F. Resistant, but may ccarry toxigenic strains
T/F. in C. difficile, Endospores are widespread and found in high numbers in tissues
F. Widespread, but low numbers in tissues
What are the 2 toxins produced by C. difficile enterocolitis
- Tox A: D+ mucosal dam.
2. Tox B: cytotoxin
How can C. difficile be transmitted?
Imbalance of microbial homeostasis
C. _____ produces fatal colitis in humans, rodents, horses, pigs. . .
T/F C. difficile can be treated with broad-spectrum abx
F. will kill normal microbial flora and allow C. difficile to rapidly proliferate
What are the two ways to Dx C. difficile?
- Culture
2. Direct toxin detection
What media should be used when culturing c. difficile?
one that allows for germination of spores
Tx. options for C. difficile?
- Fluids
- Probiotics
What abx. can you use to tx C. difficile in horses?
What is a FMT?
Fecal Microbial Transplantation, transfer stool from a healthy donor to infected GIT
What does Clostridium perfreingens type A cause
- Necrotic enteritis
- Necrotizing enterocolitis
- Canine haemorrhaic Gastroenteritis
What does Clostridium perfringens type B causes?
- Lamb dysentery
2. Haemorrhagic enteritis
What does Clostridium perfringens type C cause
- Struck
- Goat enterotoxaemia
- Haemorrhagic enteritis and enterotoxemia
What does Clostridium perfringens type D cause
- Pulp kidney
2. Enterotoxaemia
What does Clostridium perfringens type E causes?
- Haemorrhagic enterits
What does Clostridium difficile cause?
What does Clostridium spiroforme cause?
Enterotoxemia and explosive diarrhea
What spp. are affected with Clostridium spiroforme
What does Clostridium piliforme cause
Tyzzer’s Dz
What causes Enterotoxemia and Explosive Diarrheal dz in rabbits?
Clostridium spiroforme