Exam 2: Borrelia, Brachyspira, and Treponema Flashcards
gram (-), loosely coiled spirochete which commonly cause arthropod borne infections
T/F Boorrelia are rapid growing
F. slow
T/F. Borrelia are microaerophilic
T/F Borrelia have circular chromosomes
F Linear
Which spp. of Borrelia cause lyme dz?
B. burgdorferi
Which spp. of borrelia causes avian septicemic borreliosis
B. anserina
Which spp. of Borrelia causes relapsing fever borrelia and how is it spread?
B. recurrentis, spread by human body louse
which type of tick transmits lyme dz
ixodes scapularis
Which spp can get lyme dz
humans, dogs, horses, cattle, shep
after a tick ingests Lyme infected blood from an animal, spirochetes up regulate expression of _______, which is essential for virulence in mamals
Outer surface protein
What is the main virulence factor of Borrelia
What is the importance of LPS in borrelia spp.
Ability to hide out in L forms, spherplast, cyctic dormant form in the host
where does borrilia burgdorferi LPS transform from Osp C to Osp A
In the midgut of tics
WHere does B. brgdorferi LPS transform from Osp A to Osp C?
in the salivary gland of ticks
What Osp is transferred from ticks to mammals?
Osp C
T/F in the case of canine Lyme disease an antibody titer does not predict illness
List some methods of Dx of Lyme Dz
- direct detection in host tissue
- Culture and isolation
- Serology (SNAP), western blot, ELISA
Tx for lyme dz
doxycycline or minocycline
What are the two types of lyme vaccine?
2. OSPC which kills tick when feeds
Which spp. of Brachyspira causes swine dysentery in growing pigs?
B. hyodysenteriae
WHich spp of Brachyspira causees Intestinal spirochetosis in animals and humans?
B. pilosicoli
Which spps. of brachyspira have a controversial role in disease?
B. intermedia
B. mudochii
B. innocens
B. canis
Anaerobic spirochete agent of swine dysentery
B. hyodysenteriae
Where is B. hyodysenteriae an obligate pathogen?
swine colon (and mice)
T/F B. hyodysenteriae survives well in the environment
F. poorly survives, but will survive in anaerobic environ.
Where in the environment can Bracyspira hyodsenteriae survive?
anaerobic places
What are the virulence factors of Brachyspira hyodesenteriae
- cytotoxin
- Hemolysis
What is the route of transmission of Brachyspira hyodesenteriae
Fecal - oral
Where are lesions from Brachyspira hyodesenteriae found?
Lg intestine only
How can you Dx Brachyspira hyodesenteriae
Direct staining
Anaerobic culture
Histopathology and silver staining
Which spirochete causes syphilis?
Treponema pallidum
T/F. Treponema can not be cultivated in the lab
What is PDD
Papillomatous Digital dermatitis “Hairy heel warts” Treponema infection in cattle, causes lameness
What is the Tx for PDD?
Spraying feet with abx, foraldehyde foot baths,
What is Treponema paraluis- cuniculi?
Rabbit syphilis/ vent dz