Endocrine Disease Flashcards
Hot and sweaty, weight loss, muscle weakness, thyroid storm and nervousness are characteristic of what?
A large thyroid gland resulting from autoimmune agonists causing excessive thyroid receptor activation is called?
Graves disease
*90% of hyperthyroidism is this
What are the two main hyperthyroidism diseases?
1-Graves disease (90%)
2-Plummer’s disease (5-10%)
Low temperature, dry coarse skin, sluggishness, cold intolerance, weight gain, and high TSH are characteristic of what?
*in children cretinism with reduce mental and physical development
What autoimmune disease usually in females has thyroid enlargement and is a hypothyroid condition?
Hashimoto’s disease
*may start as hyperthyroidism followed by permanent hypothyroidism
What is the most common lesion of the thyroid, is usually associated with iodine deficiency?
*large follicles filled with colloid and relatively few cells. Rarely hypothyroidism
What does the Parathyroid regulate?
Free calcium in blood through PTH. Activates osteoclasts and bone resorption, tubular reabsorption, vitamin D and GI absorption to increase serum Ca.
Usually due to parathyroid adenoma, what common disorder is characterized by osteoporosis, constipation, weakness, anorexia, stones, and arrhythmias because of hypercalcemia?
Primary hyperparathyroidism
What hypercalcemia condition is due to intestinal malabsroption of vitamin D or calcium?
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
What rare condition results most often from accidental parathyroid removal and is characterized by hypocalcemia, decreases PTH, tetany, and dental changes in children?
What group of conditions has 4 types defined by location and effect on secreted hormone and are most common in 40-70 year olds?
Pituitary Adenomas
What are the 4 common types of pituitary adenomas?
2-Growth hormone (gigantism)
3-Null cell/unclassified (mass effects)
4-Corticotroph (cushings)
What are 3 consequences of Hypopituitarism?
1-Loss of sex characteristics-sterility
2-Retard growth in children
How does inappropriate ADH secretion from the pituitary effect the body?
Alters kidney function-volume (water) expansion, hyponatremia and hemodilution
What are 5 features of primary acute Adrenal cortical insufficiency?
1-Weakness 2-Nausea 3-Hyponatremia 4-Hypotension 5-Skin pigmentation (get increase of MSH with the ACTH)