ENDOCRINE 5 Flashcards
thyroid adenoma usually what and can be what
papillary carcinoma
solitary nodule
multifocal, cystic, calcified
follicular carcinoma
painless, non function, haem spread to bone lungs liver
medullary carcinoma
derived form c cells - secretes calcitonin
anapaestic carcinoma
history of thyroid cancer elderly px
ix in thyroid cancer
low risk treatment
high risk treatment
TFTs, USS and FNA, TNM staging
low risk <55 and <4cm: lobectomy, TSH suppression
high risk : total thyroidectomy, radioiondine
markers for thyroid cancer
thyroglobulin for undifferentiated
calcitonin for medullary
osteoporosis is a what and what is being treated bone loss caused by what common fractures RF primary secondary
asymp condition. treat risk of fractures
bone loss: sex hormone deficit, genetics, diet, immobility, steroids
NOF, vertebral, distal radium, hymenal neck
RS: age, gener, ethnicity, menopause, BMD, alcohol, weight, smoking, exercise, steroids
age related
thyroid, cushings, coeliac, crohns, anorexia
calculate risk for osteoporosis
other ix
Q fracture risk
-1 to -2.4 osteopenia
under -2.5 osteoporosis
U&Es, FBC, calcium, bone biochemistry, LFTs, coeliac screen, testosterone, TFTs
treatment lifestyle
when should bisphosphates be given
dietary, calcium and vit d supplements
osteopenia and on steroids or hsioty of low energy fracture
bisphosphonates oral
how long treatment given
cal and vit d sup and bisphohnates reduce fracture risk by what
once weekly on empty stomach. upper GI SE
Benusomab 6 months
Teriparatide once daily 2 year course
5-10 y period then 1/2 year break and DEXA
Pagets in who cause symp/signs complications ix treatment
<49 makes. FH
long bones -pelvic, lumbar spins. skull. bone pain and deformity. deafness
osteosarcoma, high output cardiac failure. skull thickening.
incidental finding. lone risk in alk phos. normal LFTs
analgesia. bisphosphonates if still in pain
osteogenesis imperfecta is what genetics assoc with what severe form mild form other symp treatment
brittle bone dx. ADom. blue sclera severe present in childhood w fracture mild might not present till adult life fracture following minor trauma, deafness secondary to osteoclerosis, dental imperfections
fracture fixation, surgery for deformities, bisphosphonates
hypothalamic pit failure 10% of what cause symp ix treatment
ovulatory disease
stress, excessive exercise, anorexia/low BMI, brain/pit tumours, head trauma, drugs, kallmans
decrease FSH/LH, oestrogen defic, normal PRL
stabilise weight, pulsatile GnRH or gonadotrophin daily injection - USS monitering
hypothalamic pit dysfunction aka which what
FHS/LH, PRL, prog test
whats seen in 50-80%
PCOS 80% of anovulatory disease
normla FSH/LH or maybe LH>FSH, PRL may be raised, normal oestrogen level
mostly oligo, amen
insulin resistance