Did the Weimar Republic really recover? Flashcards


Signs of recovery


1) Lack of growth of political extremist parties-due to massive loans brought by an influx of wealth in American, Germans were very satisfied with life between 1924 and 1929 and therefore stuck to moderate political parties. There was no reason to seek out the right-wing extreme. The Social Democrats gained 153 seats in the Reichstag in 1928 compared to the 12 seats of the Nazis.
2) Dawes Plan-the economic loan plan negotiated by Gustav Stresemann led to loans of $800 million from the US Treasury in order to help Germany pay their reparation installments to France and Belgium. This period was known as the ‘roaring twenties’ of economic growth in Germany.
3) Locarno Treaties-a set of treaties signed by Germany and France in 1925 which were brought about to lessen tensions and allow Germany into the League of Nations in 1926.
4) Young Plan-this new economic plan was organized by the USA and was aimed at further reducing overall amount of reparations Germany had to pay to $6.6 billion (giving them 59 years to pay).

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Signs of continued weakness


1) Limited growth of NSDAP and communists-thanks to the system of proportional representation within the Weimar government extremist political parties such as the NSDAP and the KPD which openly advocated for the destruction of the Weimar republic were able to send representatives to the Reichstag.
2) Economic reliance on the USA-through the Dawes Plan (1924) and the Young Plan (1929) Germany’s economic health was highly reliant on the continued growth and prosperity of the USA.
3) Election of President Hindenburg in 1925-his election can be seen as a critical attack on the Weimar Republic itself as he was very critical of their governmental system. He was a highly popular General from WWI and before he took office he telephoned the ex-Kaiser in Holland to ask his right to assume presidency, a clear sign he didn’t no respect the Weimar government’s legitimacy.
4) The Young Plan (1929)-there was a considerable hatred levelled at the Weimar government for the young plan as it agreed Germany should be paying debts back to the allies until 1988-Hitler and others were angry that their potential grandchildren would be paying the debts of their elders.

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