Deck 18 determinare Flashcards
Do not venture outside, until the nature of this crisis has been determined and until we can advise what course of action to take.
Non uscite finché la natura della crisi non sia stata determinata, e fino a quando non potremo consigliare le misure da prendere.
The woman I was falling in love with was Italian, and my mother was determined to prove to the world she was the better cook.
La donna di cui mi stavo innamorando era italiana e mia madre era determinata a dimostrare al mondo che lei era una cuoca migliore.
But I was determined to work out how to do it.
Ma ero determinato a scoprire come farlo.
The government had determined the measures to be taken, but I was determined they would not come into force.
Il governo aveva determinato le misure da adottare, ma io ero determinato che non entrassero in vigore.
I was determined to go for a stroll, even though it was drizzling.
Ero determinato di fare una passeggiata anche se piovigginava.
The judges determined that the drizzle made play impossible on the centre court.
I giudici hanno determinato che la pioggerellina rendeva impossibile il gioco sul campo centrale.
The law was intended to reduce the number of immigrants entering the country.
La legge era determina a diminuire il numero di immigrati che entrano nel paese.
The law was intended to reduce the number of immigrants entering the country.
La legge era determina a diminuire il numero di immigrati che entrano nel paese.