Clin Path Review 3 Flashcards
Macrocytic anemia indicates what type of anemia and why?
Regenerative b/c immature RBCs are a little bigger than mature RBCs
Microcytic anemia indicates what type of anemia?
Iron deficiency
Microcytic anemia is often seen with what condition?
Chronic blood loss
What does polychromasia indicate?
Regenerative anemia d/t blood loss/destruction
Blueish color of young RBCs
What does hypochromasia suggest?
Not enough Hb
Fragmented RBCs are called _____
What causes echinocytes?
E-lyte imbalances, non-specific disease, rattlesnake venom
Seen in blood smear d/t changes in lipid concentrations in RBC membrane
What disease will produce acanthocytes?
Cats w/hepatic lipidosis, dogs w/hemangiosarcoma
What type of anemia produces keratocytes?
Iron deficiency anemia
What cell morphology looks like a manta ray mouth?
What causes schistocyte formation (RBC fragmentation)?
Intravascular trauma (DIC, tumors), or iron deficiency anemia
What does the presence of a spherocyte suggest?
Small RBC that lacks central pallor
Shifting of Hb to one side of the cell
What causes formation of eccentrocytes?
Oxidative damage (ie onions, garlic, etc)
What other blood abnormality is seen in conjunction with eccentrocytes?
Heinz bodies
What causes heinz body anemia?
Oxidative damage
What are extrinsic causes oxidative damage to RBCs in cats?
Acetaminophen, propylene glycol
What illnesses can cause heinz body production in cats?
Lymphoma, hyperT, diabetes
What drugs can cause heinz body anemia in dogs?
Ingestion of this metal can cause heinz body anemia in dogs and cats
What plant causes heinz body anemia in horses?
Wilted red maple leaves
What drug causes heinz body anemia in horses?
What foods cause heinz body anemia in cattle?
Kale, onions
What metal causes heinz body anemia in sheep?
Copper tox
Abnormal aggregation of ribosomes that appear as small basophilic granules
Basophilic stippling
In what species is basophilic stippling normal?
A significant amount of basophilic stippling in a small animal might indicate what type of poisoning?
Lead poisoning
Normally seen w/regenerative anemias and normal with non-functioning spleens or splenectomy patients
Howell-jolly bodies
Seen with increased corticosteroids
Howell-jolly bodies
If howell-jolly body presence is out of proportion to the degree of anemia, what type of poisoning should be considered?
Lead poisoning
Rouleaux formation suggests what disease in small animals?