Chapter 8.1 t/m 8.3 Flashcards
human development
the scientific study of the changes that occur in people as they age from conception until death.
longitudinal design
research design in which one participant or group of participants is studied over a long period of time.
cross-sectional design
research design in which several different participant age-groups are studied at one particular point in time.
cross-sequential design
research design in which participants are first studied by means of
a cross-sectional design but are also followed and assessed longitudinally.
cohort effect
the impact on development occurring when a group of people share
a common time period or common life experience.
the influence of our inherited characteristics on our personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interactions
the influence of the environment on personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interactions.
the study of heredity in general and of genes in particular.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
special molecule that contains the genetic material of the organism.
the basic physical and functional unit of heredity.
tightly wound strand of genetic material or DNA.
referring to a gene that actively controls the expression of a trait.
referring to a gene that only influences the expression of a trait when paired with an identical gene.
three research designs
longitudinal , cross-sectional, cross-sequential.
What are autosomes?
22 chromosome pairs what determine characteristics
What is polygenic inheritance?
Almost all traits are influenced by more than one pair of genes in this process
What is cystic fibrosis
a disease of the respiratory and digestive tracts
What is sickle-cell anemia
a blood disorder
What is Tay-Sachs disorder
a fatal neurological disorder
What is phenylketonuria (PKU)
an infant is born without the ability to break down phenylalanine, an amino acid controlling coloring of the skin and hair. If levels of phenylalanine build up, brain damage can occur; if untreated, it can result in severe intellectual disabilities.
Down syndrome
a disorder in which there is an extra chromosome in what would normally be the 21st pair
Klinefelter’s syndrome
there is an extra sex chromosome in the 23rd pair, what makes is XXY. with the extra X producing a male with reduced masculine characteristics, enlarged breasts, obesity, and excessive height
Turner’s syndrome
the 23rd pair is actually missing an X, so that the result is a lone X chromosome. These females tend to be very short, infertile, and sexually underdeveloped
Behavioral genetics
A field of study in which researchers try to determine how much of behavior is the result of genetic inheritance and how much is due to a person’s experiences
How many chromosomes do we have?
46 in each cell body or 23 pairs.