chapter 6 control in microbial growth (diana's version) Flashcards
define the definitions for sterilization
disinfection, antisepsis, degerming, sanitization
sterilization= is the absolute removal of all microbial life
- such as endospores
disinfection- removal of pathogenic microorganisms
- it is not sterilization, does not remove ALL microbes, an example would be chemical disinfections
degerming= is the mechanical removal of microbes
- removal of microbes from a limited area, such as washing your hands with soap and water, or alchohol swabbing before taking your vaccine
antisepsis/aseptic= disinfectant amongst your living tissues or skin
- usually less harsh chemicals
and lastly we have sanitization
sanitization= this is lowering down the microbial counts to meet public health standards (so the surface is safe to use, however, it is not free of contamination)
what is the differences between the bacteriocidal and bacteriostatic?
bacteriocidal= the suffix cide or cidal is kill
and bacteriostatic- the suffix static-or statis is to stop or slow
define what asepsis is
asepsis or aseptic is an area of free significant contamination, we use this in order to minimize infection from operating personnel, instruments an the patient
cancer patients antibiotics are?
bacteriocidal, because you do not want the cell to be replicating, so how do we do that? by killing th bacterium
gram negative patients, what antibiotics do we give them?
we give them bacteriostatic, why? because our body freaks out when it kills it right away that’s why things such as tubercolusis takes a while since its very resistant, we do it slowly or else you could die.
define heat
heat kills microbes by destroying their enzymes (denatures) this is not typically a sterilization but works more of like a disinfection
boiling water would be considered as …?
boiling water would be considered as a disinfection, in this event we are killing the pathogenic microbes however WE ARE NOT killing endospores
boiling water for 5 minutes can kill..
- it can kill most pathogens
-most virus
with boiling, does it or does it not break hydrogen bonds?
it does break hydrogen bonds AND ALSO DISRUPTS PROTEIN STRUCTURE
autoclave is considered as a moist heat?
yes it is considered as a moist heat
Pasteurization, define the terms for it
not considered as a sterilization, mild heating of liquid
- our classic time treatment would be 63 for 30 minutes
HSTS is 72 for 15 seconds, this is typically common today , decreases exposure time
- can be stored without refrigeration
140 for 3 seconds
dry heat sterilization,: killed by via oxidation?
used to sterilize temperature sensitive liquids
this is filtration, and the examples are…:
- enzymes
- vaccinations
- culture media
- anitiobiotics
this is also used in burn patients
this is called air filtration
true or false microbes can remain viable for years in a dehyrated state?
low temperature:
slows or stops microbial growth, this is called bacteriostatic
freezing stops microbial growth- only a small portion of microbes will die why? because cry is actually very aggressive, it makes those ice crystal , it reduces metabolic rate and no reproduction or toxin synthesis
does high pressure disturbs protein and molecular structure?
yes it indeed does, it kills most bacteria cells which is identified as bacteriocidal and does not kill endospores therefore not a sterilization
what is a hypertonic solution bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal?
hypotonic would be a bacteriocidal?
yes it would be
does microwaves, heat the water which then kills the microorganisms or does it kill microorganism directly?
heat the water and then kills the microorganims.
would you use biguanides especifically chlorhexidine to disinfect myobacteria?
no, you cannot use biguanides (chlorhexidine), because myobacteria species are also resistant.
one of the oldest and most effective antibiotics
available either as tincture or an iodophore
this is called the iodine
a combination of iodine and an organic molecule (good way to remember I for iodine and O for organic )
the iodine is slowly released from the organic molecule
does alcohol kill naked virus or non-enveloped virus ?
naked virus and non-enveloped virus is the same, and no they do not kill them
these are not satisfactory antiseptics when applied to wounds , they are often combined with water and other chemicals which are required _____ for denaturation
this is describing the alcohol
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (Quats):
they are less effective against ____ ____ than ____ _____ organisms
_______ not only survives in these compounds but also actively grows in them.
gram negative, gram positive,
true or false. Gaseous chemosterilizers (ethylene oxide)
denatures protein, so you cannot do enzyme transport since it denatures protein.
biguanides (chlorehexidine) only kills ____ viruses
enveloped viruses, non-enveloped viruses are unaffected
true or false. Chlorine can be used as a gas or combined with other chemicals, which destroys enzymes
what can gonorrheal apthalmia cause?
this can cause blindness
copper sulfate can be used to destroy green algae that lives in swimming ____ and ____ tanks.
pool, fish