Chapter 13 The adaptive immune response (diana's version) Flashcards
the adaptive immune response is a non specific in defensive response to invasion by a foreign object
false, it is specific
What are two ways adaptive immune response acquired?
artificially and naturally
an organism or toxin enters the body and promotes an immune response
natural adaptive immunity
what is natural adaptive immunity
an organism or toxin enters the body and promotes immune response
this is result from an immunization with a vaccine
artificial adaptive immunity
what is artificial adaptive immunity
this is result from an immunization with a vaccine
true or false. Artificial and Natural adaptive immunity are specific and have a memory component?
describe the characteristics for specific
the immune response protects against one disease
does not protect against other diseases
the only exception is when two diseases are very closely related (small pox and cow pox)
describe what memory component
result in a much stronger response upon re-exposure
long term immunity : possibly for life
adaptive immunity involves two general responses, what are they?
antibody mediated response
cell mediated response
does it matter if it’s a natural adaptive immunity or artificial?
no it does not, as long as it provides you with immunity that’s all we care about.
humoral response is also referred to as
antibody mediated response
name the characteristics of antibody mediated response
- also refered to as humoral response
- mediated by small molecules called antibodies or immunoglobulins (Ig)
- antibodies specifically bind to and inactivate foreign particles
true or false. Cell mediated response is not mediated by large molecules.
false, it is not mediated by small molecules
describe the characteristics of cell mediated response
not mediated by small molecules
triggers the activation of specific cells called lymphocytes
these lymphocytes recognize and destroy abnormal or infected host cells
they attack bigger targets such as tumors
the foreign particle that enters the body is known as
the ____ can be broken into smaller part called _____
antigen, epitope
the ___ is particular portion of the antigen that is recognized by the antibody
describe the characteristics of antigen
a foreign particle that enters the body
the antigen can be broken into smaller parts called epitopes
the epitope is the particular portion of the antigen that is recognized by the antibody
describe the antibodies characteristics
proteins produced in response to the antigen
antibodies bind to the antigen in a very specific manner
-like a lock and a key
antibodies are made of 4 parts what are they?
2 identical heavy chains and 2 identical light chains which are held together by covalent bonds
each antibody has 2 identical antigen binding sites (fab)
- fab is a specific for one epitope
each antibody also has a constant fragment 9Fc):
- Fc binds complement proteins, and phagocytes
immunoglobulin G
immunoglobulin M
immunoglobulin A
immunoglobulin D
immunoglobulin E
these examples are what?
the five classes of antibodies
what is the most common antibodies?
the most common antibodies is known as IG (G)
Found in the blood : can also enter tissues in regions of inflammation
the characteristics is describing IG (G)
_____ can cross the placenta and confer passive immunity to a fetus
Immunoglobulin G
____ binds to antigen very tightly
immunoglobulin G
now what are the characteristics of IG (G)
the most common
found in blood: can also enter tissues in regions of inflammation
can cross placenta and confer passive immunity
IG g binds to antigen very tightly
this is a pentamer (consists of 5 antibody virus and does not move into tissue as freely as Ig G (it remains in the blood)
what are the antibodies that are found attached to the surface of B cells?
what is the type of antibody that is produced upon infection?
____ is very good at aggregating antigens
what are the characteristics of IGM
it’s a pentamer (consists of 5 antibodies )
it remains in the blood, doesn’t move as freely as IG M
often found attached to B cells
IG M is very good at aggregating antigens
this is found as a dimer which is two antibodies stuck together
IG a
true or false. Ig A is found in bodily secretions such as mucous, saliva, tears and milk?
what is the function of IG a
to protect mucosal surfaces
___ protects the gastrointestinal tract of newborns
Ig A
now describe what Ig a’s charctaeristics
this is found as a dimer(two antibodies stuck together)
Ig A is found in bodily secretions such as mucous, saliva, tears and milk
functions to protect mucosal surfaces
protects gastrointestinal tracts of newborns
name the characteristics of Ig D
the function is unknown
this is found in the surface of B cells
true or false. Ig G is found on the surface of certain immune cells
false, this is describing Ig E
mast cells and basophils is part of what anitobody?
Ig E
when it binds to antigens the cell releases histamine
Ig E
this antibody attracts complement and phagocytes to the area, and is histamine responsible for allergy symptoms?
this is describing Ig E, and eyes histamine is responsible for allergy symptoms
what is the characteristics of Ig E
found on the surface of certain cells
mast cells and basophils
when it binds to antigens the cell releases histamine
this attracts complement and phagocytes to the area
histamine is responsible for allergy symptoms
what is the function of antibody?
3.complement activation
name the characteristics of aggnulation
Antigens become stuck together
* This reduces the number of infectious units to be dealt with
The antibody binds to and inactivates toxins bacteria and viruses
Complement Activation:
The antibody binds to bacteria: this acts as a starting point for the complement pathway (MAC attack)
This flags down phagocytic cells to destroy the antigen
cells of adaptive immune system:
what are the two types of lymphocyte?
B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes
name the term of what this is describing : also referred to as B cells and antibody producing cells
this is describing the term B lymphocyte
what is involve in the humoral or antibody mediated response
B lymphocyte
___ is produced in the bone marrow by stem cells
B lymphocyte
describe the characteristics of B lymphocyte
- antibody producing cells
- referred to as B cells
- involve in the humoral or antibody mediated response
-produced in the bone marrow in the stem cells
this is also referred to as T cells and produced in the bone marrow but mature in the thymus gland
this is describing T cells
now describe the characteristics of T lyphocytes
this is also referred to as T cells
can also be found in bone marrow but mature in thymus gland
what are the two types of T lymphocyte?
T helper cells and Cytotoxic T cells
these help and B and Tc cells prepare for an immune response, they are a part of humoral and cell mediated immunity
T helper cells
describe the contribution of T helper cells
they help B and Tc cells prepare for immune response
they are a part of Humoral and cell mediated immunity
these cell lyse foreign and abnormal host cells (infected or cancerous) they are a part of cell mediated and immune response
this is cytotoxic T cells
now describe what cytotoxic T cell contributes
these cells lyse abnormal and infected host cells (cancerous)
they are a part of cell mediated and immune response
cells of adaptive immune system :
2. antigen presenting cells (APC)
macrophages, B cells, dendritic cells
what are the stages of antigen presenting cells
the foreign material such as a bacterial cell is engulfed by APC
the antigen is processed and presented to the T helper cells of the immune system along with self antigens
- self antigens : these are a part of the MHC
this is a check to prevent the destruction of own cells by mistake
T helper cells become activated against foreign material
Antibody production
the antigen enters the body
the antigen will be phagocytize and digested by a B cell,
small fragments of the antigen will be presented on the surface of the B cell along with MHC
true or false. Antibody production . A T helper cell will bind to the antigen bound to the MHC protein
True or false. The T helper cell will then deliver cytokines that stimulate the B cell to undergo clonal expansion
(B cell multiples to produce more identical B cells that will fight off the specific antigen)
name the first 3 procedures of antibody production
1.the antigen enter the body
- the antigen will be phagocytized and digested by B cell
Small fragments of the antigen will presented on the surface of the B cell along with MHC
- A T helper cell will bind the antigen presenting B cell after recognizing the antigen bound to the MHC protein
- The T helper cell will then deliver cytokines that stimulate the B cell to undergo clonal expansion
- the b cell multiplies to produce more identical B cells that will fight off the specific antigen
true or false B cells divide and differentiate become either plasma cells or memory cells in clonal expansion
describe the characteristics of clonal expansion
B cells divide and differentiate becoming either
plasma cells or memory cells
what are the subgroups of clonal expansion
plasma cells and memory cells
Clonal expansion:
plasma cells are
antibody producing cells
these cells have a short lifespan and produce many antibodies
clonal expansion:
memory cells
these cells live for a very long time (20-30 years)
these cells circulate in the blood and propagate at very low level
when the memory cell encounters an antigen it will quickly change, multiplying and becoming antibody producing plasma cell
this is the response the first time the body encounters
primary response
the antigen stimulates the production of low level of antibody and this is a slow process (taking 5-7 days)
primary response
in primary response ____ is made first followed by Ig G (blood) and Ig A (mucous membrane)
Ig M
what is the major outcome in primary response
memory built for antigen
this is the response that occurs during every subsequent encounter with the antigen
secondary response
true or false. In secondary response low level of antibody are produced ?
false, it is high amount
___ is a quick response (1-2 days)
secondary repsonse
as a result of a quick response in secondary response , the infection is quickly to overcome. Is that true?
yes it is true
memory cells are ___ in secondary response
this response is activated by invading cells or abnormal host cell
cell mediated response
involves antigen presenting cells (APCs), T helper cells and cytotoxic T cells
cell mediated- response
Cytotoxic T cells are responsible for destroying abnormal cells in the body. true or false.
now describe the characteristics for cell mediated immune response
response is activated by invading cells or abnormal host cells
involves APC, THC, CTC
cytotoxic T cells are responsible for destroying abnormal cells in the body
recognition of abnormal host cells
endogenous antigen is processed and displayed on cell surface
are a part of what?
they a a part of the stages of cell mediated immune response
Cell mediated response:
Recognition of abnormal host cells
cells infected with viruses or bacteria
ex: infected with mycobacterium tuberculosis
cancer cells
foreign cells
ex: blood transfusion or bone marrow transplant
True or false.
cell mediated immune response :
endogenous antigen is processed and displayed on cell surface:
presented on the surface of the antigen presenting cell together with the MHC I self antigen
True , and a different type of MHC then that used during the Ab mediated response
cell mediated response:
these are released from the cytotoxic T cell
they poke holes in the membrane of abnormal cell
the body goes through the complete process to generate specific antibody or cytotoxic T cells, can be natural or artificial
active immunization
in active immunization describe what natural is describing
when the antigen is encountered from the environment (primary response)
in active immunization, describe what artificial mean
when the antigen is injected as a vaccine
passive immunity:
given ready made antibody : does not result in _____ immunity
- can be natural or artifical
set an example for natural in passive immunity
IG g is transferred from mother to fetus via placenta
IgA is transferred from mother to child via milk
name an artificial example for passive immunity
pre-made antibody is injected
very fast acting for life threatening situations
ex: snake venom - an anti-toxin antibody can be given (no memory)
what uses antibodies to bind to bacteria outside of the cell
antibody mediated response
mediated by cells - specifically by cytotoxic T cells
cell mediated response
these can attack transplanted liver, what can you do to not destroy the organs you want to keep?
take an immunocompromise drugs
what are antigen?
they are usually proteins(bad)
where are antibodies made from?
B lymphocytes
what do you need to reserve (protein) and inject it to the person-it is correct in terms of response
why are heavy chains heavy?
they are heavy because they have more amino acids
five classes of antibodies is based on what region?
FC region
We are aware in IG M each can bind to 2 and all together, how much can it bind?
why can’t IG M not leave the blood, unlike IG g ?
simply because it’s too big, therefore it cannot move as freely as IG G
how much does immunoglobulin A bind to in total
it binds to four in total since it is a dimer
True or false. B cells are proteins and they make antibodies
this serves as an a advertisements, once cell is activated
immunoglobulin D
this makes the bug so much bigger, when its been coated with antibody (easy to see)
where does B lymphocyte finish everything?
they finish it in the bone marrow
what are lymphocytes?
they are agranules (small)
cell associated antigen (inside of the cytoplasm)—>
endogenous antigen
outside in the fluid somewhere (you want to get rid of these)
exogenous antigen
APC are not nucleated. True or false
this is false
what does APC include?
they include macrophage, dendritic cells, b cells
MCH1 shows us that there is something wrong with the ____
MCH2 shows us that there is something wrong with the ___
this shows something, tells the rest of the immune system to get rid of it
_____ go on the “shelf” (not use for now) can last long
memory cell
______ is an anabolic reaction, you are tired sine a lot of energy is being used
antibody production
this is the first time (could be a vaccine, a nail, cough, STI) by producing anitbodies, memory ells , you get a low level of antibodies, it takes a week a terrible level of antibodies (not helpful) however you do get a memory
primary response
this gives you a ton of antibodies, it’s quick and aggressive, this could be the second time, 45th time, 456 time, the tendency to get infected is low to none
secondary response
b cell and dendritic cell are
antigen cells
true or false. cytotoxic t cells also uses T receptor to recognize MCH1 and antigen, it releases perferins and granzymes- they come out to poke holes to completely clear virus
natural in passive immunity is completely vulnerable
true or false. when the natural passive immunization expires the baby has no memory, it needs to have its own encounter- to have more protection