Chap 10 Blood Flashcards
What does blood transport?
Body heat
Which is the only fluid connective tissue?
Components of blood
- Formed elements (living cells)
- Plasma (nonliving fluid matrix)
What happens to erythrocytes when blood is separated?
Sink to bottom
Makes 45% of blood
45% of blood erythrocytes sink, percentage known as hematocrit
What is the buffy coat?
Thin, whitish layer between erythrocytes and plasma
What does buffy coat contain?
Leukocytes and platelets (less than 1% of blood)
Made when blood is separated
What happens to plasma when blood is separated?
Plasma rises to top (55% of blood)
Characteristics of blood
Sticky, opaque
Thicker than water
Oxygen rich blood is
Scarlet red
Oxygen poor blood is
Dull red or purple
Taste of blood
Metallic, salty
pH of blood
Slightly alkaline, between 7.35-7.45
Blood temperature
38 C or 100.4 F
Blood volume
5-6 liters in (6 quarts) in a healthy adult
Blood makes up ___% of the body weight
Percentage of water in plasma
Color of plasma
Yellow, straw colored
What does plasma include?
respiratory gases
4. Hormones
5.Plasma proteins
6. Waste products
Most abundant solutes in plasma are
Plasma proteins
Plasma proteins are made by
The liver
Plasma proteins include
Clotting proteins
Important blood buffer contributes to osmotic pressure
Clotting proteins
Help to stem blood loss when a blood vessel is injured
Help protect the body from pathogens
What helps distribute body heat?
How does blood composition change ?
Varies as cells exchange substances with the blood
What happens when protein levels drop?
Liver makes more proteins when protein levels drop
What happens when blood pH becomes too acidic or too alkaline?
Respiratory and urinary systems restore blood pH
Formed elements of blood
Red blood cells (RBCs)
White blood cells (WBCs)
-Cell fragments of megakaryocytes (multinucleate cells)
Function of erythrocytes
Carry oxygen
Unique characteristics of erythrocytes
- No Nucleus (anucleate)
- Few organelles (no mitochondria)
- Essentially bags of hemoglobin (Hb)
- Shaped like biconcave discs (helps blood flow)
Normal erythrocyte count
5 million RBCs per cubic millimeter
Transports, oxygen and CO2
Give blood its red color
Iron bearing protein
Function of hemoglobin
Bind oxygen
How many oxygen molecules can each hemoglobin bind?
Each hemoglobin molecule can bind 4 oxygen molecules
How many hemoglobin molecules in an erythrocyte?
250 million hemoglobin molecules
Grams of hemoglobin per milliliter in normal blood
12 - 18 g of hemoglobin per 100 ml of blood
Homeostatic imbalances of RBCs
Sickle cell anemia
Decrease in oxygen carrying ability
Anemia is caused by
Lower than normal number of RBCs
Abnormal or deficient hemoglobin in RBCs
Sickle cell anemia cause
Abnormally shaped hemoglobin
Excessive or abnormal RBCs.
Increase in red blood cells, slows down blood flow and increases blood viscosity
Cause of polycythemia
Bone marrow cancer
Life at higher altitudes
Polycythemia vera
Bone marrow cancer
Secondary polycythemia
Life at higher altitudes
Hemorrhagic anemia
Sudden hemorrhage
Decrease RBCs
Hemolytic anemia
RBCs lyse because of bacterial infections
Pernicious anemia
Lack of vitamin b12
Aplastic anemia
Destruction of bone marrow by cancer or radiation
Iron deficiency anemia
Lack of iron in diet
Leads to slow prolonged bleeding
Sickle cell anemia
Genetic defect leads to abnormal hemoglobin sickleing of the cells
Leukocytes function
Defense against disease
Characteristics of leukocytes
Complete cells: nucleus and organelles
Positive chemotaxis
Ability to move in and out of blood vessels
Positive chemotaxis
Respond to chemicals released by damaged tissues
Describe the motion of leukocytes
Move by amoeboid motion
Concentration of leukocytes
4800 to 10,800 WBC’s per millimeters, cubed of blood
WBC count above 11000 cells per mm³ of blood
Leukocytosis indicates
Abnormally low WBC count
Causes of leukopenia
Certain drugs
Anti-Cancer agents
Cancerous bone marrow
Numerous immature WBC are produced
Types of leukocytes
Stained granules in cytoplasm
Lobed nuclei
Types of granulocytes
Lack visible cytoplasmic granules
Spherical, oval or kidney shaped nuclei
Types of agranulocytes
Lymphocytes and monocytes
Most to least abundant WBCs
Acronym to remember most at least abundant WBCs
Neutrophils physical appearance
1-Multilobed nucleus
2-Stained pink cytoplasm, has fine granules
Most numerous WBC
Function of neutrophils at active sites of infection
Act as phagocytes
Numbers increase during infection
Concentration of neutrophils in blood
3,000 to 7000 per mm³ of blood
(40-70% of WBCs)
Eosinophils nucleus stains color
Blue red
Eosinophils color of cytoplasmic granules
Brick red
Function of eosinophils
1.Kill parasitic worms
2.Allergy attacks
Concentration of Eosinophils in blood
100 to 400 Eosinophils per mm³ of blood (1-4% of WBCs)
Rarest of WBCs
Basophils function
1.Contain heparin (anticoagulant)
Color of basophils
Large histamine containing granules that stain dark blue
Concentration of basophils
20 to 50 basophils per mm³ of blood (0-1% of WBCs)
Lymphocytes physical characteristics
- Large, dark purple nucleus
- Slightly larger than RBCs
Lymphocytes location
Lymphatic tissues
Lymphocytes function
Immune response
Concentration of lymphocytes
1500-3000 lymphocytes per mm³ of blood (20-45% of WBCs)
Largest of white blood cells
Physical description of monocytes
U or kidney shaped Nucleus
Function of monocytes
1.Act as macrophages when migrate into tissues
2.Fight chronic infection
Concentration of monocytes
100-700 monocytes per mm³ of blood (4-8% of WBCs)
Platelet function
Needed for clotting process
Platelet concentration
300,000 per mm³ of blood
Process of blood cell formation
Where does hematopoiesis occur?
Red bone marrow
Myeloid tissue
Red bone marrow
Stem cells that make blood cells
Descendants of hemocytoblasts
Lymphoid stem cells
Myeloid stem cells
Lymphoid stem cells
Produce lymphocytes
Myeloid stem cells
Produce all other formed elements
Consequences of RBCs being anucleate
RBCs cannot divide, grow or synthesize proteins
Duration of RBCs
100 to 120 days
How are worn out red blood cells eliminated
Worn out red blood cells are eliminated by phagocytes in the spleen or liver
Lost cells are replaced by
Hemocytoblast division in red blood marrow
Controls red blood cell production
Produced by kidneys
When do kidneys produce erythropoietin?
Reduced oxygen levels in blood
Homeostasis in the blood is maintained by
Negative feedback from blood oxygen levels
Homeostatic mechanism of red blood cells
- Low blood O2 carrying ability
- Kidneys and liver release erythropoietin
- Erythropoietin stimulates red bone marrow
- Increased RBC count by enhanced erythropoesis
5.O2 carrying ability of blood increases
Causes of low oxygen carrying ability
Decreased RBC count
Decreased amount of hemoglobin
Decreased availability of oxygen
What controls white blood cell and platelet production?
Function of colony stimulating factors (CSFs) and interleukins
Prompt bone marrow to generate leukocytes
Stimulates production of platelets from megakarocytes
Stopping bleeding that results from break in the blood vessel
Phases of hemostasis
- Vascular spasms
- Platelet plug formation
- Coagulation (blood clotting)
Vascular spasms
Immediate response to injury
Vasoconstriction causes blood vessel to spasm
Blood vessel narrows decreasing blood loss
Platelet plug formation
- Collagen fibers are exposed by a break in a blood vessel
- Platelets become sticky and cling to fibers
- Anchored platelets release chemicals to attract more platelets
- Platelets pile up to form a platelet plug
White thrombus
Platelet plug
1.injured tissues release a tissue factor (TF)
- PF3 (phospholipid) interacts with TF, blood protein clotting factors, & calcium ions to trigger a clotting cascade
- Prothrombin activator converts prothrombin to thrombin (an enzyme)
4.Thrombin joins fibrinogen proteins into hair-like molecules of insoluble fibrin
- Fibrin makes meshwork for clot
- Within the hour, serum is squeezed from clot as it retracts.
Plasma minus clotting proteins
Blood clots within
3-6 minutes
Clot remains as ….
endothelium regenerates
When is clot broken down?
After tissue repair
Types of undesirable clotting
Clot in unbroken blood vessel
Deadly in areas such as the lungs
Thrombus that breaks away and floats freely in the bloodstream
Can clog vessels in critical areas such as the brain
Insufficient number of circulating platelets
Cause of thrombocytopenia
Any condition that suppresses bone marrow
True or false:
Even normal movements can cause bleeding from small blood vessels that require platelets for clotting
Small purplish blotches on the skin
1.Hereditary bleeding disorder
2. Normal clotting factors are missing
3. Minor tissue damage can cause life-threatening prolonged bleeding
Loss of 15-30% of blood causes
Loss of over 30% of blood causes
Can be fatal
Causes for giving blood transfusions
Substantial blood loss
Severe anemia
Genetically determined proteins
Antigens function
Substances that body recognizes as foreign and that immune system may attack
What kind of proteins are most antigens?
Foreign proteins
What happens to our own “self” antigens
We tolerate them
Recognizers that bind foreign antigens
How is blood typed?
Using antibodies that will cause blood with certain proteins to clump and lyse
Clumping of blood
Amount of common red blood cell antigens
Over 30 common red blood cell antigens
The most vigorous transfusion reactions are caused by
ABO and Rh blood group antigens
Blood types are based on the presence or absence of which two antigens
Type A
Type B
Presence of both antigens A and B is type
Presence of antigen A is called
Type A
Presence of antigen B is called
Type B
Lack of both antigens A and B is called
Type O
Which blood types can type AB receive?
Type A, B, AB, O
Which type is the universal recipient?
Type AB
Which blood types can type B receive?
B & O
Which blood types can type A receive?
A & O
Which blood types can type O receive?
Which blood type is the universal donor?
Type O
Rh blood group was named for
8 Rh antigens (agglutinogen D)
Most Americans are Rh positive meaning
They carry the Rh antigen
If an Rh- person receives Rh+ blood
Immune system becomes sensitized & begins producing antibodies
(Hemolysis doesn’t happen because it takes time to produce antibodies)
- In Second and subsequent transfusions, antibodies attack donors Rh+ RBCs & hemolysis occurs
Rupture of RBCs
Danger during pregnancy occurs when
Mother is Rh-
Father is Rh+
Child inherits Rh+ factor
What does RhoGAM shot do?
Prevent buildup of anti-Rh+ antibodies in mother’s blood
When does the mismatch of Rh negative mother carrying Rh positive baby cause problems?
First pregnancy proceeds without problems
Immune system sensitized after first pregnancy
In second pregnancy, immune system produces antibodies to attack Rh positive blood
Hemolytic disease of the newborn
Mother’s immune system produces antibodies to attack the Rh+ blood
How do you determine blood type?
Blood samples mixed with anti-A and anti-B serum
Look for agglutination or lack of agglutination
Typing for ABO and Rh is done in the same way
Cross matching
Testing for agglutination of donor RBCs by recipient’s serum and vice versa
Early sites of blood cell formation
Fetal liver and spleen
When does bone marrow take over hematopoiesis?
7th month
Congenital blood defects include
Various hemolytic anemias
Fetal cyanosis cause
Incompatibility between maternal and fetal blood
Destruction of fetal blood cells
Fetal hemoglobin differs from
Hemoglobin produced after birth
Fetal hemoglobin has stronger bond to oxygen higher affinity for oxygen
When does physiologic jaundice occur?
Liver can’t get rid of hemoglobin breakdown products fast enough
Leukemia is most common in
Very young and very old
Older adults are also at risk for
Anemia and clotting disorders
When does significant agglutination happen in a transfusion
Antibodies of recipient bind to antigens on the surface of the donated red blood cells
bicarbonate, and creatinine
Plasma electrolytes
Calcium ions
Vitamin K
Clot enhancers
Clot inhibitors
Neither enhancer nor inhibitor
What blood type has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their plasma
Type O
What type of anemia is associated with the atrophy of the stomach mucosa in the elderly?
Pernicious anemia