Ch.4 Disorders & Diseases Of Skin (Acne) Flashcards
What is acne?
Inflammatory skin disorder of sebaceous glands (excess sebum production) caused by propionibacterium acne.
Aka Acne simplex / vulgaris
What is pilosebaceous unit?
The entire follicle : hair shaft , sebaceous gland, sebaceous duct/canal.
What follicle is most involved in acne?
Hairless follicle attached to sebaceous gland
Non inflamed buildup of cells, sebum, and other debris inside follicle ?
A blackhead open at the surface and exposed to air (oxidized)?
Open comedo
Openings of follicle blocked with debri & white cells. White head ?
Closed comedo
Similar to comedones. Small solidified impactions of oil without the cell matter. Often found on nose ?
Sebaceous filaments
Small cysts appear as small white firm papules. Pearl like masses no visible opening.
Can only moisturize
What is retention Hyperkeratosis?
Hereditary factor where dead skin cells build up because they don’t shed from follicle
What is sebaceous hyperplasia?
Doughnut shaped Benign lesions with indentations in center
What is seborrhea?
Severe oiliness of skin, abnormal secretion from sebaceous glands.
What are the grades of acne?
Grade 1 - minor breakouts. Mostly open comedones some closed. Few pustules
Grade 2- many closed comedones, more open comedones. Occasional papules & pustules
Grade 3- Red & inflamed. Many comedones, papules & pustules
Grade 4- cystic acne , cysts, inflammation, papules, pustules, comedones, scars
What are the acne triggers?
Genetics- DNA programmed; familial disorder
Hormones- androgen fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy, menstrual cycle, peri menopause, birth control , iud,
Environment- poor air quality, pollutants, comedogenic exposure increases inflammatory response of sebaceous glands. Climate/seasons change , humidity & temp influence oil production
Lifestyle- stress, new or lost job? Romantic breakup, engagement/marriage, death of fam or friend, new home / town , difficulty at home, long drives, cell phone pressure , hats scarves transfer bacteria . Fragrance sheets , laundry detergent, shampoos
Diet-high glucose, processed foods, heavy iodine, dairy
Cosmetic & skin products- waxes, oils can clog follicle. (Comedogenic ingredients.) heavy products rich in emollients, occlusive products result in comedones. Moisturizers & sunblock should be oil & water (o/w) emulsions
What is a plan of care for acne?
Regular skin care session with exfoliation , modalities, microdermabrasion, chemical peel
Keeps Corneum thin, keep oil under control, add hydration, & oxygenate the skin to eliminate bacteria
What are 8 common meds used in acne treatment? Describe
•ADAPALENE (differin) - topical peeling agent similar to retinoic acid.
Side effect : D.R.I.P
drying, redness, irritation, photosensitive
•AZELAIC ACID Azelex- topical acidic agent that flushes out follicles
Side effect: D.R.I.P.
drying, redness,irritation, photosensitive
•BIRTH CONTROL PILLS- oral med to regulate androgen hormones that impact oil production
Side effect: irregular period, weight gain, cramps
•CLINDAMYCIN- topical antibiotic; kills bacteria
Side effect: VERY drying
•ISOTRETINOIN (acutane) - oral control med for severe acne. Requires close med monitoring; lab for liver function, used as last resort
Side effect: severe dryness , birth defects, suicide, depression, colitis
•SPIRONOLACTONE- oral med to regulate androgen hormones usually given to young women/teens.
Side effect: Breast tenderness, male pattern facial hair growth , dry mouth, irregular periods
•TAZAROTENE (tazorac)- retinoid, topical peeling agent less irritating that Tretinoin.
Side effect: D.R.I.P.
Drying, redness, irritation, photosensitive
•TRETINOIN- topical vitamin A acid. Strong peeling agent that is drying and flushed out follicles
Side effects: very drying R.I.P
7 Considerations for medicated acne treatment:
•home care products should include benzoyl peroxide & vitamin A
•moisturizers & serums on low comedogenic scale
•benzoyl peroxide products are often combined with topical antibiotics
•vitamin A products should be applied at night (photosensitivity)
•Salicylic acid & Azuela I acid are antibacterial. (Salicylic is lipophilic so it works to digest sebum)
•oral meds are often to counter effects of androgen hormones. (Spironolactone)
•birth control pills , reduce breakouts from hormones
What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?
HORMONAL CONDITION AFFECTING 1 in 20 women in child bearing years resulting in androgen production that causes development of cysts on ovaries.