Ch.2 Anatomy & Physiology (Muscles Of The Scalp, Eyebrow & Nose) Flashcards
What are the four muscles of the scalp?
•Temporalis x2
Which muscle is an esthetician most concerned about? Why?
It is the muscle that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward & creates wrinkles on the forehead.
What are the muscles of the eyebrow?
•corrugator- beneath frontalis & orbicularis oculi. Draws eyebrow down causing vertical wrinkles across forehead.
•orbicularis oculi- ring muscle of eye socket; closes the eye
•levator palpebrae superioris- controls eyelid; easily damaged in makeup application
What connects the Frontalis & occipitalis muscles?
Aponeurosis Tendón
What are the muscles of the nose?
Procerus- lowers eyebrows , wrinkles across nose bridge
Nasalis - 2 part muscle covers nose . Transverse & Alar parts flair nostrils.
Which two muscles are often injected with Botox? What are they known as ?
Procerus & corrugator = Glabella