Ch.2 Anatomy & Physiology (Muscles Of The Mouth And Mastication) Flashcards
What are the muscles of the mouth?
•triangularis aka depressor anguli oris
•orbicularis oris
•levator anguli oris
•levator labii superioris aka quadratus labii superioris
What is the Buccinator?
Thin flat cheek muscle between upper and lower jaw. (Blowing)
What is the levator labii superioris?
Aka quadratus labii superioris lifts wings of nose & upper lip
What is the levator anguli oris ?
Associated with smiling
What is the risorius muscle?
Draws corner of mouth out & back Muscle,in grinning
What is the zygomaticus muscle?
Major and minor from the zygomatic bone to angle of mouth that elevates lip as if laughing
What is the mentalis muscle?
Elevates lower lip and wrinkles chin
What is the orbicularis oris?
Flat band around lips that contracts, compress, puckers & wrinkles them.
What is the triangularis muscle?
Aka depressor anguli oris ; extend alongside chin pulls down corners of mouth
What are the muscles of mastication? What do they do?
Aka chewing muscles. Open/close mouth , bring jaw front/back
Facial massage and electrical modality treatments are done on these muscles