ch18 (neurologic emergencies) Flashcards
what are the major parts of the brain?
- brainstem
- cerebellum
- cerebrum
controls basic body functions (breathing, blood pressure)
controls muscle and body coordination
occurs when blood flow is stopped; a state of profound unconsciousness, can cause permanent brain damage
sinus headaches are caused by…
pressure because of fluid accumulation in the sinus cavities
cerebrovascular accident (CVA)/stroke
interruption of blood flow to an area in the brain that results in loss of brain function
ischemic stroke
most common stroke; blood flow to a specific part of the brain is stopped by a blood clot inside a blood vessel
where a clot forms at the site of blockage
reduction in blood supply; inadequate oxygen supplied to blood cells
where the blood clot travels to a blood vessel where it causes a blockage of blood flow
calcium and cholesterol build up and forms plaque inside the walls of blood vessels
hemorrhagic stroke
bleeding inside the brain; blood vessel ruptures and accumulated blood forms a blood clot, compresses brain tissue next to it
swelling or enlargement of the wall of an artery resulting from a defect or weakening of the arterial wall
swelling or enlargement of the wall of an artery resulting from a defect or weakening of the arterial wall
transient ischemic attack (TIA)
mini strokes
-stroke like symptoms resolve on their own in less than 24 hours; no actual tissue death (infarction)
slurred speech
inability to produce or understand speech
patients with brain bleeding may have…
very high blood pressure
(high BP can either cause the bleeding or be a compensatory response to bleeding)
postictal state
period following a seizure, 5-30 mins, labored respirations and altered mental status
neurologic episode caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain
abnormal electrical discharges occur in the brain, causing seizures and possible loss of consciousness
generalized seizure
abnormal electrical discharges from large areas of the brain; severe twitching of muscles
focal seizure
affecting a limited portion of the brain
a warning sign that includes visual changes (ex: flashing lights, or blind spots)
status epilepticus
seizures that continue every few minutes without the person regaining consciousness or lasting longer than 30 mins
low blood glucose level
high blood glucose level
febrile seizures
seizure from a high fever, primarily in children
loss of bowel or bladder control