Career Development Flashcards
Process by which employees progress through a series of stages in their careers, each of which is characterized by relatively unique issues, themes or tasks.
Career Development
The actions and activities individuals perform to give direction to their work lives.
Career Planning
The process of preparing, implementing, and monitoring an employee’s career path with a primary focus on the goals and needs of the organization.
Career Management
Details an employee’s intentions and learning outcomes as well as the support necessary to meet the employee’s tangible growth goals.
Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Often associated with technical skill development.
Employee movement between different jobs.
Job Rotation
Occurs when the employee is given additional, different tasks within the same job.
Job Enlargement
Increases the depth of a job by adding related responsibilities such as planning, organizing, tracking and completing reports.
Job Enrichment
Involve assuming new and different duties of a different position at a higher grade or assuming a position that involved increased responsibilities and the acquisition of additional knowledge, skills, or abilities in the same line of work.
Usually the result of staff reductions, consolidations, or reorganizations; an attempt to move an underqualified employee to a more suitable position; or an employee’s request.
Involve moving an individual to a different position at the same pay grade and with the same amount of responsibility.
Provide a meaningful career path for professional and technical employees without requiring that they be placed in supervisory or managerial positions.
Dual Career Ladders
One-on-one discussions between an employee and an experienced individual.
Developmentally oriented relationship between two individuals (the mentor and the mentee, sometimes called the protege).
Often developed in response to a specific organizational issue or development need.
Formal Mentorship
Evolves in a more spontaneous manner and is generally initiated by the mentee self-selecting someone who he or she admires or believes could assist with their career development.
Informal Mentorship