ADM-19B automated vehicle locator technology Flashcards
AVL technology allows for real time command and control of department resources and also this:
Knowledge of resources that are in the vicinity of an incident, improves officer, safety, increases operational, efficiency, and provides the department with a more efficient and dependable means of enforcing work rules.
What are the primary goals of the AVL system?
Safety and accountability
HOWEVER, AVL data shall be used for all relevant purposes, including but not limited to the deployment of personnel, operational, efficiency, patrol strategy, personnel, and other investigations, the enforcement of work rules, regulations, policies, customs, practices, procedures, orders, commands, and/or directives.
What are some examples of AVL technology?
Personnel, vehicles and crafts, GPS, equipped, radios, cellular devices, mobile data, terminals, and standalone hardware devices.
Who do I report technical problems or malfunctions related to the operation of the AVL system to?
Immediately to my supervisor and to the communication section.
The malfunction shall be recorded in the DAJ by the member and also who the malfunction was reported to.
Who do supervisors and the communication section report any malfunction of the AVL system to?
Executive Office of Technology Services and
Security (EOTSS)
How often do Troop/Section/Unit commanders or designees Determine the AVL system of each on duty member is working properly?
At least once during a shift.
Who determines which vehicles and resources shall be equipped with AVL technology?
Well, of course, that would be the colonel.
Who may authorize a temporarily disabling of AVL equipment for members or resources under their command, and shall, when authorized document the reasons for same in writing?
A division commander or designate, may authorize the temporary disabling of AVL equipment.