30. Therapy Theories Flashcards
A theory that looks at change at early unresolved, unconscious, issues with clients from their childhood and past
Also called insight-oriented therapy, help clients understand why they do something or act a certain way
Transference is also based on relationships of client-professional relationship (defense mechanisms is key)
Uses a non-directive approach, based on free-association (client-driven) and good for high-functioning clients, often clients with relationship problems
Psychodynamic Theory
A type of therapy that believes change happens through reinforcements and punishments of external forces, mostly known in working with children with problematic behaviors
Start by identifying problem, monitoring behavior, and then reinforce desired behavior
Behavioral Therapy
Something is added to increase the likelihood of a behavior
Example: giving a child a toy if they clean their room
Positive Reinforcement
Something is removed to increase the likelihood of a behavior
Example: the annoying sound of car beeping sound until you fasten your seatbelt
Negative Reinforcement
Something is added to decrease the likelihood of a behavior
Example: spanking a child
Positive Punishment
Something is removed to decrease the likelihood of a behavior
Example: taking a toy away from child if they continue hitting someone with it
Negative Punishment
A system for providing positive reinforcement to a child by giving them something for completing tasks or behaving in desired way. Things are contingent based on their behavior
Example: getting a reward if they do something they are supposed to
Token Economy
The process of establishing a behavior that is not learned or performed by an individual at present, think of it as step-by-step, gradual learning
It can also be defined as the procedure that involves reinforcing behaviors that are closer to the target behavior by doing something they are supposed to do, but not fully
Example: child who starts by picking up food with fingers, then learns to grab a fork, then stabs it, then gets it from table to mouth
Type of therapy used when change happens to modify dysfunctional thinking patterns by exploring thinking patterns and beliefs
Helpful for those with anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder
The focus is on automatic thoughts clients have about themselves, others, world, and future (known as cognitive-triad)
Cognitive Therapy
A type of therapy where change occurs by accessing client’s strengths and resources
It is a very brief therapy and finds out what the client wants to achieve rather than focusing on the problem
SW can ask the client “what would their life look like if they didn’t have these problems?”
Solution-Focused Therapy
Change occurs through increased awareness through here-and-now, focuses on what is happening in the moment, commenting on their affect, and focusing on the client-therapist relationship (also known as the empty chair technique)
Gestalt Therapy
A type of therapy that uses a systems approach and focuses on multi-generational dynamics
A SW would help map out generations of family members and their roles and how it transmits to current members and its family dynamics (look for triangulation issues)
Bowen Family Therapy
A type of therapy where change happens by re-organizing family dynamics and uses a systems approach (looks at entire system that is influencing a behavior, not just the individual)
SW should look for maladaptive boundaries or enmeshed families (disengage or incest families), in-laws, and relationships which causes conflict with them
SW helps family understand their relationship, hierarchy, organization, and interactions
Structural Family Therapy
A type of therapy where change happens through finding meaning of life as it is primary and most powerful purpose in life
Helps clients overcome anxiety and depression
A therapy which change occurs through recognizing how the world is disempowering (particularly women)
It is important to empower client so they understand they are their own rescuer and focuses on equality
Also known with eating disorders due to social forces that affect the view of themselves
Feminist Therapy
A type of therapy where change happens in supporting clients to take action to address problems in their life
Useful in case management where the focus is having clients define their goals and problems
SW helps them make a concrete plan through tasks in steps and reviews their accomplishments
Helps more with lower-functioning individuals such as youth, homelessness, and schizophrenia
Task-Centered / Problem-Solving Therapy
A therapy developed to treat those with big mood swings, suicide, and borderline personality disorder (often in a group setting)
Also based on mindfulness (here-and-now) process, interpersonal effectiveness in communicating with others, awareness of their emotions, calm themselves down, and general self-awareness
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
A theory where behavior of client is modified by environment
SW can’t separate client from their family or community due to it maintaining behaviors
To alter behaviors, then systems have to be altered (has positive or negative reinforcement)
Systems Theory
A theory where the idea that a client goes out of their homeostasis due to stressor
SW focuses on helping client focus on previous or new coping strategies (think of fixing a broken air conditioner)
Crisis Theory