27 December #2 Flashcards
What is the medical management of abortion?
1) Mifepristone followed by vaginal administration of misoprostol
What are the criteria for CT head within 1 hour?
Consciousness level
- GCS <12 during initial assessment
- GCS <15 2 hours post injury
Suspected fracture
Seizure or focal neurology
>1 vomit
What is the management of malaria?
1) Oral Artemisinin with lumefantrine
2) Quinine plus doxy/clinda
1) IV artesunate
2) IV quinine
What are ECG findings in Brugada Syndrome?
Convex ST evelation in V1-3 followed by negative T wave
Partial RBB
What is Endophthalmitis?
Post operative complication
presents within 3-7 days post operatively
Painful red eye, discharge and visual impairment
Red eye with hazy cornea
What are features acranial venus thrombosis?
Sudden onset headache
What are features of cavernous sinus thrombosis?
Periorbital oedema
Opthalmoplegia CN6 affected first
What is found on stigation of Wilsons disease?
Reduced serum caeruloplasmin
Reduced total copper levels
Increased 24 hour urinary excretion of copper
Treat with penicilliamine or trientine
What are features of pituitary apoplexy?
Sudden onset thunderclap headache
Bitemporal superior quadrantanopia
Pituitary failure
- electrolyte abnormalities
- haemodynamic instability
Treat with IV hydrocortisone
What are red flags for back pain?
Age >50
Insidious onset
Pain interrupting sleep
Localised Spinal tenderness
Weight loss
Previous Cancer
No improvement within 4-6 weeks
Systemically unwell
What are features of Ashermans syndrome?
Intrauterine adhesions which oliterate uterine cavity leading to miscarriage/subfertility
Diagnosed on hysteroscopy and treated with surgical dissection
What are clinical features of haemochromatosis?
Erectile dysfunction
Bronze pigmentation
Diabetes mellitus
Liver- hepatomegaly
What are features of CLL?
Often asymptomatic may be detected as incidental lymphocytosis on blood test
Weight loss
What is the management of otitis externa?
Topical steroid and topical abx
Can use topical abx on its own if no oedema or inflammation
Normally gent unless perforated tympanic membrane
What screening test must be done before commencing allopurinol?
If african/asian then HLA B5801