15th june Flashcards
What is a broad complex tachycardia?
When QRS complex >120ms (3 squares)
What is the management of broad complex tachycardia?
Amiodarone infusion
What is the management of narrow complex tachycardia
Vasovagal manoeuvres followed by IV adenosine
What is narrow complex tachycardia?
When QRS <120ms - like supraventricular tachycardia
What drugs should be avoided in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy?
What is the orbit score for bleeding risk?
Hb <130 in men and <120 in women (2points)
Age >74
Bleed history (2 points)
eGFR <60
Treatment with anti-platelets
0-2 low risk
3- medium
4-7 high
What is the GRACE risk assessment?
Calculates risk of patient with MI and their mortality
Looks at
Renal function
Cardiac arrest on presentation
Why should betablocker and verapamil never be prescribed together?
Increase risk of complete heart block.
What is first line management of TIA?
Aspirin 300mg
Then would be started on clopidogrel by specialist
What can cause torsades de pointes on ECG?
What are signs of aortic stenosis?
Narrow pulse pressure
What is the management of Heart failure (long term)
First line ACEi and beta blocker
Second line aldosterone antagonist e.g. eplerenone and spironolactone
Third line- specialist initiation
- digoxin
- ivabradine
- hydralazine
What is Buerger’s disease?
Caused by progressive inflammation and thrombosis of the small and medium arteries in hands and feet
Can present as acute ischaemia or chronic progressive ischaemic changes
What is the most common cause of death in people with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy?
Ventricular arrythmias
What is the management of VF if connected to cardiac monitor?
3 shocks and then commence CPR