26 December Flashcards
What are features of measles?
Prodromal phase- maliase, fever, anorexia, conjunctivitis, coryza, cough
Small white Koplik spots inside of cheeks present prior to rash
Rash 14 days post exposure on face and upper neck then spreads- does not spread to palms or soles
What is the antidote to arsenic?
What are complications of untreated or undertreated hypothyroidism?
Metabolic syndrome
Decrease in insulin sensitivity
What are side effects of amiodarone?
Pulmonary fibrosis
Corneal deposits- leads to blindness
Blue/grey skin pigmentation
Thyroid disturbance
What is hidradenitis suppurative?
Chronic inflammatory condition of the skin
Affects axilla/groin/perineum
Inflammatory papules, nodules and abscesses
Treat with abx
If not working refer to dermatology
Whatare features of Granuloma Annulare?
Uncommon benign condition
Maybe associated with thyroid disease, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes
Dermal papules which form rings
Skin coloure/ pink
Found on backs of hands/knees/ankles
Self limiting
What drugs can precipitate gout/hyperuricaemia?
Nicotinic acid
Cytotoxic agents
What causes Scarlat fever?
Group A strep
What is the management of pyelonephrits in the community?
If non pregnant/men.catheter
1) Cefalexin
2) Co-amoxiclav/trimethoprim depending on sensitivities
If pregnant
1) Cefalexin
What is piriformis syndrome?
Compression of sciatic nerve by piriformis muscle
Leads to chronic ache, pain, tingling or numbness
What are features of anal herpes infection?
Pain on defecation
Grouped ulcers which may spread into anal canal
Does not cause proctosigmoiditis
What are features of innocent murmurs?
Position dependent
Otherwise healthy individual
Occur during systole or continuously in systole AND diatsole
Physiological splitting of S2
No palpable thrill
What is Waterhouse Friderichsen Syndrome>
Disease of the adrenal glands caused by N.meningitidis
Causes haemorrhage into one or both adrenal glands
- purpura
-rapidly developing adrenocortical insufficiency
What are features of Vitamin B2 deficiency?
Angular stomatitis
Scrotal dermatitis
What are features of Roseola Infantum?
Cuased by HHB 6
Incubation period of 10-15 days
High fever
Mild pharyngitis
Rose pink macular rash on trunk that is non pruritic