13 Flashcards
Melissa habrá mejorado su inglés para el momento que ella regrese de los EE.UU..
Melissa will have improved her English by the time she comes back from the U.S.
Los desechos de esta fábrica habrán contaminado las napas para el año 2015.
The waste from this factory will have polluted the water tables by the year 2015.
Los niños habrán terminado el examen para las 5:00.
The kids will have finished the exam by five o’clock.
Para marzo, mi hija se habrá recibido en la universidad.
By March, my daughter will have graduated from college.
Nuestros ingenieros habrán terminado el proyecto para el lunes.
Our engineers will have completed the project by Monday.
Para cuando vuelvas del trabajo, tu mujer no habrá terminado de preparar la torta.
By the time you return from work, your wife will not have finished making the cake.
Para el próximo febrero, los Smith no habrán vuelto de sus vacaciones.
By next February, the Smiths will not have come back from their holidays.
¿Cuántos libros habrá leído Alan para fin de año?
How many books will Alan have read by the end of the year?
¿Habrás pintado muchos cuadros para el próximo verano?
Will you have painted many pictures by next summer?
A las 6:00, habré estado esperando a Mark durante dos horas.
At 6:00, I will have been waiting for Mark for two hours.
Para la época en la que se mude a Los Ángeles, el Dr. Parker habrá estado enseñando en la universidad durante once años.
By the time he moves to Los Angeles, Dr. Parker will have been teaching at university for 11 years.
Martin habrá estado viviendo en Boston durante seis años para la época en la que lo acepten en la Universidad de Harvard.
Martin will have been living in Boston for six months by the time he is admitted to Harvard University.
Para el final del día, sus nietos no habrán estado estudiando demasiado.
By the end of the day, his grandchildren will not have been studying much.
Habrás estado trabajando en tu proyecto cuando llegue tu jefe?
Will you have been working on your project when your boss arrives?
Voy a partir a Asia el mes que viene.
I am going to leave for Asia next month.
Vamos a ver una película en la televisión a la noche.
We are going to watch a movie on TV tonight.
La compañía va a subir los precios el próximo mes.
The company is going to raise its prices next summer.
La Sra. Black va a enseñar alfarería el año que viene.
Mrs. Black is going to teach pottery next year.
Voy a ir al almacén mañana por la mañana.
I am going to go to the grocery store tomorrow morning.
Paul no va a resolver el problema antes de fin de año.
Paul is not going to solve the problem before the end of the year.
No vamos a correr la maratón el próximo junio.
We are not going to run the marathon next June.
¿Vas a leer la última novela de Paul Auster?
Are you going to read Paul Auster’s latest novel?
El piso está lleno de hojas secas. ¿Lo vas a barrer?
The floor is full of dry leaves. Are you going to sweep it?
Alice va a estar yaciendo al sol mañana por la mañana.
Alice is going to be lying in the sun tomorrow morning.
El Sr. Parker va a estar manejando a Washington D.C. el viernes que viene.
Mr. Parker is going to be driving to Washington D.C. next Friday.
La abuela va a estar cosiendo su delantal mañana.
Granny is going be sewing her apron tomorrow.
El ladrón está ahora en prisión. No va a estar robando más.
The thief is in prison now. He is not going to be stealing any more.
¿Ella va a estar lustrando el piso pasado mañana?
Is she going to be polishing the floor the day after tomorrow?
Voy a haber partido para Japón en dos días.
I am going to have left for Japan in two days.
El avión va a haber aterrizado en cinco minutos.
The plane is going to have landed in five minutes.
Vamos a haber escrito cincuenta páginas de nuestro ensayo para mañana.
We are going to have written fifty pages of our essay by tomorrow.
Tu bebé va a haber aprendido a caminar para el momento que regreses de la guerra.
Your baby is going to have learnt to walk by the time you return from the war.
La obra va a haber empezado para cuando lleguemos al teatro.
The play is going to have started by the time we get to the theater.
No voy a haber pasado mi vida entera viviendo en esta ciudad.
I am not going to have spent my entire life living in this town.
¿Cuántos clientes vas a haber visitado para el viernes?.
How many customers are you going to have visited by Friday?.
Para diciembre, John va a haber tenido el mismo coche por veinte años.
By December, John is going to have had the same car for twenty years.
los niños van a haber comido su almuerzo para entonces.
The children are going to have eaten their lunch by then.
Qué va a haber estado pasando?
What is going to have been happening?
Voy a haber estado trabajando
I am going to have been working
Nuestro equipo va a haber estado practicando durante tres horas cada mañana antes del partido final.
Our team is going to have been practicing for three hours every morning before the final game.
Para enero, él va a haber estado viviendo en esa casa por treinta años.
By January, he is going to have been living in that house for thirty years.
Voy a haber estado esperando por cinco horas cuando finalmente llegue su avión.
I am going to have been waiting for five hours when her plane finally arrives
Lo lamento. Te iba a llamar pero lo olvidé.
I am sorry. I was going to call you but then I forgot.
Íbamos a llevar a los visitantes extranjeros a conocer la ciudad, pero nunca llegaron.
We were going to take the foreign visitors around town, but they never arrived.
James iba a imprimir su trabajo, pero la impresora no estaba funcionando.
James was going to print his paper, but the printer was not working.
El Sr. Drake iba a reparar su auto, pero era demasiado costoso.
Mr. Drake was going to fix his car, but it was too expensive.
Esa cantante iba a grabar un álbum nuevo pero se enfermó.
That singer was going to record a new album but then she got sick.
No íbamos a nadar en el río.
We were not going to swim in the river.
El avión no iba a partir a las 6:00.
The plane was not going to depart at 6:00.
¿Él iba a comprar entradas para el concierto?
Was he going to buy tickets for the concert?
¿Ellos iban a mudarse a Sudáfrica?
Were they going to move to South Africa?
La Sra. Jones iba a estar trabajando en el jardín, pero hacía demasiado frío para estar afuera.
Mrs. Jones was going to be working in her garden, but it was too cold to be outdoors.
Alan iba a estar reparando la puerta de entrada cuando llegaran los inquilinos.
Alan was going to be repairing the front door when the tenants arrived.
Los niños habían perdido la carpa entonces iban a estar durmiendo bajo los árboles.
The boys had lost their tent so they were going to be sleeping under the trees.
No iban a estar pintando el departamento un día húmedo.
They were not going to be painting their apartment on a wet day.
¿Peter iba a estar llamándola durante el partido de baseball?
Was Peter going to be calling her during the baseball game?
Bill dijo que él iba a haber vendido cinco coches para el viernes.
Bill said that he was going to have sold five cars by Friday.
Jack pensó que él iba a haber ganado el premio Pulitzer ese año.
Jack thought he was going to have won the Pulitzer Prize that year
Mis amigos iba a haber visitado muchos países de Europa antes de regresar.
My friends were going to have visited many countries in Europe before returning.
Estaba preocupado de que ellos iban a haberse olvidado de mi cumpleaños.
I was worried that they were going to have forgotten about my birthday
La gente me dijo cuanto iban a haber cambiando los niños.
People told me how much the kids were going to have changed.
Yo había esperado que nosotros íbamos a haber terminado hoy.
I had hoped that we were going to have finished today
Julia estaba enfadada porque ella iba a haber pasado la noche entera con su jefe.
Julia is angry because she was going to have spent the entire evening with her boss
Nos dimos cuenta de que íbamos a haber estado viajando por casi diez horas antes de deternernos para un descanso.
We realized that we were going to have been travelling for close to ten hours before stopping for a rest.