129. Salmonellosis of small ruminants and horses. Flashcards
Salmonellosis of sheep and goat Generalized disease with fever?
- Caused by S. typhimurium, S. Dublin, S. Enteritidis, S. Anatum
- Infection via feces or infected pasture, predisposing factors: overcrowding, nutritional defic., parasitosis
- Infection P.O. Æ gut Æ blood, generalization
- Clinical signs ʹ
- fever,
- depression,
- anorexia,
- watery and foamy diarrhea;
- arthritis
- abortion
- Pathology
- hemorrhages,
- enlarged spleen and lymph nodes,
- gastritis,
- enteritis (small intestine)
- Treatment and prevention
general principles
Abortion form of sheep/goat?
- Caused by S. abortusovis
- More frequent in the winter time, predisp. Factors ʹ poor management, ewes in first pregnancy, mixing
- Infection P.O. Æ replicate in the gut Æ septicemia Æ fetus Æ replication and abortion after 2-4 weeks after
septicemia, intensive shedding during abortion
- Clinical signs ʹ septicemia is asymptomatic
o Abortion ʹ depression before abortion, vaginal discharge (blood, mucous), retained fetal membranes
o Birth of non-viable lambs ʹ weak, diarrhea, pneumonia, dead
o Rams are generally asymptomatic
- Pathology:
- fetus: fibrinous exudates in body cavities
- focal inflammation and necrosis in the liver
- Diagnosis
o Epidemiology, clinical signs and pathological lesions, bacteriological examination (isolation from
parenchymal organs or stomach content of aborted lambs), serological examination ʹ blood from ewe
o Differentials ʹ
- brucellosis,
- chlamydiosis,
- campylobacter,
- Q-fever
- Prevention and control
- antibiotics (sick animals and pregnant ewes),
- isolation of diseased animals,
- clean environment,
- optimal nutrition
Salmonellosis of horses enteric form foal septicaemia?
- Sporadic occurrence,
Caused by S. typhimurium, S. agona, other
- Infection:
via faeces of carrier animals (poultry, pig, rodents etc.),
environment, feed, humans
- Predisposing factors
- Management and nutritional deficiencies,
- overcrowding,
- poor hygiene,
- overstrain, stress, transport,
- cold, virus infection, parasitosis, surgery, long antib. treatment, mixing ʹ horse clinic, horse race, show
- Adult animals can also become ill in case of serious predisposing factors
- Pathogenesis:
- P.O. inf.
- Gut
- mesenterial lymph nodes
- blood and generalization
- salm. carriage
- Clinical signs
o Acute:
- fever,
- anorexia,
- depression,
- colic, diarrhea (watery), dehydration, death within 1-2 days
o Chronic:
- arthritis,
- tenosynovitis,
- bursitis,
- subcutaneous abscesses
- Pathology:
- hemorrhages,
- enlarged liver,
- spleen and lymph nodes,
- hemorrhagic gastritis, enteritis
o Histology ʹ
- mononuclear cell infiltration,
- upper layer is necrotic,
- blood
Abortion form of salmonella in horses?
- Caused by S. Abortusequi,
- Sporadic, rare occurrence,
- In mares in first pregnancy
- brought into stable where older mares are present
- Predisposing factor ʹ EHV-1, viral arteritis
- Infection
Æ replicate in the gut
Æ septicemia
Æ uterus, fetus, fetal membranes
Æ abortion in 2-6 weeks
(at any stage of pregnancy, but mainly the middle), or birth of non-viable, weak foal Æ dies within few days
- Clinical signs
o Before abortion
- sometimes asymptomatic,
- fever,
- enlarged udder,
- colic,
- vaginal discharge
o After abortion ʹ
- purulent metritis,
- arthritis,
- tenosynovitis
- Pathology
o Fetal membranes
- edema,
- hemorrhages,
- necrosis,
- purulent-fibrinous inflammation
- hemorrhages,
- edema,
- hemorrhagic gastroenteritis,
- focal necrosis and inflammation in liver
- Diagnosis
- o Epidemiology, clinical signs and pathology
- o Bacterial Isolation from aborted fetus,
- parenchymal organ, stomach content
- o Detect antibodies ʹ agglutination titer (> 400) ʹ from blood of the mare
- o Identification of predisposing factors ʹ viral infections!
- o Differentials ʹ generalized diseases with fever and diarrhea, abortions ʹ EHV-1, infect. equine arteritis
- Treatment
- o Parenteral antibiotics (aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones) in case of generalized form
- o Contact animals metaphylactic Treatment
- o Rehydration
- Prevention
- o Eliminate predisposing factors,
- good hygiene,
- prevent introduction of salmonella carrier animals,
- isolation of pregnant mares,
- complete isolation of pregnant mares showing signs of a coming abortion,
- disinfection at place of abortion