105. Necrotic enteritis and ulcerative enteritis of chicken. Flashcards
Ulcerative enteritis of poultry occurence?
Ulcerative enteritis of poultry
• Occurrence:
- variable
- (quite widespread, sporadic disease)
Ulcerative enteritis of chickens aetiology?
C. colinum
Epidemiology of ulcerative enteritis?
- 4-12 week old chicken,
- 3-8 week old turkey, quail,
- sometimes in pullets & laying hens
- (generally milder & more sporadic)
Pathogenesis of ulcerative enteritis?
- Soil – gut (PO infection)
- Predisposing factors:
- coccidiosis (happens at the same age as ulcerative enteritis – difficult to differentiate),
- infectious bursitis,
- chicken anaemia (immunosuppressive diseases), overcrowding,
- nutritional problems
- Colonisation of the gut (lymphoid tissues, ulcer),
- sometimes get to the liver
Clinical signs of Ulcerative enteritis?
• Clinical signs:
- anorexia
- listless
- sits
- ruffled feathers
- diarrhoea
- watery, brown faeces (blood)
- smelly, very few gas bubbles (basis of differentiation)
Lesions of Ulcerative Enteritis?
- Haemorrhages,
- poor blood coagulation,
- pericardial oedema
- Gut: haemorrhagic ulcers, pseudomembrane, perforation
- Liver: focal necrosis
- Epidemiology (age, sp.)
- clinical signs (brown faeces, smell, few gas)
- PM lesions
- Isolation of the agent from the liver (isolation of agent from gut has no value because it is normal in the gut),
- detect bacterium in smear in faeces (see bacterium in large no.)
Differential diagnosis?
Differential diagnosis:
- coccidiosis
- fowl cholera
- campylobacter-hepatitis
- salmonellosis
- ABs (+coccidiostat.) –
- potentiated sulphonamides (works on both clostridia & coccidian)
- hygiene
- optimal management
- predisposing factors
Necrotic Enteritis of poultry occurence?
Necrotic enteritis of poultry
• Occurrence:
- sporadic
Aetiology of Necrotic Enteritis of poultry?
- C. perfringens A & C (alpha, beta, tau)
- facultatively pathogenic
Epidemiology of Necrotic enteritis of poultry?
- Soil, gut, feed, bedding (shed in faeces)
- Predisposing factors:
- coccidiosis,
- mycotoxicosis; feed: wheat, fishmeal,
- poorly digestible;
- alteration of the intestinal flora, damage of the mucosa (environmental factors are most important)
Broiler: 2-5 week old,
turkey 7-12 week old (roughly the same age as above)
Clinical signs Of necrotic enteritis of poultry?
Clinical signs:
- depression
- anorexia
- watery
- foamy
- brownish-red faeces (more bubbles are present)
Lesions of Necrotic enteritis of poultry?
- enteritis,
- necrosis (sharp, jejunum, ileum),
- pseudomembrane;
- liver: enlarged,
- focal necrosis;
- serous,
- haemorrhagic cellulitis
Diagnosis of Necrotic enteritis?
• Diagnosis
- Epidemiology
- Clinical signs
- PM lesions
- Detect the agent,
- detect the toxins (isolation from gut has no value)
Treatment of Necrotic enteritis?
• Treatment:
- ABs,
- prebiotics (organic acids, galactose, fructose etc.),
- probiotics (Lactobacillus sp.)