116. Diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis, praeallergy, anergy, parallergy and their diagnosis in practice. Risk of reinfection (Zoon). Flashcards
Diagnosis of the disease?
Diagnosis of the disease
- Epidemiology, clinical findings and lesions, histology
- Detection of bacterium ʹ microscopy, isolation, (lab animal infection), PCR, IF, IP
- Irregular shedding, species identification by examination of the genome
Diagnosis of infection
- Allergic tests ʹ tuberculin tests
- Cellular immune response
- Gamma interferon test ʹ avian and bovine tuberculin results different production of J-interferon
- Need lymphocytes from animal
- Lymphocyte proliferation test ʹ not easy to carry out
- Humoral immune response ʹ ELISA: Antibodies against certain proteins are detected
- Examination of wild living animals (deer, badger), low susceptibility, complementary test
Tuberculin tests?
Tuberculin tests
- Tuberculin
- Old tuberculin (Koch) ʹ extracted from broth culture of M. bovis
- Wanted to make vaccine, but found side effects.
- Those side effects appeared in those who had previously been infected with mycobacteria
- A mixture of different antigens
- PPD (purified protein derivate): tuberculoproteins ʹ dose 0.1 ml
- M. bovis ʹ 20.000 IU, M avium subsp. Avium ʹ 25.000 IU
- Thermal test ʹ elevation of temperature & general and organic reaction
- Injection of diluted PPD s.c. or i.v.,
- Before test ʹ measure basic temperature 3x Æ make an average
- Measure the temperature after 6h, then every 2nd hour (until 22h)
- Positive ʹ 1.5°C increase, general (fever, depression) and organic reaction
- (stronger where lesions are located pulmonary: coughing or dyspnea increased, enteral: diarrhea incr.)
- Skin intradermal test (SID) ʹ type IV hypersensitivity reaction, 90-95% sensitivity
- high specificity only on genus level
- 0.1 ml into clipped skin, on neck, shoulder or caudal fold
- Reading after 72h (older animals: 96h), repeating of test after 42 (60/90) days
- Positive reaction
- Increased thickness of skin fold
- Local reaction: edema, appearance of serum, scab, enlarged lymph vessels and lymph nodes, necrosis and pain
- Comparative tuberculin test ʹ mammal and avian tuberculin injected at the same time
- Transient desensibilization ʹ Important with precise test and measurement, and documentation
- Positive ʹ thickness of skin fold t 4 mm or local reactions
- Inconclusive ʹ 2- <4 mm and no local reactions
- Negative ʹ <2 mm
- False negative
- pre-allergy (1-3 weeks) ʹ fresh infection
- immune reaction need time to develop
- old, isolated infection ʹ no immune reaction any more!
- anergy, immunosuppression
- False positive ʹ M. bovis is not present, but reaction is positive
- Parallergy (other mycobacteria ʹ m. tuberc. Complex = same reaction, other = weaker react.)
- Heteroallergy ʹ Corynebacterium spp., Actinomyces spp.
- Antigen relationship
Positive Bovine tuberculin reaction, tuberculosis free herd, treatment and prevention?
- Close the herd,
- movement restrictions,
- isolation of reacting and inconclusive animals
- Diagnostics: comparative SIT,
- slaughterhouse control, J-interferon test
- Elimination of repeated reactors or stamping out the whole herd
- Free state: all animals above 6 weeks of age,
- twice 4-12 months apart, SID negative
- Tuberculin test every year (every 3rd year),
- <1% positive, positive reactors are eliminated
- Farm animals: antibiotics are not allowed (cannot prevent colonization) and long treatment with high dose
- would be necessary
- risk of antibiotic resistance, limited number of anti-mycobacterial drugs
- Eradication is the aim
- Zoo animals ʹ large doses, temporary improvement can be reached
- General epidemiological rules
- Prevention of infection:
- quarantine, test with tuberculin test in introduced animals,
- isolation from wild anim.
- Vaccines ʹ M. tuberculosis, M. microti, BCG, Valle-P, atypical strains
- Short term protection, mycobacteria will colonize, generalization
- Farm animals are not vaccinated
- Per os vaccination with BCG (in some countries) ʹ wild living animals, reduction of infection
Eradication and Control?
- Principles ʹ fetuses generally not infected, infected animals shed bacterium any time, tuberculin test is sensitive
- and specific, isolation of calves can prevent the infection
- Methods
- Selection ʹ test and slaughter ʹ tuberculin test ever 3-6 months, mainly small herds, older animals can
- give false negative reaction
- Generation shift ʹ isolated keeping of calves of asymptomatic cows, weaning at 3 days of age, tuberculin
- test at age of 6 months
- Herd replacement
- Maintaining tubercolisis free state
- Tuberculin test ʹ above 6w of age (12m in case of long free state), every year (every 2nd or 3rd in LFS)
- Slaughterhouse control lesions have to be sent to diagnostic laboratory
- Isolation of animals, reservoir animals have to be excluded
- Health control of staff, reinfection can happen sporadically
- Tuberculosis free country at least for 6 years maximum 0.1% infection, individual identification of all animals
- Regular and documented tuberculin tests, meat inspection of all slaughtered animals