11.9 High Lift Devices Flashcards
name some high lift devices?
category of flight controls that include wing trailing edge, flaps, slats, leading edge flaps, and slots
why are flaps lowered?
to increase the wings camber and provide greater lift and control at slower speeds
what are the 5 types of flaps?
plain flaps, split flaps, slotted flaps, fowler flaps, fowler slotted flaps
Describe a plain flap
first type of aircraft flap and the most basic, straightforward and easy to understand
how does a plain flap attach to the wing?
a plain or conventional flap is attached to the trailing edge of the wing. The flap is normally in line with the rest of the wing, then it hinges and pivots down when extended
where are split flaps located on the wing?
housed under the trailing edge of the wing
how does a split flap work?
the split flap lowers from the trailing edge of the wing, over the top of the wing airflow remains the same and under the wing the camber created from the split flap increases, increasing lift
where are slotted flaps located on the wing?
attached to the trailing edge of the wing
why are slotted flaps used on modern day aircraft?
this is due to aerodynamic nature of the slot and the benefits it provides
What are fowler flaps?
fowler flaps are like a large extension of slotted flaps. Fowler flaps have many extension settings with the flaps themselves being extended which is accomplished with a worm drive (screw jack) and flap tracks
what do slotted fowler flaps do?
fowler flaps are a type of slotted flap. This flap design not only changes the camber of the wing but also increases the wing area. Instead of rotating down on a hinge, it slides backward on tracks
What are leading edge flaps for?
often have leading edge flaps that are used in conjunction with the trailing edge flaps to further increase the wing camber and lift
how do fixed slots work?
these direct airflow to the upper wing surface and delay airflow separation at higher angles of attack. The slot does not increase the wing camber but allows a higher maximum lift
how do moveable slots work?
they have leading edge segments that move on tracks
what do moveable slots do at low AOA?
At low AOA each slat is held flush against the wing’s leading edge by the high pressure that forms at the wing’s leading edge
what do moveable slots do at high AOA?
at higher AOA the high-pressure area moves aft below the lower surface of the wing, allowing the slats to move forward
what are leading edge flaps used for?
they are used to increase both coefficient of lift and the camber of the wings
what are the leading edge cuffs used for?
they are used to increase both coefficient of lift and the camber of the wings
what are krueger flaps?
are lift enhancement devices that can be fitted to the leading edge of an aircraft wing
How do krueger flaps work?
a portion of the wing is lowered out of the wings and rotated in front of the main wings leading edge. it produces a nose up pitching moment