1- 14 Occupant Support Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Occupant Support SOG?
- to provide guideline for OS assignemnt and functions provided to those citizens affected by incident
What is Occupant Support?
BFES member who provides support to public at an emergency, after consulting w/ IC
What is OS201?
- dept. vehicle used by OS
What is Affected Party?
- non-fire personnel negatively affected by incident scene
What are evacuees?
- larger scale numbers of affected parties.
When should IC establish OC? (3)
- when modified or full duties personnel are available
- at all structure fires
- any incident deemed necessary by IC
What are conditions IC establish OS in regards to evacuees? (3)
- large scale evacuations are req’d
- temporary sheltering in necessary (transit bus, nearby structure)
- evacuees which may included civilians suffering from communicable disease.
What are OS Daily Duties? (4)
- Report to on-duty PC
- Perform any needed duties as req’d by on-duty PC
- Check after hours medical cabinets for adequate supplies
- ensure the req’d supplies for OS201 are available
What are Occupant Support Incident Duties? (17)
- report to IC unpon arrival at incident scene
- confer w/ IC…
- obtain info from affected party any info regarding structure/ contents that may assist IC tactically w/ ops and forward info to IC
- provide cell phone service (if avail.) to affected parties
- advise IC of affected parties/ evacuees location
- notify Victim Services, Red Cross, Salvation Army, other relief agencies if req’d
- notify other agencies, individuals as req’d
- provide coordination of salvage efforts w/ IC
- Determine location of valuables in structure from residents and notify IC
- Where safe to do and with approval of IC, coordinate walk-through of structure w/ affected party
- provide transportation as needed and requested
- distribute and explain “After the Fire” brochure
- assist affected party in notifying insurance, security, restoration co.
- provide blankets/ shelter where practical to do so (van, appararus cab, transit vehicle, etc.)
- identify mental health needs of affected parties
- provide on-going services and support until no longer needed (may extend past termination of incident)
What does OS explain to occupants after conferring with IC? (3)
- what happened
- what we are doing and why
- how long we expect to take until incident is under control
What are OS evacuation duties?
- report to IC
- confer w/ IC to understand scale and requirements of evacuation
- determine suitale location for evacuees to congregate while arrangements are being made for temporary shelters.
- assess and determine needs of any evacuees and treat for same
- assist evacuees in transferring to suitable location when found
What shall be done with suspected/ confirmed evacuees w/ commnicable disease?
- seperated from rest of evacuees immediately
What are the considerations for temporary shelter location (bus, nearby structure? (5)
- Fire personnel provide PPE for other persons (transit operators, building staff)
- Fire personnel shall provide direction on PPE usage
- advise other personnel (non-fire) NOT to remain in area of temporary shelter for any suspected/ confirmed case of communicable disease evacuee.
4 screening for those entering shelter areas
- sinage indicating “Quarantine Area”
What should be utilized when working with, in or around public with suspected/ confirmed communicable disease?
- appropriate PPE
What needs to occur before releasing temporary shelters (buses/ rooms) back to staff? (2)
- touch point disinfection has occurred by fire personnel
2. sanitation of shelter using FD equipment, if available (NOCOSPRAY)
Whom may be able to assist to public that may have survived a critical event, a witness to a mass casualty, a parent of severly injured child or witness to the death of a family member?
Victim Services of Peel
What can be be achieved by addressing public misunderstandings of FD ops early? (2)
- reduce psychological effects
2. produce improved relations with public
What are some examples of public misunderstandings of FD ops that can cause delay in removal of patient? (2)
- trench collapse
2. electrocution rescue that is delayed due to energized lines