Zebra Fish Flashcards
Genus and species of zebra fish
Danio rerio
Family- Cyprinidae
What gene is mutated in the zebra fish melanoma model?
(driven by mifta promotor in p53 knock-out)
image in BB chap 20 p1019
T or F. Aggression in zebra fish is highest at high population densities
F. Aggression is higher in lower density tanks. It is more difficult for them to maintain dominance hierarchy and territoriality at higher densities
List some abnormal (maladaptive) behaviors in zebrafish
tight shoaling, erratic activity bursts, freezing, bottom dwelling.
What are the appropriate water temperature and room temperature ranges for housing zebra fish
water temp= 75-82 (24-28)
room temp 78-81 (24-27)
(fluctuation of water, not more than +/- 1.5C per day)
What might fish gasping or sipping at the water surface indicate?
low oxygen saturation in the water of the tank
recirculating systems should have 1 complete turnover/hour
What is the appropriate pH range to house zebrafish?
pH of 7-8
What does measuring conductivity in the water system determine
indirect (and imprecise) measure of salinity
What is the appropriate conductivity range for zebrafish (measured in microseimens)
What is water hardness and what is the appropriate range?
- amount of calcium and magnesium salts in the water.
- kit actually measures CaCO3
- 80-220ppm (pretty hard)
- May need to add CaCO3 back to RO or distilled water
Name the species of ammonia-oxidizing species that are likely to be found in the biofilter for aquatic systems
Nitrosomonas, Nitrospira, Nitrosococcus
NH3 to NO2
Name the species of nitrite-oxidizing bacterial species likely be found in the biofliter of aquatic systems
Nitrospira, Nitrobacteria
NO2 to NO3
What can be used to surface disinfect embryos that will be transferred to a new colony?
dilute bleach (20-50ppm) at pH 7.
What is the primary hematopoietic organ of the adult zebra fish?
head kidney
What drugs and technique are commonly used to anesthetize zebra fish
Trichaine methansulfate (MS-222) or eugenol (Clove oil) by immersion
Name 2 pathogenic mycobacterial species of zebra fish
M. marinum, M. heamophilum
(opportunistic pathogens M. chelonae, M abscesses, M. fortuitous, M. peregrinum).
-M. chelonae most commonly found
Which Mycobacterium species is zoonotic and responsible for the human diseases “fish tank granuloma”
Give the characteristics of the bacterial fish pathogen Edwarseilla ictaluti
-gram negative rod
coagulative necrosis of spleen and kidney
What is the etiologic agent of Motile Aeromonas Septicemia (MAS)
Aeromonas hydrophila (A. sobria)
- gram negative
- opportunistic
What are the common clinical signs of infection with Aeromonas heydrophila
petechial hemorrhages of the skin, fins and oral cavity
What is the etiologic agent of bacterial gill disease?
Flavobacterium (branchiophilum)
Name the etiologic agents responsible for Microsporidiosis in zebra fish (most common zebrafish disease)
Pseudoloma neurophilia
Pleistophora hyphessobryconis
How is microsporixdiosis diagnosed?
wet mount of tissue from brain, spinal cord, muscle
“bed-room slipper” spores (in vesicles)
What is the etiologic agent of Ich?
Ichthyophthirius multifilis
What is the cause of gas bubble disease?
Supersaturation of water with nitrogen or oxygen
- caused by faulty system that leads to air injection or pumping water from deep wells without gas-stripping
- see gas bubbles in fish- around eyes and under skin
How is chlorine (toxic to fish) removed from treated municipal water sources
- 24hr period of aeration
- addition of commercial dechlorinater
How is chloramine removed from treated water sources?
- cannot be removed by aeration
- filtered by activated carbon
- treatment with sodium thiosulfate (chemical neutralizer)
List 3 types of neoplasia common in zebrafish
-Intestinal tumors
-Ultimobranchial gland (analogous to C cells in human thyroid gland, similar in location too)
-spindle cell