Guinea pigs Flashcards
Genus species of Guinea pig
Cavia porcellus
- Order-Rodentia
- Suborder-hystricomorph
- Family-Caviidae
T or F. Guinea pigs are coprophagic.
T or F. Guinea pigs are nocturnal
F- they are more active during the daylight
What cell type of the GP is the counterpart to neutrophils
-eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules
Name the unique cell type of the GP that is normally found in the spleen of females
Kurloff cells (or Foa-Kurloff)
- estrogen influenced (numbers increase w/rise in estrogen)
- increase numbers in circulation during pregnancy
- may be counter part to NK cells in other species
Where (what tissue) might osseous metaplasia be found in GPs.
lungs (boney spicules)
What is the pathogenesis of antibiotic-associated Dysbacteriosis
Treatment with gram+ selective antibiotics, allows overgrowth of gram negative and other normally non-pathogenic bacteria (C. difficile)
What is the etiologic agent of Tyzzers disease in GP
Clostridium piliforme
-typhlitis, ileitis,hepatitis (not usually cardiac involvment)
Name the gram- bacteria that is a major cause of respiratory disease in GPs
- Bordetella bronchoseptica
- suppurative bronchopneumonia
What is the etiologic agent of GP Inclusion Conjunctivitis
Chlamydophila cavia
What aged GPs are most often affected by Chlamoydophila cavia?
4-8wk of age
What mite is typically associated with acariasis in the GP
Trixacarus cavia
Name 2 lice species associated with pediculosis in GPs
Gliricola porcella
Gyropus ovalis
Name the etiologic agent that causes cryptosporidiosis in GP
Cryptospiridiosis wrairi
Name the coccidiun species in GPs that is shed in the urine
Klossiella cobayae
What enzyme for ascorbic acid synthesis are GPs lacking
l-gulonolactone oxidase
What is the unique feature of the GP soft palate that ma y be used as window for intubation or oral garage called?
palatal osmium
What blood vessel is used in the GP for larger volumes (more than a few drops) of blood collection.
cranial vena cava
What are the space requirements for housing GPs, according to the Guide?
350 = 100 sq in
7 inches high
What is the cycle length of female GP
What is the gestation period of GP
By what age should female GP be bred?
before 6 months, when the pubic symphysis begins to close
What is the causal organism of most cases of caseous lymphadenitis in GPs
Streptococcus zooepididymus
What are the 2 most common viral infections in GP
What is the most likely tissue affected by GPCMV
salivary gland (intranuclear inclusions in epithelial cells of salivary ducts)
What is the only common helminth of GPs
Paraspidodera uncinata
-cecal worm
What is the typical treatment for GP with scurvy
parenteral or oral vit C at 30mg/kg daily (1-2weeks)
What are the 2 forms of pregnancy toxemia likely to be seen in GPs
1- preeclampsia (circulatory, from compression of aorta, ischemia)
2- Metabolic-Nutritional- fasting ketosis (hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia
Diabetes mellitus in male Abyssinian-Hartly GP more closely resembles Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes mellitus?
Type 1