Rodent colony management Flashcards
What coat color are associated with the following gene and alleles Myo5a+ or Myo5ad
Non-dilute vs dilute
also noted as D or d
T or F
Mice and rats are induced ovulators
they are spontaneous ovulates
T or F
Embryonic stem cell lines are almost always XY?
this makes sense because they would then produce males and sperm and ultimately you can generate more offspring from a male than a female
Is nest building a normal behavior for both rats and mice
it is normal innate affiliative behavior for mice, both male and female.
Rats will build nest,but it is learned behavior
What is the gene known to define pigmented or albino
Tyr+ or Tyrc
also classically referred to as C or c
Tyrosinase…converts tyrosine to melanin
In what family of viruses are the Mouse Minute Virus and the Rat Minute Virus?
And what is the cell predilection for these viruses
-like other parvoviruses they like mitotically active (dividing) cells (MMV in particular likes hematopoietic cells)
T or F
Mice and rats are both polyestrous and cycle every 4-5d
Do programmable endonuclease targeted mutation/ require the use of ES?
No, the endonuclease constructs can be injected directly into the pronucleus of the embryo
What organizations established the rules and guidelines for mouse and rat nomenclature
International Committee on Standardized Genetic Nomenclature for Mice
Rat Genome Nomenclature Committee
How many DNA base pairs does each zinc finger recognize?
3 bp
so usually designed to recognize a domain of 9-18bp
What does totipotency mean?
Part of the embryo (inner cell mass) will continue to develop into embryonic membrane and also into all cell types including the germ line cells
What is the Bruce effect
Failure of implantation in female mice due to the presence of an unfamiliar male
T or F
Almost all embryonic stem cell lines are XY.
That was they will produce sperm and generate many more offspring than if female
To what family do Rat Theilovirus and Thriller’s Murine Encephalomyelitis virus belong?
Picornavirus (Cardiovirus)
What is the most currently the most common mouse viral pathogen found in laboratory mice?
Murine norovirus
Are mice and rats considered thigmotactic
yes, they generally want to be in contact with surfaces
From what stage embryo are embryonic stem cells derived?
a. Morula
b. blastocyst
c. implanted embryo
d. spontaneous teratoma
pre-implantation embryo (when embryo is only trophectoderm cells enclosing the inner cell mass)
T or F
Mice have gallbladders
What allele is associated with age-related hearing loss in many inbred strains of mice
C57BL/6, C3H/He, Balb/c, 129,
What is often one of the first indicators of genetic contamination in transgenic or inbred breeding lines
Hybrid vigor
-increased fecundity and robust pups, increased litter size etc
The designation that a gene has been “knocked-in” in the nomenclature of mouse is by using what symbol
parenthesis in the gene name will indicate the gene was added (knocked in)
Name some strains of mice that are known to be blind
At what day are embryonic stem cells collected from mouse embryos to use for targeted mutations
4.5-5day old mouse embryos
How many mouse or rat embryos are usually required for transfer and implantation into pseudopregnant female
T or F
TALENS are designed to bind and cut methylated DNA
They typically do not target methylated DNA
T or F
TALEN (transcription activate-like effector nucleases) are artificially produced sequence specific DNA-binding enzymes
They also rely on Fok1 restriction endonuclease to cleave DNA
What is the unique binding site of TALENs?
Effector binding elements (EBEs). These are DNA binding proteins of a plant pathogen, Xanthomonas.
They can be designed to to target a 15-18bp sequences
Is CRISPR/Cas a RNA or DNA guilde nuclease?
RNA guided nuclease (RGN)
T or F
Mice and rats normally excrete protein in their urine
they are lipocalins that transport pheromones and are the primary rat and mice allergens for people
T or F
MHV can both stimulate and suppress the immune system?
What are demes
groups of related females and unrelated males (mice and rats) that form stable breeding units
T or F
ZFN (zinc finger nucleases) are artificially produced enzymes
The are created with sequences-specific DNA-binding zinc finger domains hooked to the restriction endonuclease Fok1
T or F
129 strains are predisposed to proceed spontaneous teratomas at high frequency
this is one reason they may be good for producing embryonic stem cells
The use of pronuclear injection for development typical involves the injections of DNA into the male or female pronucleus of a single-cell embryo?
What is the Whitten effect
induction of estrus in female mice, by exposure to male urine
What is a known side effect of buprenorphine in rats?
What is the Lee Boot effect in mice
the suppression of estrus due to overcrowding, and lack of a male
Who is Miss Abigail Lathrop
source breeder of many of the mouse strains used today. Mouse fancier, breeding many lines of mice. She supplied mice to C.C Little the founder of Jackson labs
What is the gene known to be associated with black vs brown coat color
Tyrp1+ or Tyrp1b
Which organ releases follicle stimulating hormone?
anterior pituitary
also releases lutenizing hormone
List the 4 different types of animals required to maintain a genetically modified (GM) production colony of mice or rats
- embryo donor females
- fertile, proven breeder males
- embryo recipient females
- sterile stud males (vasectomized)
At what stage are embryonic stem cells collected to create target mutations
day 4.5-5 embryos (blastocyst)
where is gonadotropin releasing hormone produced
GnRh then acts on the anterior pituitary
Do mice and rats have more cones or rods than humans?
Rods (99% of retina, compared to 95% in human)
Rods distinguish light from dark
Are pinworm infections more common in laboratory mice or rats?
but have declined substantially in both
T or F
Inbred strains are homozygous at all alleles
What is the first rat strain from which pluripotent ESC were isolated?
DA, dark agouti
-agouti, inbred, homozygous at the agouti locus (A/A)
CRISPR technology uses RNA or DNA guided nucleases?
List the most common programable endonuclease used for target mutations in mice
ZFN- zinc finger nuclease
Who is Halsey Bagg?
inbred the Bagg albino mice that later became the BalB/c
T or F
Both male mice and rats have nipples
Neither do
Name the allele responsible for retinal degeneration in many laboratory mice
Pde6b rd1
what organ of mice and rats detects pheromones?
vomeronasal organ
Name the primary allergens produced by rats and mice
Mus m 1, Rat n 1
What are lipocalins?
proteins found in mouse and rat urine. They transport phermones and make us some of the allergens for people
What does axenic mean?
germ free
What does “associated” mean?
usually referring to the association (administration) of a known mixture of non-pathogenic bacteria to axenic or germ free mice (i.e such as Sheadler’s flora)
Define gnotobiotic
-it means the microflora of the mouse is known (usually because they are made anexic and then given a known soup of pathogens)
What does “incidence” mean in reference to adventitious pathogens?
the RATE of new contaminations (outbreaks)
Define prevalence
The percent of positive cases (infections) during a given period of time
What is the most likely route of transmission of LDV?
parenteral inoculation of mouse cell lines
What is the nm range of UV radiation
maximal bacteriocidal activity occurs at 260nm which is the peak of DNA absorbtion (damages bacterial DNA by producing thymidine dimers)
How are triahalomethanes formed
these are toxic products from chlorine interacting with organic material
Why is gamma irradiation rather than UV radiation used to sterilize feed?
UV radiation does not pass through solid objects, only effective for water and surfaces
What methods of filtration can be used to exclude viruses from water?
reverse osmosis or ultrafiltration (micro filtration does not exclude down to the size of most viruses, but will exclude bacteria and spores)
What type of disinfectant (oxidant, denaturant or reactants) are most commonly used since they are effective at removing the most resistant organisms (spore forming bacteria, non-enveloped viruses and spore forming bacteria)
such as chlorine dioxide, bleach, peroxygen (Virkon or vapor phase hydrogen peroxide)
How can bioflims in water systems effectively be treated?
hydrogen peroxide or alkaline peroxide
What is the color differential of bacteria grown on Maconkey agar?
lactose fermentors (E.coli, klebsiella)- pink/red non-lactose fermentors (salm, shig, yers) -clear (Maconkey agar also contain bile salts and crystal violet that selectively inhibit the grown of gram positives)
Define diagnostic sensitivity
proportion of correctly classified known POSITIVES
Define diagnostic specificity
proportion of corrected classified known NEGATIVES
Define positive predictive value
percentage of all positive results which are true positives
- this decreases as prevalence of disease in the population decreases
- TP/(TP+FP)
T or F
LCMV, SV, Pasturella pneumotropica, Helicobactor and fur mites are difficult to detect using soiled bedding sentinels
T or F
Pastourelle pneumontropica is still prevalent in lab animal facilities world wide
may cause eye, genital, and resp infections
T or F
Helicobacter is difficult to detect through dirty bedding sentinel programs
(JAALAS Nov 16)
-loosed viability once outside the host
MNV is shed persistently or intermittently in mouse feces?
unlike MPV and MHV which are shed transiently
What type of mice are best to use for dirty bedding sentinels?
- outbred strains- that can mount a good serologic response, cheaper than inbreds,
- female to reduce fighting