Comp Med 2015 (All issues) random questions Flashcards
genus species of gold fish
Carassius auratus
genus species of the fish lice
Argulus japonicus
Fish lice can be the vehicle for what other fish pathogens
Rhabdovirus carpio, Saprolegnia
T or F
Mice have smaller erythrocytes with shorter lifespan than most other species
T or F
Ringworm nuclear morphology is a normal feature of mice neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes
T or F
Mice have very high platelet counts compared to other mammals
900,000 to 1.6million/imcroliter
-5d lifespan, shorter than most species
T or F
Bone marrow cellularity for mice is higher than most other species and does not decrease with age
What is the primary site for iron storage in mice
T or F
The spleen remains an active site for hematopoeisis in mice throughout life
What is the recommended maximal amount of blood that can be collected from mice, with a 4-wk recovery period?
-average blood volume is 7.8ml/100g.
What is the predominant leukocyte of most healthy wild type strains of mice?
70-80% of the diff count
T or F Mouse neutrophils (and other granulocytes) may have the unique feature of ringworm or figure 8 nuclei?
T…picture of such in review article
Is mouse norovirus an RNA or DNA virus?
RNA- ss
What is the cellular tropism for infection by MNV
macrophages and dendritic cells
T or F
MNV has been shown to increase macrophage content of atherosclerotic lesions in LDLr-/- mice fed an atherogenic diet
What are myD88 mice deficient in?
Myeloid differentiation factor 88
used immunological research as models of IBD and diabetes
What species of hamster has the most compressed reproductive cycle of any placental animals?
Phodopus sungorus
aka- siberian dwarf or djungarian hamster
genus species of the big brown bat
Eptesicus cuscus
What pathogen is thought to be the cause of white-nose syndrome in bats
Pseudogymnoascus destructans
What tissue expresses corticotrophin releasing hormone in humans and anthropoid primates?
What are the common sources of gamma-irradiaters in use
137CS and 60Co
Regulated by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
require people with access to have background check and fingerprinting
Name the novel species of Streptococcus was identified in weanling C57BL/6 mice presenting with running and neurologic signs
Streptococcus azizii
What agent may be added to the drinking water of mice to induce IBD and dehydration?
DSS dextran sulfate sodium
What is OCT (optical coherence tomography)
an imaging technique that used a thin wire and NEAR infrared to capture micrometer resolution from tissue
What was Respiratory Inductance Plethsmoraphy used to measure in swine
Tidal volume
measures amplitude changes in ribcage and abdomen movements and correlates to tidal volume
T or F
Squirrel monkeys are some of the most susceptible NHP species for experimental infection with CJD
T or F
Squirrel monkeys have been used for vaccine development for HTLV
What type of virus is SaVH1, for which squirrel monkeys are the natural host
alpha herpes virus
Saimiriine herpesvirus 1 (aka herpesvirus tamarinus)
90% seroprevalence in squirrel monkeys
How many cases of human infection with SaHV1 have been reported?
not believed to be zoonotic
How is SaVH2 classified?
gamma herpes virus
Saimiriine herpesvirus 2 (aka herpesvirus saimiri or HVS)
closely related to Kaposis sarcoma virus (human herpes virus 8)
What is the cellular tropism of SaHv2
T cells
know to cause lymphomas and t-cell leukemia in other neotrop species (but not squirrels)
What category herpesvirus is SaHV3
most similar to EBV in humans
What category herpesvirus is SaHV4
Saimiriine herpes virus 4
Squirrel monkey cytomegalovirus
What is the pathology caused by Squirrel monkey polyomavirus (SMPyV)
not know to be pathogenic in the host species
route of transmission unknown
To what viral genus dos Squirrel monkey retrovirus belong (SMRV)
type D retrovirus
To what viral genus does Simian foamy virus belong?
no known pathology in host or other species
cytoxic in cell culture causing big vacuoles (hence the name foamy virus)
What is the likely natural host for Marburg virus
Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettes aegyptiacus)
omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are categorized as poly or mono unsaturated fatty acids
poly- PUFA
T or F
High intake of omega 6 PUFA may promote inflammation resulting in chronic inflammatory disease
appropriate dietary intakes for PUFA have not been established for most species
T or F
Warm water fish species (zebrafish) require both omega 3 and omega 6 PUFA
Cold water species have a higher requirement for omega 3
ErbB2tg mouse was recently used and characterized as a model for what human disease?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- cardiac ErbB2tg receptor tyrosine kinase over expression
- similar gross and ECG abnormalities as humans with HCM- prolonged QT intervals, wide QRS completes, high P and R
genus species of cotton rat
Sigmodon hispidus
The cotton rat is the preferred model for what common human virus causing upper airway infection, especially in young children?
RSV- respiratory syncytial virus
paramyxovirus-neg sense RNA
What is the etiology of hepatosis dietetica in swine
vitamin E-selenium deficiency in growing pigs
What are the 2 most commonly used mouse models of atherosclerosis?
mice deficient in ApoE or LDLr
ApoE-/- or LDL-/-
-both have impaired lipoprotein production and metabolism
-LDLr-/- must consume a high fat, hight cholesterol diet to become atherogenic, ApoE-/- will develop athero spontaneously
Is mouse norovirus a DNA or RNA virus
RNA, non enveloped
What is the cellular tropism for MNV
dendritic cells and macrophages (and b cells)
What gland produces melatonin. Are levels higher or lower at night?
higher levels at night
T or F
Night time shift work has been shown to increase the risk of prostate cancer in men.
What are struvite crystals composed of?
magnesium ammonium phosphate
aka triple phosphate
according to a recent article what strain of Rats are likely predisposed to development of urolithiasis
Long evans
What is the etiologic agent of Epizootic Catarrhal enteritis in ferrets
ferret enteric Coronavirus
What type of virus (RNA or DNA) is responsible for Ferret Systemic Coronavirus (FRSCV) associated disease
What are the common clinical signs associated with Ferret Systemic Coronavirus?
anorexia, weight loss, diarrhea, abdominal mass
-pyogranulomatous to granulomatous inflammation of multiple organs
T or F
One of the histological lesions associated with Ferret Systemic Corona virus may be cholesterol clefts in close association with multinucleate giant cells
What other common ferret viral disease is a necessary differential for Ferret Systemic Coronavirus, and how are they differentiated
Aleutian disease (parvovirus)
- can be diagnosed by PCR
- FRSCV- can be diagnosed by serology/immunohistochem with FIPV3-70antibody
- Aleutian disease is likely to also show hypergammaglobulinemia
List 3 modes of injection that are used to produce a model on intracerbral hemorrhage dogs
balloon inflation
blood injection
bacterial collagenase-preferred because it mimics hematoma expansion
Name a bacterial growth agar that is selective for Yersenia