JAALAS Nov 2016 random questions Flashcards
T or F
Brief isoflurane anesthesia for oral gavage dosing in mice showed no evidence of greater stress than oral dosing awake mice
What has been the acceptable standard of RLUs in santiziationn of laboratory animal settings
T or F
EAD sampling using PCR is sensitive even when disease prevalence is low
How often should enclosures and accessories (tops) be sanitized according to the guide?
at least once every 2 weeks
The dose of Dexmeditomidine required to achieve the equivalent effect of Meditomidine is 1/2 as much or 2x as much?
1/2 the dose of Dexmeditomidine is required
What does the term “piping” refer to in zebra fish
gasping for air at the water surface
T or F.
A recent study in JAALAS 2016 determined that neither bacterial growth or ATP concentration differed significantly between 1 and 4 weeks of use (in mice housing)
This recent study shows that BALB/c mice euthanized by slow filled CO2 chamber develop severe pulmonary hemorrhage
This may need to be refined in a balb/c study with pulmonary pathology as an endpoint
genus sp of Sooty Mangaby
Cercocebus atys
T or F European rabbits are know to live in social groups with dominate male and several subordinate males and females
this is unique to european rabbits
T or F
Lidocaine has the same mechanism of action as MS222
Traditional cryopreservation medias contain egg yolks extenders to aid with preservation. What is the risk of using hen egg yolk for preservation of sperm
potential pathogens- viruses (influenza), fungus
T or F.
Administration of Ketamine xylazine cocktail by SC route can be effective for surgical anesthesia in some strains and sexes of mice
this article determined it to be safe and effective, but may need some refinement of appropriate dose per strain and sex
Ketamine inhibits/activates N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors
What is the most reliable and sensitive test method to detect Pasteruella pneumotropica?
serology unreliable, mass spect too expensive
T or F. Acarus siro are visible to the naked eye
The grain mite is generally not visible to the naked eye (o.5mm) compared to the book lice (3mm)
What units are used to express the amount of ATP measured by the luminometer.
Relative light units (RLU)
T or f
IVC exhaust sampling reliably detected pathogens that are difficult to detect by traditional sentinel housing, and detected pathogens weeks after the onset of pathogen detection
Is xylazine a alpha-2 agonist or antagonist?
What component in egg yolk is thought to aid with cryopreservation of sperm
Buprenorphine is 25-50 times more/less potent than morphine
Buprenorphine is a partial agonist at the ____ receptor and antagonist at the ___ receptor
T or F
C57BL/6 express Klra genes?
Klra genes are part of the NK cell that help with antigen presentation, 129 and C3H strains do express them
genus species of the commonly use european rabbit
Orytolagus cuniculus
Glucocorticoid levels in the hair is an indicator of chronic or acute stress?
T or F. Mouse norovirus is persistently shed in the feces
as opposed to MHV ad MPV which are shed transient
C57BL/6 predominately develop a Th1 or Th2 response
Balb/C predominately develop a Th1 or Th2 response
C57- Th1
BALBc- Th2
What is the product produced by flour beetles (Tribolium sp ) that renders and unpleasant oder and may induce tumor incidences in swiss albino mice
T or F. Wild rabbits tend to socialize in groups of 4-6
They tend to socialize in groups of 3 or less
T or F. Rabbits are a crepuscular species
T or F. Sooty Mangaby troops are typically multimale-multifemale with a matrilineal dominance structure
Though less nepotistic than macaques or baboons
Submissive acts between rabbits often
include retreating when a dominant buck approaches. A safety distance of ___m seems to be the the observed minimal safety distance to demonstrate submission
Current guidelines recommend CO2 euthanasia using what percentage air displacement rate per minute
And do not recommend placing conscious animals in a pre-filled chamber
What is the most common chemical agent for euthanizing zebrafish. How?
Dipolarizes sodium channels rendering unconsciousness, vascular collapse and death due to hypoxia
T or F.
Sanitization consists of cleaning and disinfection
cleaning removes organic debris and disinfection then reduces the concentration of microbes
Name a dissociative anesthetic that produces catalepsy .
T or F.
Dexmeditomidine is the dextroisomer of medetomidine
What is the accepted date after birth when rats are considered adult?
What does the Randal-Selitto test measure?
Withdrawal response to pressure applied by an algeisometer
What does EAD stand for in relation the environmental sampling of IVC units
Exhaust air duct sampling
Does Dexmeditomidine reduce or increases cerebral blood flow?
Reduces it
Through alpha-2 receptor mediated vasoconstriction
T or F
Neither lidocaine nor MS222 are effective at euthanizing zebrafish less than 16dpf
According to this recent study
Free ranging rabbits maintain an interindividual distance of how may meters during daytime actives
suggesting even social groups require a lot of space
Polyplax spinulosa is the vector for what common laboratory animal pathogen
Mycoplasma haemomuris
A multientranced burrow system in which rabbits dwell is called a ______
Genus sp of booklice
Genus sp of grain Mites
Genus sp of Flour Beetles
Liposcelis spp
Acarus siro
Tribolium sp.
T or F
larval stage zebra fish use gills more than skin for respiration
F. They use skin more than gills, which effects how chemical euthanasia agents (lidocaine and MS222) work in larva vs adults
T or F. A recent study indicates that lidocaine hydrochloride was effective for euthanasia of adult zebrafish
And produced it more rapidly than did MS222
Flour beetles can be an intermediate host for what laboratory animal pathogen known to infect rats, mice, humans and other primates, albeit rare.
Hymenolepis dimunata
T or F. The size of a group and warren is related to the amount of “cover” present, since that is the rabbits main defense against predators
If cover is plenty, rabbits may diverse themselves, and breeding females may not share burrows and instead isolate themselves