Comp Med April 2016 Random Questions Flashcards
What are bispecific antibodies?
Antibodies that can recognize 2 different epitopes on the same or different cells (or bacteria)
Near-Infrared Flourophore
fluorescence molecular tomography
Ulcerative dermatitis has been reported to affect more male or female B6 mice?
T or F
A recent article showed a positive response to treatment of ulcerative dermatitis using .005% sodium hypochlorite (Dakin solution)
may work by inhibiting excessive neutrophil oxidative burst
What is the dry eye cabinet used for?
A chamber with low humidity, low temp and high air flow, used to create a mouse model of dry eye syndrome (DES)
What is the Two-Animal Rule
The Animal Efficacy Rule
The use of 2 animal species to demonstrate “response predictive for humans when developing and seeking approval for drugs and vaccines
Who governs the Two Animal Rule?
Dept of Health and Human Services and the FDA
What is a meta-analysis
a study or analysis that gathers and combines information from a number of studies of the same type
What are VIOLIN and vexer?
Vaccine Investigation and OnLine Information Network
Vaxar is a subset of this database specific to laboratory animal responses to vaccines (Vaccine Animal Responses)
What is the mean gestation period for baboons?
T or F
The macaque gestation period tends to be shorter than the baboon.
average 160-170d
Do baboons typically have one or two disc placenta?
Typically 1, like humans.
Macaques typically have 2 discs
What is the most common birthing position of NHPs
T or F
Baboons are seasonal breeders
Give the scientific name for Simian Varicella Virus (SVV)
Cercopithecine herpesvirus 9
T or F
SVV is considered a zoonotic virus