JAALAS Sep 2016 random questions Flashcards
A recent study indicates that embryo transfer in mice may have an effect on emotional behaviors of male or female offspring
Females more sensitive than males
T or F
A rhesus transgenic model of Huntington disease has been established
The animals have just reached puberty and attempts at sperm collection and preservation are in process
What is the current optimal freezing material used for sperm preservation?
TEST extender (egg yolk + TES+ Tris buffer)
In a recent study TEST EQ was determined to be a better freezing extender for transgenic rhesus sperm.
What is TEST EQ?
Contains the detergent Equex paste, to increase acrosome and membrane integrity
What is the primary route of sensible water loss in mice?
Urine (sweat in minimal since they lack sweat glands, except in the foot pad)
What is the source of insensible water loss?
Respiratory route and skin, independent of physiologic state
How is TEWL (trans epidermal water loss) measured?
Using an evaporimeter (aka TEWL probe)
Are the SKH strain of mice haired or nude?
immunocompetent hairless mice
T or F
This recent study shows significantly higher TEWL in C57 compared to other strains studied
List some of the antioxidant enzymes in the body, used to combat ROS (Reactive oxygen species)
Superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxide, glutathione reductase
Which anti oxidant enzyme is able to transform H2O2 into water?
Glutathione peroxide (GSH-Px)
Malondialdhyde is a break down product of what body tissue?
polyunsaturated lipids
What is the recommended time of recovery following transport for cynomolgus monkeys to recover from oxidative stress associated with transport?
What is the most commonly isolated pinworm to naturally infect laboratory rodents?
Aspiculuris tetraptera
Aspicularis can elicit a Th1 or Th2 response from the host ?
Does Aspicularis have a direct or indirect life cycle?
What is the lifespan of adult Aspiculuris?
45-50d, reside in the proximal colon
produce eggs multiple time during the lifespan (unlike syphacia which produce only once)
T or F
Aspicularis eggs are readily detectable on fecal floatation.
Adult worms shed eggs in the mucus covering the rodent feces
What is the pre patent period of the Aspicularis eggs
5-8d to embryonate
Are male or female mice more susceptible to heavy pinworm burdens?
This recent articles suggests the following improvements to using fecal flotation for diagnosis of Aspiculuris:
- soaking the eggs for 30min prior to mixing
- 15min floatation period
- collect at least 20 pellets per come or the entire overnight fecal output
- time of day, sex, housing conditions did not have an effect
- younger mice often yield better results on fecal flotation
This recent study determined that intraperitoneal CRI of KXA was successful at providing prolonged continuous surgical anesthesia and immobility in mice.
isoflurane is still more effective, but when this is not available IP CRI may be more useful than bolus repeated dosing
Is ketamine an NDMA agonist or antagonist?
binds to the phencyclidine receptor and blocks the NMDA receptor channel
Name the hepatic microsomal enzymes that metabolize ketamine
This recent study indicates an effect of ketamine on energy and amino acid metabolism in cynomolgus macaques
specifically metabolites related to glycolysis and glyconeogenesis pathways
-Serum levels of lactate, a-glucose and myoinositol and urine levels of lactate pyruvate and succinate were decreased
What is the biologic half life of ketamine?
Genus species of the rainbow trout
Oncorhynchus my kiss
What is the mechanism of action of Meditomidate in fish?
binds to GABAa receptor, enhances its function causing hypnotic and immobilized state
What is the mechanism of action to Tricaine Methanseulfonate?
binds to sodium channels and reduces depolarizing current
A recent study determined that exposure of rainbow trout to TMS or Metidomidate prior to euthanasia did not influence contractility of myocardium
What does the submental region refer to with regard to blood collection from mice?
the vasculature under the chin
Genus species of the land snail
Succinea putrid
From the recent JAALAS article what is an acceptable method to euthanize terrestrial invertebrates
Anesthetize first with low percentage alcohol (beer or 5%) for 10min, then euthanize in 70-95% etoh or 10%formalin
What is the mechanism of action of Alphaloxine
Bind to GABAa cell surface receptors
may cause hypotension