Mice Flashcards
What is the common abbreviation for C57BL/6 and C57BL/10 strains of mice
Name a common lesion of the right ventricle in BALB/c mice
dystrophic epicardial mineralization
also may develop myocardial degeneration and auricular thrombosis
Which strain of mice is most resistant to spontaneous amyloidosis?
What coat color is the mouse strain C3H/He?
What is the mutation that renders C3H/He blind?
C3H/He are susceptible to which virus that renders them susceptible to a relatively high incidence of mammary neoplasia
Murine Mammary Tumor Virus
Which strain of mice is the most frequent strain of embryonic stem cells (ES)?
Which strain of mice are renown for testicular teratoma (embryonal carcinomas)
Which strain of inbred Swiss mice are prone to seizures?
they are also blind due to homozygosity of the rd1 allele
Outbred swiss mice are prone to what ailment that is a major life-limiting disease
they also have retinal degeneration
What is the predominate circulating leukocyte of the lab mouse
make up 3/4 of total diff count
T or F. Mice are coprophagic?
T. They get about 1/3 of their dietary intake from feces
Do male or female mice have larger submandibular salivary glands?
What type of placenta do mice have
T or F. Proteinuria is lethal in mice
False. It is normal! Highest levels noted in mature males
T or F. Adult mice have a thymus
True. Thymus does not involute in mice
T or F. The splenic red pulp of mice is an active site of hematopoiesis, throughout life
Is maternal IgG is transferred in utero or postnatally?
both! postnatally by IgG receptors in the SI that actively acquire IG up to 2 weeks
Immune response between mouse species is variable. What is a great example of the regarding the immune response of Balb/s vs C57BL/6
Ball/c- TH2
C57- TH1
(maybe why C57 are more resistant to many viruses)
On what chromosome is the MHC (H-2) complex located in mice
How many lung lobes do mice have
1 left
4right lobes
Name a melanotic mouse strain
many mice strains have melanosis in many organs
Describe mouse adenovirus
DNA virus, no envelope replicates in the nucleus intranuclear inclusions MAdV-1 and MAdv-2 No natural disease wit MAdv-1 MAdV-2- enterotropic, minimal disease
Which 2 herpesviruses affect mice?. What type of herpesvirus are they
Mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV)
Mouse thymic virus (MTV)
Describe the hallmark of disease with MCMV
cytomegalic inclusion disease- enlarged cells bearing intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, in the salivary glands
What are the characters lesions of Mouse Thymic virus
intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies and necrosis of thymocytes
Name 2 viruses in the family parvoviridae that affect mice
Minute minute virus of mice
Mouse parvovirus-1
What are the characteristics of parvovirus
small single-stranded DNA
What are the clinical signs associated with natural infection of MVM
What is the critical impact of infection with MPV?
significant immune perturbations and aberrations
In what stage of the cell cycle are parvovirus likely to replicate
S phase
replicate in rapidly dividing cells
What is the tissue tropism of MPV
lymphoid tissues
To what family does the Ectromelia virus belong?
What are the characteristics of this virus family?
Poxviridae, genus Orthodox
Large DNA virus
T or F. Ectromelia is highly contagious
What is the suspected route of transmission of ectromelia?
cutaneous trauma, invasion through skin, local replication, spread to regional lymph nodes, viremia, replication in spleen and liver, 2nd viremia (3-4dayspost exposure)
Name 2 species of mice that are remarkably resistant to ectromelia
C57BL/6 and AKR
What rodent species is the natural reservoir for LCMV
Mus musculus
To what viral family doe LCMV belong
What common laboratory rodent species appears to be refractory to natural infection with LCMV?
What mouse strain is disease resistant to LCMV and why
C3h/He, due to H-2k/k haplotype
To what viral family does lactate dehydrogenase virus belong
arterivirdidae, RNA
frequent contaminate of transplantable tumors
What is the significant impact of LDV infection of mice on research
-alteration of macrophage function
Describe the characteristics of Mouse Hepatitis Virus
Large enveloped RNA virus, radial spikes (peplomers) that are antigenically distinct between strains
What are the clinical signs typically associated with MHV
runting, inappetence (no milk spot) diarrhea, dehydration in neonates (less than 2 weeks)
List the primary tissue tropisms of MHV
Enterotropic strains Respiratory strains (polytropic)
What are the hallmark gross and histologic lesions of MHV
Gross- yellow/white nodules in multiple organs
Hits- focal necrosis (liver) with syncytial cells on the periphery of the lesion
T or F. Serology is useful for detecting and surveillance of infection with MHV
T. Serology is great
Fecal PCR can be used as well
What differential diagnosis should be considered in relation to MHV
Tyzzers, EDIM, Salmonellosis, Ectromelia
Impact of MHV on research?
Immune modulation
How is MHV treated or managed
- burnout, cessation of breeding for 6-8 weeks
- Rederivation by c-setion or embryo transfer
What viral family does Sendai Virus (SV)belong to
closely related of parainfluenza virus-1 of human
What other species of rodents are susceptible to SV
rats and hamsters
T or F. Sendai virus is highly contagious
What are typical gross and histologic lesions associated with SV
plum colored consolidated lung lobe(s)
-necrosis inflammation of nasal and airway epithelium
What are the clinical signs associated with SV in mice
dyspnea, chattering, crusting of eyes
suckling mice more affected than adults
Which strains of mice are most resistant to SV
C57Bl/6, AKR, SJL and Swiss
DBA,129 and C3H most susceptible
T or F. SV virus is highly labile
To what family does Mouse Encephalomyelitis belong
Picornoviridae-small RNA virus
aka Theilovirus (Theiler’s virus)
aka Mouse polio
In what cell type does MEV (Thriller’s virus) replicate
enterocytes- though typically intestinal lesions are not present
Describe the the histologic lesion of MEV in SCID mice
cytoplasmic vacuolization of neurons and cells in the neuropil
To what viral family does Epizootic Diarrhea of Infant Mice belong (EDIM)
Rotavirus (Rotavirus A)
-Double stranded RNA!!!
T or F. EDIM is highly contagious
T. It is highly contagious and prevalent, though disease is relatively rare once it is enzootic in a population
In what cell or tissue does EDIM replicate?
Intestinal mucosa
Infects terminally differentiated enterocytes (infant mice have more of these than older aged animals, which makes them the most susceptible)
Clinical signs of EDIM
- yellow mustard colored diarrhea, yet continue to suckle
- transient
- rarely clinically relevant in enzootic populations
To what family does Norovirus belong?
-non-enveloped RNA
(notoriously stable in the environment!)
What is the cellular tropism for norovirus?
Macrophages ans dendritic cells
Describe the difference in endogenous versus exogenous retrovirus (MMTV , MLV) transmission
exogenous- transmitted horizontally, through milk
endogenous- inherited through the genome
What is the causative agent of Tyzzer’s disease in mice
Clostridium piliforme
What is the longevity of Clostridium piliforme spores in the environment?
up to 5 years
maintain infectivity at least 1 year at room temp
Exposure is primarily through ingestion of spores from the environment
What strain of mice are most susceptible and most resistant to Tyzzer’s disease?
DBA/2- susceptible
B6- resistant
Resistance of B6 mice to Tyzzer’s has been attributed to what cell type
B cells
What cell type does Mycoplasma pulmonic typically colonize?
Apical cell membrane of respiratory epithelium
List some of the clinical signs associated with Mycoplasma pulmonis in mice
weight loss, dyspnea, chattering
Are mice or rats more susceptible to Mycobacterium pulmonis?
Describe the characteristics of the Mycobacterium pulmonic organism
pleomorphic, gram-neg- no cell wall,
What is the etiologic agent of Transmissible murine colonic hyperplasia
Citrobacter rodentium
gram negative rod
How is Citrobacter rodentium typically transmitted to mice
through contaminated food and bedding
What are the two species of Salmonella
S. bongori (mainly infects poikilotherms)
S. enterica
What are the salmonella serovars likely to infect mice (though uncommon)
S. Typhirium
S. Enteritidis
Pneumocystis murina is known to cause severe lung pathology in immunocompetent mice. T or F
F- dz is subclinical in immune competent animals, causes severe disease in immune deficient animals (rubbery lungs that fail to deflate)
Describe the organism Spironucleus muris
flagellated protozoa, smaller than Giardia, elongated and pear shaped, lacks an anterior sucking disk
-inhabits the duodenum (crypts of Lieberkahn)
Hymenolepis nana is also know as the dwarf tapeworm. T or F
Adults are very small (25-40mm)
T or F. The life cycle of Hymenolepis nana requires an intermediate host.
It can have a direct (no intermediate host) or indirect (arthropod intermediate host) life cycle. It is the only known cestode that does not require an intermediate host.
How long is the lifecycle of Hymenolepis nana from ingestion to patency?
20-30 days
What is genus and species of the common mouse pinworm
Syphacia obvelata
Does the life cycle of Syphacia require a host?
No it is direct.
Completed in 11-15d
Which has a longer life cycle?
Syphacia or Aspicularis
Aspicularis - 23-25 days
Syphacia 11-15d
What is the common pinworm of rats, and how is it differentiated from Syphacia obvelata
Syphacia muris- common pinworm of rats,
eggs of S. muris are much smaller than obvelata
Which inbred strains of mice are most likely to have calcification of the heart?
DBA, C3H, Balb/c
Which inbred strains of mice are most likely to have acidophilic macrophage pneumonia?
Hypocallosity is a forebrain commissure defect with aplasia of the corpus collosum. It is common in which 2 inbred strains of mice
129 strains and Balb/c
Hydrocephalous is common in which inbred strain of mice?
Which strains of mice are known to develop a high incidence of thymic lymphoma
Which inbred strain of mice almost 100% incidence of mammary tumors (by 9 months of age)
What is the most likely diagnosis in a aged mice with unilateral protrusion of the eye.
Hardarian gland adenoma or adenocarcinoma
On what mouse chromosome is the Major Histocompatibility complex located?
T or F
Each strain of inbred mice have unique H2 haplotypes
They are homozygous
each strain is unique
C57BL- H2b
Balb H2d
What is the first inbred strain of mice and who developed it?
C.C. Little
T or F
Many Swiss mice are blind dues to homozygous recessive rd1 allele.
This is evidence that Swiss mice are a little bit inbred, even though they are considered an outbred strain
T or F
N-ethyl-N-nitrosurea (ENU) induces random point mutations
as does ethylmethansulphate (EMS)
both are given to MALE mice to induce mutations