vocabulario I (largo) Flashcards
to tie the shoelaces
atar las agujetas
NC sign on a board
el letrero
live (performance) (2)
en vivo, en directo
the sample, specimen
la muestra
to wait (2)
esperar> aguardar
It makes sense
tiene sentido
I’m interested in the party.
Me interesa la fiesta
to keep someone waiting
Juan keeps Enrique waiting
hacer esperar a alguien Juan hace esperar a Enrique
The party is interesting
la fiesta es interesante
that’s that/all
se acabO
They would like to have children (gustar)
A ellos les gustaria tener hijos
to lie (tell a lie)
mentir miento mentimos mientes menteismiente mienten
I am confused
Estoy confundido
smoking is bad
fumar es malo (o mal) (no direct translation of -ing as subject/nouns in spanish)
I caught the bus349 to catch up with
alcanzé (acc e) el autobus (alcanzar)
like that, isn’t that right?
asi (accented i)no es asi?
I am meeting a friend tonight.
Me reuno CON un amigo esta noche.
696 conscience, consciousness
la conciencia
silver or gold
plata U oro o becomes U with vowels!
I am still at home (2)
Estoy aun/todavia en la casa
690 willing, ready
2293 the goal (3)
la meta (also finish line of race) el final objetivo (goal, objective, not finishing line)
not yet
todavia no
cualquier cosa
C: current (popular, sort of) (a…)
C: wide, broad(2)
amplio > ancho/a
420 true, real (adj.)
a different future for me
un futuro distinto para mi
He wrote a story about a boy
escribió un cuento acerca de un muchacho
saint Francis
Santo Francis de assisi
the front
el frente
c. 260 to turn outthe trip turned out perfectly.
resultar el viaje resulto (acc) perfecto
across from
frente a (acc)
at any time
en cualquier momento
strong/weak weak reason
fuerte/debil (acc. e)pobre razon
448 to interest he isn’t interested in knowing the world
interesar no le interesa conocer el mundo
4389 to hurry up = darse prisa, worry, fuss = (acongojarse, preocuparse)
apurarse⇒ vprnl (darse prisa) Apúrate, que llegamos tarde. Tranquila, no te apures por eso, que yo te echo una mano para terminarlo.
to unpack
to change one’s mind
cambiar de idea
C to lie down
acostarse o echarse
ser (imperfect conjugation)He was a Mexican
era eramos eras eraisera eranEra de mexico. (acc. e)
poetry doesn’t interest me at all
la poesia no me interesa nada
2593 summary, recap, synopsis
un resumen
3476 the challenge
el reto
we would be able to see the mountains
podriamos ver las montañas
~ 2200 the track, path
la pista
C clear, cloudless
in which case
en cuyo caso
conjug. saber pret.
sup– e iste o imos isteis ieron
conjug. ver in imperfecto
veia veiamos (same)veias veiais veia veian (ALL acc i)
conjugate ir in imperfecto
iba ibas iba íbamos ibais iban
to want in pret
.I wanted you wanted (querer)
quis– e iste o imos isteis ieron(no accent marks bec.root changes)
I came you came(preterito) (v…)
vin– e iste o imos isteis ieron
I made you made… (conjug. pret.)hacer
hic– e iste zo imos isteis ieron
I gave you gave he gave etc. (preterito)
di dimos diste disteis dio dieron
conjug. preterito tener
tuv– e iste y demas
NC polite
cortes (acc e)
some days
algunos dias
4859 rough, coarse (person, actions, too)
I slept, you slept, etc. (dormir)
dormi dormimos dormiste dormisteis durmio durmieron (acc. final I and O)note o becomes u in 3rd
only 3 irregular verbs in imperfect
“VIS”=ver ir ser
the farmer (2)
el agricultor (C) > NC granjero
tenses of “hay”
hubo había hay habrá
I will do you will do…etc.
haré -ás á -émos eis án
as much ____ as
tan __(adj)___ como
tanto como
it’s true(2)
es cierto/verdad
I haven’t the faintest idea
no tengo ni la menor idea
at the same time (2)
a la vez
al mismo tiempo
and so what?
y que? (rude in Mexico segUn Maricela)
adjectives that lose their -o beforemasculine nouns
primer, tercer, buen, mal un algún, ningún
indirect object pronouns
mete lenososles
the advertisement
el anuncio NOTE
2010, 3209 ridiculous (2) (a..,r..)
absurdo >rid I culo CHECKED
best better worse worst
el/la mejor mejo peor el/la peor
convenient(3)There is a convenient area to change the baby’s diaper in the restroom.
(suitable) cómodo, conveniente práctico adj En el baño, hay un área muy práctica para cambiar los pañales de los bebés
when I return…
cuando regrese (when I … requires subjunctive because not sure)
the T shirt (2)
la playera (Mex) la camiseta
1171 foreigner
el extranjero CHECKED
one wakes up
se despierta
the opposite of…(2)
lo contrario(antonym) DE/ lo opuesto de (thing or action)
the fashion (in broad sense)
la moda
friend, ally, companion
the species
la especie
the sheep
la oveja
do you think it’s made of wood? (using future)
serA de madera?
It’s probably eight o’clock (future)
seran las ocho
I have two hundred pesos left
(A mi) (acc) me quedan doscientos pesos.a mi added for emphasis and is optional
to care about, to mind
importar (like gustar)
mediator, umpire, referee
el Arbitro (acc. a)
the will (as in legal document)
el testamento
makes friends easily OR, very friendly(?) (UNA palabra)
amigable (> amable)
If my memory is correct…(NO con memoria)
si recuerdo bien
continuum from expensive to inexpensive
carromenos carro = menos costoso justo razonable barato (NOT “cheap”)
how much money do we have left?
cuanto (acc. a) dinero nos queda?
moreover, in addition to
ademas (acc a)
I’m going to like this movie
me va a gustar esa pelicula(acc. i)
I’m missing (don’t have) my notebook
me falta el cuaderno
the athlete
el/la atleta
the monk
el monje
hair on head
el cabello (Mex?), el pelo
the can
la lata
hair all over body
el vello (CKED)
~ 4400 to unload, download (computer), let loose, free
more than ever
mas que nunca
to type
place, seat, post, job, stall
el puesto
to move (v.t.) (thing,. from one place to another)
meanwhile (2)
mientras tanto O mientras
to fold
when we say goodbye, I always cry
cuando nos despedimos, simpre lloro
to oneself wake upI I wake up at 6:30
despertarse Me despierto a las 6:30
the only houseguest
el único huésped
no more (not nada mas)
ya no
the fever
la fiebre
(cansado, hasta las narices) figurative sick of, sick to death of adj phrase slang fed up with adj phrase fed up adj (que ha comido demasiado) food full, stuffed adj bastante = mucho jaded, satiated
Estoy harto de mi trabajo, voy a renunciar.
harto adj Estoy tan harto que no puedo tomar el postre.
harto adv (bastante) very, extremely adv. El vestido te queda harto grande
order, disorder
orden, desorden
a documentary
un documental
to manage, control
manejar (also drive)
to thank FOR. The author expressed his gratitude for the prize he won. I thank you a lot for it
agradecer (v.t.) El escritor agradeció el premio recibido
te lo agradezco
to brush
I brushed my teeth
me cepillaba los dientes
The report (written)
el informe
right away, with little delay (not de pronto) (e…)
en seguida
2426 the fish (2)
ELpez el pescado (culinary)
a character (in a film, book)
el/la personaje
455 to throw, cast
271 to transform, turn around, become (trans.)to change something/someone into sg. else (c…) (NO cambiar)
convertir (also convert) EN (into sg. or sn.)
starting at four o’clock (a…)
a partir de las cuatro
2418 to hire, contract
to hear (& conjug. in presento)
oigo oimos
oyes oyeis
oye oyen
251 to create
creo creamos
creas creais
crea crean
cualquier cosa
~2400 extremely (s…)
her husband is an extremely busy man.
su esposo es un hombre sumamente ocupado
angry (L. Am.)
the contest, competition
la competencia
~1500 powerful
simple (2)
sencillo/a NOT negative w/people (humble)simple (op. of complicado) BUT negative w/people
~ 2400 to break, bend, weaken
~1500 logical
logico/a 1st o acc.
~1200 to move, transfer (vtr) ALSO, postpone, adjourn (t…)
trasladar …una cosa…una fecha/cita
~1200 to finish, conclude (2)
concluir, terminar
I was going to ask, say, run, etc.
iba a preguntar, decir, correr
finally! (2)
por fin! finalmente
the fabric
la tela
the parade
el desfile
how long ago did… (c…)
Cuanto (acc. a) tiempo hace que
to hand over, deliver, present
Llano O plano
To let (2)
dejar O permitir
Cuando me dejarás salir, mamá?
bankrupt (personal)
insolvente (bancarrota, quiebra = nf, companias only)
~1500 to complain
1225 to oppose
nuestro grupo se opene a este proyecto
the tuna (fish)
el atún
the grade (received in school, A, B, C…)
la calificación
the heating system
la calefacción
The trip 1)journey 2) rambling walk (e…)
(=journey) viaje m; (=excursion) excursión f;
The way down, decline
la bajada
To leave (possibly for a long time)(from) (m…)
marcharse (de)
the question (as in about morals, ideas, etc.)
la cuestíon
athlete (less strong than atleta)
el/la deportista acc. to Griselda
awake, quick, sharp
the prickly pear
la tuna (AM.)
4155 the profit, gain
la ganancia
2855 the piece, bit
el pedazo Le da un pedazo de pan
slowly (2)
lentamente despacio
~4100 the childhood
la niñez, la infancia
the same (adj.)
el/la mismo/a (NOT unchanged)
pronunciada el mismo discurso en siete idiomas
2030 sensitive
sensible !!! amigo falso
healthy (not saludable)
sano (equally common, sobre Maria Elena)
to eat everything or all by oneself