Visual pathways/ visual fields Flashcards
what are the 2 tests for the visual feild
automated perimetry
confromation test
how does a confrontation test work
paitnet closes one eye and examinaor close one of there eye, the examiner move there hand and looks for phn piaten can see hand to check for range of there visual feild
what is an automated perimetry test
has paient look at the cnre and sows obect round the edge, the patient clicks buzzer when they see object on edge of vision
how are objects invred in vusal field
upsideodn and invreed right to left
what is the movemnt of electrons into the brain
optic nerve to optic chisma to optic tract to lateral gneicual body, to primary visual cortex
what are the types of fibers in the optic nerve
fibers form teh tempalr and nasl retaina
what fibers cross over at the op;tic chiasam
nasal fibers
what side of the brain does he right vusal field go to
left side
what isde of te brian does fibers form left visual field go to
right side
what happesn at the lateral geniculate body
fibers form the optic tract synapse
where is the lateral geniculate body
in the thalamus
what happens if hte optic chiasma is distuebed
will lead to loss of temporal visoin due to crossing of nasal chains
what happesin if the optic tract is dame
will lose all vison form that side of the visual feild
Bitemporal hemianopia
where there is blindless peripahy in the temporal part of both eye due to dame to the optic nerve
contralateral homoymous hemianaopia
visaul feild defect that effects the same part of both eyes , due to damage to an opotic tract