eye muscles Flashcards
role of the intrinsic muscles of the eye
to contol the diameter of the pupil
role of extrinic muscles of the eye
move the eyeball
what are the 4 straignt musle of the yee
medial recuts
lateral rectus
superior rectus
inferioro rectus
where do the recti muscles arrise from
apex of the orbit form an annular fibrous ring
where do the superior oblique muscles arrise from
rootf othe of the orbit positerly
spphenoid bone
where do eshte inferio oblique msulce arrise from
floor of the orbit antieroy
what is a trochlea
pulley (anatomy terms)
which mucles has a trochlea
superior oblique
what bone is behind te annular fibrous
splenoid bone
role of levator p;alpebrae superioris
elevate the eyelid
whihc part of hte sclear does hte so and io jion
which part of the sclear does hte recti join
the anterior part of the sclera
what nerve inervates the so
trochlear nerve
what nerve innervates the lr
what nerve innervates everthing apart from so and lr
what is the movement of eyes up and down called
levating and depressing
what is the movement of the eyes towards and away from the nose called
adduction - to wards nose
abduction - away from nose
what is intorsion and extorision
intorsion - top of eye towards nose
extorsion - top of eye away from nose
what is the main action of the the 1 - mr
2 - lr
mr - adduction
lr - abduction
what is the actions of te sr
why does the sr adduct
due to its 23 degree orientation
actionons of the ir
depression, adduction, extrusion
what is special about the ir
it adducts and extorsion , due to its orintation
what is the movemtns of the so
intorsion, depression, abduction
why does the superior oblique cause depression
due to its place in the eye is very postioery, thus pulling it forwards and down
what is the ovemtn of the xo
extorison, elvation , abdution
recti ADductors
Superiors Intortors
move ments of eyes to the right name
movement of eyes to left naem
what is the movemtn of the eye to the right and up
detroverion elvation
what is strabismus
what is esotropia
wher the squint is becoesn one eye moves too meidal
what is exotropia squint
because one eye moves to lateral
lazy eye
what is the cuase of amblyopia
brain suppreses image of one eye leading to poor vision in that eye with out any patholoyg
what is diplopia
double vison
cuases of double visoin
nerve palsies , leading to squint, the focal point on eye moves suddely
what are the 3 intrinsic eye msuels
cilararis muscle
constricor pupillae
dilatora pupillae
what intrinsic eye muslces are innervted by parasympathiec and by what nerve
cillaris musles
consticor pupillae
by 3rd craial nerve
what is the inervation of the dilator pupilae
where does the ysmpahtic innervationfor the dilator pupilae follow
around intenral carroid artyer
where is the cilaris muslce found
cilary body
where is the constior pupillae found
iris at pupillary border
where is the dilator pupillae found
radillar around the iris
is sympatheic or parasympatheic triggered by increased lumination
is sympatheic or parasympdic triggere dby decread illumation