memory and cognition Flashcards
thought processing behvaour
intergatoin of all sensory information to make sense of a situation
neuronal plasicty
abiltiy of brain to adapt, though central neurons change connection due to learning experiences
assocation area
intergration of information from multiple sources
name of assoication areas
sensory assocation area
motor assocation area
preforta assocation area
auditory assocation area
visual assocation area
what is the role of the hippocampus
formation of memories
role of cortex
storage of memories
role of thalamus
searches and accesses memorries
what is part of the limbic system
cingulate gyrus
role of cingulate gyrus
role of amygdala
emotion and memory
hypothalamus fuciotn
links betwen emtion an ans response
what is the limbic system mianly for
insticive behaviorus , such as thirst, sex hunger
emotive behaviour - theses are driven by reward and avoid punishment
what experneic are heard to remember by the limbic system
those which do not have a reward or a punishment
role of hippocamus
all sensory informaiton goes though it
needed for the formation of new memories
what is bilaterla hipcampla dmage effect
loss of senosry memories, but have intact long tem memres, meaing that they cannot form new memories
how long does immediate or sensory memory last
a few seconds
which decay faster visual or auditayr sensory memories
visual - 1 second
auditoary 4 seconds
what is short term memory length
seconds to hours
what type of pathway in the brain is used for short term memory
reverberating circuits
how long does intermediate long term memory last for
hours to week
what type of change in the brain is seen with intermediate long term memory
chemical adaptations in t presynaptic termial
what is long term memory lenght
what chagnes in brain is seeen in long term memory
changes in sympatic connection with a stucualt change
what is a reverbeating circit
short term memory, where a ciruclar cuitc, will be retain the information for a short time, and can be exitited by a stimulus
what causes a revernating cuircuit to change into a intermide long term memory
depending on frequent the cirucit is acitivated
memory loss due to reverberation is disrupted
what are teh types of amnesia
anterograde, and reterograde
what is anterograde amnesia
cannot recall events that happen after an injury. ie. form new memories
what is reterograde ameis
can’t remember events that happend before teh injury, or past events
when does retrograde amnesia occur
when the thalams is damaged and the hippothalamus is spared
role of thalamus
searching existing memory bank
what type of moleucle is used for intermeida long term memory
how is ca effected in long term memories
increse ca into presymaptic termis, increas neruotramsion relase
what are the stucual changes in long term memories
increases neural transimon reals on presymatic membarne
incras number of nerual trannon vessical stored and released
increase number of presynaptic termials
what is the effect on long term member on the graded member postinal
incrase its amplitude
what is long term potential
stenging of synape as reuslt of incras in ampltie in graded membrane potentl
what are teh 2 types of long term memory
desclaritive or expliciti memory
proceduar/ reflextive/ implicit memory
what is declarative or explicit memory
memory for events and wors and rules
what stucure is controller for declartive memory
what is proceudla memory
motor memeor, through repeptation e..g plyaing a sport
what stucure is procedual memory associated with
what is consolidaton
short term meory turning into long termm memory
what are the stuucres of the frontal cortexs papez cirucit
hippocampus, mamillary bodies, anterior thalamus, cingulate gyrus
funcito of papez cirucit
reverberating activy that conties tohought
role of frontal cortex
acess wiethe ra memor is signicat in term of lyamtic syetm
how to decide if a memory is still signifaicat
it is decied by forna ore, and rewriitn int papelx ciruicts