Transductance Flashcards
where engery in light waves (photons) stimulate photorecportor cells on the retina
this is whrer light energy is convted electorchemcia reposnse
what is at the base or rods and cones
synaptic ternaiom
do rods and cones contain a neucleous
what makes up rodes and cones outer segmetn
sacks of discs / lamella which have photoreceptors called rhodopsin in rods
what is a a lameella made out of
a cell membarne
what makes up the cell membarne of a lamina in rods
visual pigment rhodospin =
what makes up the cel membare in cones
opsins s, m and l
what are opsin , s, ma and l responsible for
short - s
medium- m
l - large wavelenghts
wher eis opsin and retianl found in rhodosoin
intergal transmemare helical protin
where is vitamen a found in the eye
in the interagl transmemarb helical proin
what type of molcue is vitame a
what caue vitamen a to isomerise
light falling on it
what type of vitamen a cannot fit in t th eopsin
all trans retincal
what is the opsin
part of the interagl transmemabr helicap proin, the inner part, where retial is
what is the normal type of vitamen a in the eye
11 cis retinal (branched )
how does the viasl pigment result in phototransducation
phototransudion cascaste
what is the role of vit a in the visual pathway
visual regnariton
how is vitamen a mainly absobred
throug diet
what is the effect of vitamen a diffecty
will cause night blindnes, and damge to the normal epithlum
what is the cuase of vit a deficney
malabsip such as coeliac and spruce
signs of vit a dificeny
bitots sposts on conjuctivy
cornela ulcation
end stage vit a defecy
corneal melating
opopacification of the cornea
what type of cell conects rods to ganglion cell
bipolar nerve cell