Vision Signal Transduction Flashcards
electromagnetic radiation between 400 and 700 nm in wavelength photo: elementary unit of light, the smallest amount we’d be able to detect shorter wavelength = higher energy, longer wavelength = lower energy

where light is turned into a neural signal, images are projected upside down and backwards
specifc region of retine with high resolution vision because (1) light can get through to photoreceptors more easily because there are less layers of cells and (2) there is less convergence from many photoreceptors
optic nerve
axons travel to brain, no retina at start of optic nerve creates blind spot
patway of light signal in retina

types of photoreceptors
rods: long, cylindrical, mostly in periphery, 1000x more sensitive, see better in low light conditions, sensitive to most colors on light spectrum
cones: short, tapered, mostly in fovea, contain one of three types of photopigments (protein that detects light) in each cell, each sensitive to specific wavelengths- blue cones (430), green cones (530), red cones (560)
transduction of light into a signal
photoreceptors depolarize and release NT in the dark because cGMP is present at night and binds to cGMP gated Na+ channels to open them. they hyperpolarize and do not release NT during the day because light ????