Violence- EXAM 4 Flashcards
Child abuse types
Physical, Neglect, Sexual, Emotional
Children under 4 years old are most vulnerable
Assessing the child that’s been abused
Reassure its not their fault
Don’t make them feel pressured to tlak
Nonthreatening and supportive tone
Interview shouldn’t resemble a trial
Do not suggest answers
Do not promise everything is confidential
Do not react with shock to anything
Children may express experience via playing out
Ask open ended questions
Characteristics of abusive parents
History of violence, neglect or emotional deprivation
Low self esteem
Poor coping skills
Little or no involvement in social activities
Involved in crisis situation
Frequent harsh punishment
H/o severe mental illness
Violent outbursts
Blames others for problems
Lacks effective parenting skills
Perceives child as bad or evil
H/o drug or alcohol abuse
Low tolerance for frustration
Poor impulse control
Leading cause of injury related deaths during pregnancy
Intimate partner violence
Battered partner
does not ask to be beaten or enjoys it
lives in terrot
does not usually initiate violence, is usually in self defense
has low self esteem and feeling of powerlessness
Believes if she acts right then abise will stop
contemplates suicide or has done it
contemplates homicide
the batterer
Denies abuse occurs, shifts responsibility to partner
belittles, criticizes, insults and undermines partner
limits family and friends
controls activities and events
tracks time or milage on car
Stalks partner
Instills fear in partner
Breaks and destroys things
Controls money
Makes all decisions
Why do abused partners stay
No other financial support
No support system
Afraid to be alone
Thinks they can’t survive without partner
Are in depression
Believes they deserve the beatings, need to stay or the kids and still goes through honeymoon phase
Assessing someone who is IPV
Their injury will not match with their explanation
Wounds around head and neck
3 questions that can reveal IPV
Have you been kicked, hit to punched by someone
Do you feel safe in your current relationship ship
Is there a partner from your previous relationship who is making you feel unsafe now
Alwaysask if kids are being hurt too
Document all info and ask to take photographs
If they choose to press charges on partner
Give verbal or written info on
attorney who handles cases
legal clinics and or battered women advocates
If they choose to NOT press charges on partner
PRovifr resources for
hotlines, shelters, battered woman’s groups
Battered woman advocates
IPV safety plan
Move to room with more then 1 exit
Know quickest route out of work and home
Ask neighbors to call police when they hear a disturbance
Use code words with kids, family and friends
Have safe place selected in case need to leave
What is elder abuse
Falls into 3 categories
Domestic, institutional and self neglect
5 kinds of elder abuse
Physical, emotional, financial, neglect and sexual abuse
The abuser in elderly abuse
Middle aged, often caregiver is financially dependent on the older adult
IS dealing with mental illness, substance abuse or inability to cope
Signs of elder abuse
Fear o being alone with caregiver
Obvious malnuturion
Bedsores or skin lesions
Begging for food
Needs for medical and dental care
Left unattended for long periods
Reports neglect and abuse
Passive, withdrawn and emotionless
Concern over finances and belongings
When do you report crimes of rape
When it involves the abuse of a minor or older adult
Date drugs
GHB:afects CNS
Rohypnol: “forget” drug
Ketamine: hallucinating agent
Most common drug used to facilitate rape
Sane nurses job
Perform physical
Collect forensic evidence
Provide testimony and forensic evidence
Provide support and needs of survivor
ED SA victims
Should never be left alone
Have privacy provided
BE priority in triage
Receive support, medical care
Collection of specimen
Rape kits
Body fluids and DNA collected
Urine sample if date drug is suspected
Patients have the right to refuse legal and medical exam
Must sign consent form for evidence collection
Chain of custody is followed until incident is turned over to authorities
acute phase rape trauma syndrome
Most common responses are shock, numbness and disbelief
Long term phase rate trauma syndrome
Teach to know what to expect
Help them be prepares and not feel like they’re going crazy
Important to now that everyone deals with event in their own manner
The ability to have comfortable and enjoyable sex will return
Reexperience trauma
social withdrawl
avoidance behaviors and actions
fears and phobias
Nightmares and difficulty sleeping
Interventions to rape
Care for physical injuries
Offer emergency contraceptive
Offer treatment for STD
Collect serum to test for HIV, Hep and syphillis
Compassionate care
benzo for anxiety and agitation
Counseling, group therapy, support groups
List of safe houses
ASSESS within 24-48 hours by telephone