Hypovolemic Shock- EXAM 4 Flashcards
What is Hypovolemic shock
Inadequate perfusion
Total body fluid decrease
HR and SV part in shock
HR is too high, beats too fast so SV is not being filled up as much bc heart beats too fast, this in turn causes less CO to be produced, causing their to be less blood in the heart
Signs and Symptoms
Cool clammy skin
Weak rapid pulse
altered mental status
Decreased urinary output
All these occur during compensation phase, may not be seen in early stages of shock
Hypovolemic shock causes
Decreased body fluids
GI loss: N&V, Diarrhea
Early shock
Decrease in 10mmHg
Increased CO
Pulse is slightly elevated
Very subtle symptom but good to catch it early on
Compensatory shock
10-15 mmHg loss
Chemical compensation occurs to maintain vital organs, BP and perfusion
Increased HR and Decreased pulse & urine output
THIRST kicks in
Tissue hypoxia occurs in nonvital organs
Treatment can stop process with no damage so is reversible
Decompensation shock
Progressive phase
Decrease in >20mmHg
Compensatory mechanisms are active but can’t maintain sufficient oxygen for vital organs
Pallor, impending doom, rapid weak pulse and low BP and pH
Vital organs go through hypoxia and nonvital organs become anoxic
Unless treated rapidly, patient has poor chance of survial
Irreversible shock
Rapid loss of consciousness, non palpable pulse, cold extremities, slow shallow breaths and unmeasurable oxygen saturation
Severe tissue hypoxia with ischemia and necrosis
No treatment can reverse damage
Widespread cellular death then Liver, heart, brain and kidneys lost first then death of body occurs
First sign of Hypovolemic shock
Increased heart rate
Prevention of HVS
Safety measure to prevent traumas
Recognizing shock and identifying patients at risk
Assess patients for obvious bleeding and those with persistent thirt
Treat underlying cause first!!
Oxygen therapy!
FLuid replacment
Diagnostic tests
Electrolytes, BUN, creatine and lactic acid
Oxygen therapy
all patients with shock receive oxygen therapy even those with adequate respirations
IV fluids or blood
NS or LR
Cyrystalloid or colloid solutions
Albumin if 3rd spacing is the cause
Assess and monitor cardio function
BP, HR, Pulse ox, Pulses
Conduct baseline assessment to establish stage of shock
Use warm fluids for resuscitation
Promote skin perfusion
Relieve anxiety
Administer pain meds
Assess mental status
Monitor urinary output