urology Flashcards
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Opening, meatus
Ex. Meatotomy- incision of the meatus. It’s performed to relieve stenosis of the urethra, which may inhibit the proper passage of urine or semen.
Exs. Cystoscope- instrument for examining the bladder
Vesicocele- hernia of the bladder; also called cytocele. With a vesicocele, the bladder herniates into the vaginal wall, which may lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder.
Fixation of the kidney
Renal pelvis
Ex. Pyeloplasty- surgical repair of the renal pelvis.
Ureterectasis (u-re-ter-EK-ta-sis)
Dilation of the ureter
Ex. Androgenic- pertaining to maleness. Androgenic hormones include all natural or synthetic compounds that stimulate or maintain male characteristics. The most common kind is testosterone.
Glans penis
Ex. Balanoplasty- surgical repair of the glans penis.
Ex. Epididymotomy (Ep-e-did-I-MOT-o-me)- incision of the Epididymis
Testis(plural testes)
Ex. Orchitis (or-KI-tis) inflammation of the testes. Common cause for this is the mumps infection.
Ex. Orchialgia (or-ke-AL-je-a) pain in the testes.
Ex. Orchidoptosis (or-kid-op-TO-sis)- downward displacement of the testes
Perineum(area between scrotum [or vulva in the female] and anus).
Ex. Perineal- pertaining to the perineum
Spermatozoa (sperm cells)
Ex. Spermatocele- swelling containing spermatozoa. Usually an epididymal cyst commonly containing sperm.
Dilated vein
Ex. Varicocele- swelling of a dilated vein. Varicoceles are enlarged varicose veins that occur in the scrotum. They are fairly common, affecting 15% of men overall and 40% of men with known infertility.Varicoceles occur most often in the left testicle.
Vessel;vas deferens; duct
Ex. Vasectomy-removal of(all or part of) the as deferens. Bilateral vasectomy is a surgical procedure sterility in the male.
Nitrogenous compounds
Ex. Azotemia(az-o-TE-me-a) nitrogenous compounds (such urea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, and ammonia) in the blood. If not removed from the body, especially urea, death will result.
Ex. Cryptorchidism(kript-OR-kid-izm)- condition of hidden testes. It’s the failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum; usually a congenital disorder.
Potassium (an electrolyte)
Ex. Hypokalemia- abnormally low concentration of potassium in the blood. It may result from excessive urination, which depletes potassium from the body.
Ketone bodies (acids and acetones) Ex. Ketonuria- presence of ketone bodies in the urine. Ketonuria is commonly found in diabetes mellitus, starvation, and excessive dieting.
Ex. Nocturia (nok-TU-re-a)- excessive and frequent urination after going to bed. It’s associated with prostate disease, urinary tract infection, and uncontrolled diabetes.
Ex. Oligospermia- scanty ( a sign of decreased production) of sperm.
Ex. Pyorrhea- flow or discharge of pus.
Slit, fissure
Ex. Hypospadias (hi-po-SPA-de-as) a fissure under the penis. It’s a congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the underside of the glans penis instead of the tip.
Pertaining to ( the area) behind the peritoneum.
Bacteria invade the renal pelvis and kidney tissue, commonly as a result of a bladder infection that has ascended to the kidney via the ureters.
One of the most common causes of glomerular inflammation is a reaction to the toxins given off by pathogenic bacteria, especially streptococci that have recently infected another part of the body, usually the throat. It’s also associated with diabetes and autoimmune diseases.
paroxysmal pain in the abdomen or bowels.
Bladder infection. inflammation of the urinary bladder.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland that occurs in almost all men as they age. The enlargement is usually harmless, but it often results in problems urinating. Urine that remains in the bladder commonly becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.
Ischemic acute tubular necrosis
The tubular portion of the nephron is injured by a decrease in the blood supply or after ingestion of toxic chemicals(nephrotoxic ATN)
Involuntary discharge of urine also called incontinence. If it occurs during the night it’s called nocturnal enuresis.
Abnormal passage from a hollow organ to the surface or from one organ to another. The most common type of urinary fistula is the vesicovaginal fistula where communication occurs between the bladder and vagina. It causes include previous pelvic surgery such as hysterectomy, difficult and prolonged labor, or reduced blood supply to the area.
Abnormal dilation of the renal pelvis and the calyces of one or both kidneys due to pressure from accumulated urine that cannot flow past an obstruction in the urinary tract. It’s mostly caused by BPH, urethral strictures, and calculi that lodge in the ureter and cause an obstruction. The pressure impairs, and may eventually interrupt, kidney function.
Nephrotic syndrome
Loss of large amounts of plasma protein, usually, albumin by way of urine due to increased permeability of the glomerular membrane. Hypoproteinemia, edema, and hyperlipidemia are commonly associated with nephrotic syndrome.
Diminished capacity to form and pass urine, resulting in inefficient excretion of the end products of metabolism. It’s usually caused by fluid and electrolyte imbalances, renal lesions, or urinary tract obstruction.
Accumulation of serous fluid in a saclike cavity, especially the testes and associated structures. It’s common in male newborns but usually resolves within the first year.