female reproductive system Flashcards
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Time after childbirth that lasts approximately 6 weeks, during which the anatomical and physiological changes brought about by pregnancy resolve.
Length of time from conception to birth. The human gestational period typically extends approximately 280 days from the last menstrual period. Gestation (pregnancy) of less than 36 weeks is regarded as prematureZ
The uterus is normally “bent forward”.
an incision into the perineum and vagina to allow sufficient clearance for birth.
the first menstrual period; the establishment of menstruation. Occurs at puberty( about age 12) and continues approximately 40 years, except during pregnancy.
absence of the menses(period).
a period of decrease of reproductive capacity in men and women, culminating, in women, in the menopause.
Vaginal atrophy
Vaginal drying and thinning. Experienced when estrogen levels fall.
Menstrual pain and tension that may be the result of uterine contractions, pathological growths, or such chronic disorders as anemia, fatigue, diabetes, and tuberculosis.
Irregular uterine bleeding between menstrual periods or after menopause is usually symptomatic of disease, including benign or malignant uterine tumors.
Amnion(amniotic fluid)
Neck; cervix urteri(neck of uterus)
Ex. Colposcopy- visual examination of the vagina.
Vaginocele- vaginal hernia; also called colpocele.
Ex. Galactopoiesis- production of milk.
Lactogen- forming or producing milk. Lactogen refers to any substance that stimulates milk production, such as a hormone.
Woman, female
Ex. Endometrial- pertaining to the lining of the uterus
Ex.Mastopexy- fixation of the breast(s). Performed to affix sagging breasts in a more elevated position.
Ex.menorrhagia- excessive amount of menstrual flow over a longer duration than normal. Bursting forth of the menses
Ex. Oophoroma(o-for-ro-ma)- ovarian tumor.
Tube(usually fallopian or eustachian tubes)
Ex. Salpingoplasty(sal-ping-go-plas-te)- surgical repair of a fallopian tube.
Ex. Menarche- beginning of menstruation.
Ex. Pseudocyesis- false pregnancy. Is a condition in which a woman develops bodily changes consistent with pregnancy when she is not pregnant.
Pregnant woman
Ex. Multigravida- woman who has been pregnant more than once.
Tube(usually Fallopian or eustachian tubes)
Ex. Hemosalphinx(hemo-sal-pinks): blood in a Fallopian ; also called hematosalphinx. It’s commonly associated with a tubal pregnancy.
To bear(offspring) Ex. Nullipara(nul-IP-a-ra)- woman who has never produced a viable offspring.
Childbirth, labor
Ex. Dystocia- difficult childbirth.
Ex. Retroversion-tipping or turning back(of an organ). Retroversion if the uterus occurs in one if every four otherwise healthy women.
sexual intercourse, especially between a man and a woman.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
a complex of physical and emotional changes, including depression, irritability, appetite changes, bloating and water retention, breast soreness, and changes in muscular coordination, one or more of which may be experienced in the several days before the onset of menstrual flow.
Is the presence of functional endometrial tissue in areas outside the uterus. It develops into what are called implants, lesions, or growths can cause pain, infertility, and other problems.
Pelvic inflammatory disease(PID)
an inflammation of the female pelvic organs, most commonly the fallopian tubes, usually as a result of bacterial infection.
Also called moniliasis, is caused by candida albicans, a yeast that is present as part of the normal flora of the vagina. Steroid therapy, diabetes, or pregnancy may cause a change in vaginal environment that disrupts the normal flora and promotes the overgrowth of this organism, resulting Ina yeast(fungal) infection.
Antifungal agents.
Sexually transmitted disease(STD)
Aka venereal disease, is any of several contagious diseases acquired by sexual activity with an infected partner.
Inflammation of the ovaries.
the initial lesion of syphilis and certain other infectious diseases, commonly a more or less distinct ulcer or sore with a hard base.
Genital warts(condylomas)
Are caused my human papillomavirus(HPV). It’s found to increase the risk of certain cancers, including penile, vaginal, cervical, and anal cancer.
Benign uterine tumors composed of muscle and fibrous tissue and About 30-40% of woman develop these benign tumors(also called leiomyomas or more commonly, myomas). These benign tumors develop slowly between the ages 25 and 40 and commonly enlarge in response to fluctuating endocrine stimulation after this period.
Accessory parts of a structure
Ex. Adnexa uteri are the ovaries and Fallopian tubes.
Congenital absence or closure of a normal body opening, such as the vagina.
Malignant neoplasm of the uterus or at the site of an ectopic pregnancy. Although it’s idiopathic, choriocarcinoma is a rare tumor that may occur after pregnancy or abortion.
Corpus luteum
Ovarian scar tissue that results from rupturing of a follicle during ovulation and becomes a small yellow body that produces progesterone after ovulation
Occurrence of pain during sexual intercourse.
Scanty or infrequent menstrual flow.
Region between the vulva and anus that constitutes the pelvic floor.
Pus in the Fallopian tube
Inability of the female to become pregnant or the male to impregnate the female.
Painful spasm of the vagina from contraction of its surrounding muscles.
Capable of sustaining life, denotes a fetus sufficiently developed to live outside the uterus. A viable infant is one who at birth weighs at least 500 g or is 24 weeks or more of gestational.
Abruptio placentae(a-BRUP-she-o pla-SEN-te)
Premature separation of a normally situated placenta
Breech presentation
Common abnormality of delivery in which the fetal buttocks or feet present first rather than the head.
Down syndrome, trisomy 21
Congenital condition characterized by physical malformations and some degree of mental retardation. Trisomy 21 is the occurrence of three copies of chromosome 21 rather than 2 copies and occurs in about 1 of 700 live births.
Most serious form of toxemia during pregnancy. Signs of eclampsia include HTN, edema, convulsions, renal dysfunction, proteinuria, and, in severe cases, coma.
Ectopic pregnancy
Pregnancy in which the fertilized ovum does not reach the uterine cavity but becomes implanted on any tissue other than the lining of the uterine cavity, such as a Fallopian tube, an ovary, the abdomen, or even the cervix uteri.
Papanicolaou (pap) test (pa-pa-NI-ko-la-oo)
Cytological study used to detect abnormal cells sloughed from the cervix and vagina, usually obtained during routine pelvic examination. It’s commonly used to screen for and diagnose cervical cancer. It may also be used to evaluate cells from any organ, such as the pleura and Peritoneum, to detect changes that indicate malignancy.